Our beloved Ted, born in 1997 and loved by many, passed on today at the age of 25 years and 9 months. His body failed him quickly in the 30 hours since a mod notified us at 5:30 AM Sunday morning saying he was not moving. We checked and he could move some but had no interest in food. I got a call first thing this morning that he was not doing well and visited him immediately. I crawled into the chalet with him. He lifted his head but for the first time did not give his treasured greeting. We kept his owner Cindy advised throughout. She and her husband had raised Ted with love for nine years until he came to the North American Bear Center on April 28, 2007 at the age of nine. Ted’s veterinarian arrived to find that Ted was paralyzed from the neck down and probably would not make it through the night. The decision that would normally be hard was obvious to everyone. The veterinarian injected him at 11 AM, and Ted is buried next to Honey who died in April 2016 of a similar condition.