数据库 更新内容
Hummel Databases•IR - Sadtler Polymers, Hummel-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Defined-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Defined Basic-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Industrial- Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Industrial Monomers-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Industrial Polymers-Wiley•IR - Polymer Additives, Hummel Industrial-Wiley•IR - Surfactants, Hummel-Wiley New and enhanced chemical structures and refreshed metadata.
•IR - Industrial Chemicals, Pure Organic Compounds-Wiley•IR - Industrial Chemicals, Basic Organic Compounds-Wiley New and enhanced chemical structures.
•ATR-IR - Sadtler Controlled & Prescription Drugs 4-Wiley Added 185 new spectral records.
KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library Collection
•Raman - Sadtler Controlled & Prescription Drugs 3–Wiley Added 123 new spectral records.
•Raman - Sadtler Polymers & Processing Chemicals–Wiley•Raman - Sadtler Standards 1- Wiley•Raman - Sadtler Standards 2- Wiley Minor updates were made.
KnowItAll Mass Spectral Library Collection
•Wiley Registry 12 (Supplemental Data) Add over 40,000 new sectral records.
Sigma Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra Library
•Sigma-Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra Added 2,070 13 CNMR and 2,064 HNMR new spectral records.
数据库 更新内容
Hummel Databases•IR - Sadtler Polymers, Hummel-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Defined-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Defined Basic-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Industrial- Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Industrial Monomers-Wiley•IR - Polymers, Hummel Industrial Polymers-Wiley•IR - Polymer Additives, Hummel Industrial-Wiley•IR - Surfactants, Hummel-Wiley New and enhanced chemical structures and refreshed metadata.
•IR - Industrial Chemicals, Pure Organic Compounds-Wiley•IR - Industrial Chemicals, Basic Organic Compounds-Wiley New and enhanced chemical structures.
•ATR-IR - Sadtler Controlled & Prescription Drugs 4-Wiley Added 185 new spectral records.
KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library Collection
•Raman - Sadtler Controlled & Prescription Drugs 3–Wiley Added 123 new spectral records.
•Raman - Sadtler Polymers & Processing Chemicals–Wiley•Raman - Sadtler Standards 1- Wiley•Raman - Sadtler Standards 2- Wiley Minor updates were made.
KnowItAll Mass Spectral Library Collection
•Wiley Registry 12 (Supplemental Data) Add over 40,000 new sectral records.
Sigma Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra Library
•Sigma-Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra Added 2,070 13 CNMR and 2,064 HNMR new spectral records.