"I stuck the screwdriver in his brain" - Says the camera man *Muffled talk from the guy washing his hands* "I got him in the nose from his eye" - Says the camera man *I'm not exactly sure on this one, but I know he says something along the lines of that. "I don't understand, how was he alive? I felt his brain" - Says the camera man(这是其中我认为比较恶心的一部分) 大概讲的是拿相机的人把螺丝刀插到受害者的大脑里 从眼睛插进去从鼻子出来 拿相机的人说“我不明白他怎么还活着?我都能触摸到他的大脑了” 之前是拿锤子猛砸头部然后用螺丝刀向腹部猛戳(人还活着) 情节大概就是这样了