1.“A rider behind you, that doesn’t have the potential, is looking to pass six riders in one lap. And it doesn’t work like this. Because we are all on the limit, looking for the maximum goal”
2.“And if I’m braking on the limit, especially in the first part of the race, it’s wrong to try and brake beyond this limit.”
什么叫“braking on the limit”?波尔蒂芒冲刺赛第一圈3号弯把队友挤出去那下算不算“braking on the limit”?
3.“One thing I think is that, from the first bike to the last, everyone can win. ”
既然“everyone can win”,又如何得出后面的人“doesn’t have the potential”,自相矛盾?
4.“the ‘Fantastic 4’ [Valentino Rossi, Casey Stoner, Jorge Lorenzo and Dani Pedrosa] were born because they were the strongest, but they also had factory bikes.”
酒王认为因为‘Fantastic 4’ were the strongest,所以“had factory bikes”,这是想说自己达到了‘Fantastic 4’ 的水准,还是其它“doesn’t have the potential”的车手不配“had factory bikes”?
5.“Meanwhile the others were further behind, because they didn’t have the potential, but they also didn’t have the same technical level.”
这句直接把‘Fantastic 4’ 时代的其它车手得罪完了,怪不得Poncharal一上来就会说酒王不尊重人。
6.“the pace wasn’t that fast, apart from Bezzecchi. And he just did the pace we all expected. The others were slow and that keeps the group together.”