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IP属地:陕西1楼2023-06-28 11:47回复
    鲁迅先生的《热风·死火》原文:我在这里死了,就像在别处一样死去的那样,这是不足为奇的。 但是,如果我死后仍有人把我当作敌人,那便更令人感到奇怪了。 我卑贱得很,不能叫做是志士,就是因为这个缘故,当我活着时,我不愿意做一些虚伪和勾心斗角的事情,死后也不愿意做它的牺牲品。 所以,我不认为我的死是什么值得惊异的事情。《热风·死火》英文翻译:I die here, just like the death that happened elsewhere, which is not surprising. But it is even more surprising if someone treats me as an enemy after I die. I am humble and can hardly be called a patriot. That’s why I didn't want to engage in any hypocrisy or intrigue when I was alive, nor do I want to be a sacrifice for those things after my death. Therefore, I don't think my death is something worth being surprised about.

    IP属地:宁夏2楼2023-07-06 17:31