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美国国家实验室超算模拟支持 LK-99 成为室温常压超导体


Simulations published 1 hour ago on arxiv support LK-99 as the holy grail of modern material science and applied physics.
1 小时前在 arxiv 上发布的模拟结果支持 LK-99 是现代材料科学和应用物理学的圣杯
Here's the plain-english explanation:
- The simulations modeled what the original Korean authors proposed was happening to their material - where copper atoms were percolating into a crystal structure and replacing lead atoms, causing the crystal to strain slightly and contract by 0.5%. This unique structure was proposed to allow this amazing property.
模拟了韩国原作者提出的材料发生的情况--铜原子渗入晶体结构并取代铅原子,导致晶体产生轻微应变并收缩 0.5%。这种独特的结构正是为了实现这一神奇特性而提出的
from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab simulated this using heavy-duty compute power from the Department of Energy, and looked to see what would happen to the 'electronic structure' of this material, meaning, what are the available conduction pathways in the material.
- It turns out that there are conduction pathways for electrons that are in just the right conditions and places that would enable them to 'superconduct'. More specifically, they were close to the 'Fermi Surface' which is like the sea-level of electrical energy, as in '0 ft above sea-level.' It's believed currently that the more conduction pathways close to the Fermi surface, the higher the temperature you can superconduct at (An analogy might be how its easier for planes to fly close to the surface of the ocean due to the 'ground effect' that gives them more lift.)
事实证明,在适当的条件和位置下,电子的传导路径可以使它们实现 "超导"。更具体地说,它们接近 "费米面",费米面就像电能的海平面,就像 "海平面以上 0 英尺"。目前人们认为,靠近费米面的传导路径越多,超导温度就越高(打个比方,由于 "地面效应",飞机更容易飞近海洋表面,从而获得更大的升力)

This plot in particular shows the 'bands', or electron pathways, crossing above and below the Fermi surface.
- Lastly, these interesting conduction pathways only form when the copper atom percolates into the less likely location in the crystal lattice, or the 'higher energy' binding site. This means the material would be difficult to synthesize since only a small fraction of crystal gets its copper in just the right location.
This is insanely bullish for humanity
最后,这些有趣的传导路径只有在铜原子渗入晶格中较不可能的位置或 "高能量 "结合部位时才会形成。这意味着这种材料很难合成,因为只有一小部分晶体中的铜会恰好位于正确的位置
论文下载地址 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.16892.pdf
This is insanely bullish for humanity. 全人类的大事件

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