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镇楼图出自LZ还原的视频, 小破站上有滴..

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-08-26 18:36回复
    镇楼图僵尸素材找自于外网, 虽画风很明显带着一代Rich Werner绘制的特征, 但其设定是为宝开初期为一个名为Plants vs. Zombies 2: Dr. Zomboss' Time Revenge的续集项目所准备的, 可此更接近1代的方案在EA收购后引入大量新工作人员们后逐渐被废弃至垃圾桶, 乔治·范和画师瑞奇也被EA以观念不合而裁掉

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2023-08-26 18:40
      要知道2代画风之所以不同于1代是因为西雅图宝开在EA新制作人员们的加入迎来了不同的血液于工作室中, 起初他们将1代经典画风全盘否认, 虽初衷为了创新但依不切实际, 他们甚至有段时间想将宝开原先设置的时空旅行背景改为农场背景, 且僵尸画风完全不一样, 但某种原因画师自打自己脸按照1代普僵画风绘制了现代的四人组, 可能他们绘制的僵尸们看上去实在太丑了..

      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端3楼2023-08-26 18:44
        要知道2代创新且不同于1代的玩法在于新添加的叶绿素概念, 虽2020年代的PvZ2玩家们对此司空见惯, 可反对内购和充值购买的乔治是反对这个设定的, 他认为这会导致PvZ续作的可玩性大大降低, 西雅图宝开内部投票表决少数服从多数, 失败抗议的乔治选择离开了PvZ续作项目, 尽管他是这个宝开游戏之父一般的人物..

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端4楼2023-08-26 18:48
          从这个废弃项目中, 我们可以得知: 大部分新的时空穿梭场景属于冒险模式之外的游戏内容, 可由于EA过早的否决了这个方案, 导致只给出了现代新僵尸以及侏罗纪沼泽的普僵(1代形象)后遍没了下文, 以下是LZ在某个已下架的外网视频当中截的珍贵资料的图, 要不是我在备份手机时意外发现我可能还真的忘了

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-08-26 18:51
            当然啦, 原视频中的内容揭露的不止是这些, 可惜LZ当时没将整个视频下载下来, 不然的话..诶

            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2023-08-26 18:53
              至于1代画风的侏罗纪沼泽普僵形象, 各位可以自己去看看nds版本的一代宣传片, 里面能惊讶地发现真的有.. (不晓得是宝开官方故意的还是偷懒不想搞额外素材)

              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端7楼2023-08-26 18:55
                各位仔细观察能得出: 上面有着西雅图宝开在EA收购前使用的气水盖logo, 而且还附带着PvZ一代的英文标题.. 以及Rich Werner画师姓名的标识, 且三只不同的翼龙和霸王龙的设定和侏罗纪沼泽里头的捣乱恐龙十分相像.. 至于那几个人类npc的特征跟我们游戏中看到的一代僵尸十分相像

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端8楼2023-08-26 18:59
                  还有白人妈妈推的婴儿车跟镇楼图上女僵推的也一模一样, 可以看出这大概率是同一个项目的设定图

                  IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端9楼2023-08-26 19:00
                    这个废案的详细内容我们已不得而知了, 按照2011年期间的续作项目粗略文案解释: 埃德加为了报复屋主杀害了手下那么多僵尸军队, 将玩家们传送至侏罗纪时期, 接着是上古埃及, 南北战争, 工业时代, 夏威夷海滩时代, 迪斯科年代, 但这项目只做了现代新僵尸和侏罗纪普僵的开端就被EA砍了, 目前咱们能够了解的也就那么多

                    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端10楼2023-08-26 19:03
                      ——— 此贴完结 ———

                      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端11楼2023-08-26 19:03
                        这是LZ在外网找到的英文资料, 未翻译的原文, 现已找不到出处了
                        Plants vs. Zombies 2: Dr. Zomboss' Time Revenge Discontinued 2011 Project
                        In 2011, only a brief time before Electronic Arts bought Popcap. George Fan and Rich Werner set up a Sequel Project Plan for their famous Popcap game Plants vs. Zombies in 2009. The Sequel was original without any buying game stuff and probably shown on Steam for 18.80 dollars as the price.
                        Although we couldn't see any graphics or art style from Rich Werner in "It's About Time" the Final PvZ Sequel on mobile devices. In "Dr. Zomboss' Revenge" the 2011 Sequel Project was used as the first game design by the other team. But George and Rich were fired from Popcap because they disagreed with spending much more money on mobile than the PC all-buying mode and they disliked new features of Plant Food-feeding on EA's idea. So the whole Sequel Plan Project was canceled until 2013 the final Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time! was out and never coming back to Popcap is under Electronic Arts' control.
                        The original sequel would be time time-traveling because the players killed so many of the zombies in the first game, Our furious enemy Dr. Zomboss sends us back to the Jurassic March full of Dinaurous, Ancient humans, and Ancestor Zombies. This game mode doesn't exist in the first original game's Adventure Mode, only in Backin'time Mode but we still could see other zombies in the front yard coming out from The Time Crackholes. Also, we could travel to Ancient Egypt, the American Civil War, the Industrial Age, the Hawaii Beach Era, and the Disco 70s.

                        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端12楼2023-08-26 20:03
                          Adventure Mode will see at least 30 new zombies in the front yard, the balcony on the Second Floor, the backyard (Without Pool but Unlivable-Plants Garden), the swimming pool with six water lines, and the side yard of the garage. After you finish killing the first group of coming zombies in a single level, there's an extra part of "break time" with three different types of Mini-Games named "Crazy Dave vs. Gargantuar", "Ravens Zombie Trap", and "Singing Sunflowers Dancefloor".
                          This is the only we can know about the discontinued 2011 project if you overlook Rich Werner's new zombies and plants artwork.

                          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端13楼2023-08-26 20:04

                            IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端14楼2023-08-26 21:53