And yet … You cannot drive a Rolls-Royce if you are in any way a shrinking violet. Rollers bring out the inner communist that lurks in all other road users. So you get the hate. And, what’s more, you know one day you will pull up at the lights alongside a Phantom, and then you’ll get the scorn. There is only one reason you would not buy the bigger car. And it’s that you don’t have the extra £80,000. 不过,如果你不够自信,你是很难把一台劳斯莱斯开上街的。一台代表了财富和地位的劳斯莱斯会激起所有司机心中共产主义的怒火,你会遭到穷人的憎恨。不仅如此,终有一天你会在红绿灯前遇到跟你并排的幻影,你会被人家鄙视的。大家都知道你买古斯特是因为你买不起幻影,你掏不出那多余的8万英镑(约合人民币70万)。 We’re moving now towards the point when I need to sum up my feelings for the Ghost, and it’s tricky. As a car, it is hard to criticise, but as an experience, on an intellectual level, it would, I think, be a constant worry … That you’d basically been overcharged for a 7-series BMW. That maybe you should have bought a used Phantom. That maybe a Range Rover does everything the Ghost does, and more, for less. In short, I enjoyed driving the car very much. But I’m not sure I’d enjoy owning one. 所以,最后我们来总结一下古斯特这台车。我很难去评价它,作为一台车,古斯特非常优秀,找不出太多瑕疵;但是作为一台劳斯莱斯,在精神层面上,我会一直纠结一个问题:我花这么多钱买了一台升级版的7系…如果去买一台二手幻影,这个问题可能会迎刃而解。如果去买一台路虎揽胜,它的表现会跟古斯特同样优秀,价格还更便宜。总而言之,去开一台古斯特是非常快乐的,但是拥有一台古斯特,恐怕就不那么快乐了。 总评:4星 It's a brilliant car, but you'll be haunted by second-hand Phantoms 好车一台,可惜被大哥幻影压着打 PROS我们喜欢 Unbelievably good ride 坐着真舒服呐 Silent yet very fast and handles well 快得很安静,操控很给力 Beautifully trimmed 内饰太精致了 CONS我们讨厌 Brings out the communist in others 招人憎恨 Underneath it's a 7-series 血统不纯 底子是7系 Can't afford a Phantom? 买不起幻影的人才买的车 得,在英国古斯特都是屌丝