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防火墙Firewall Ultra_patch notes 1.10


此补丁提高了双手非 ADS 瞄准的准确性,增加了对配置档案重置的更多预防,修复了多个错误等等!

今天 01:11
ATTENTION: Firewall Ultra is going down for momentary maintenance while today’s patch is deployed.
Today’s update is Patch 1.10 in @Firewall Ultra. As we revealed last week in
fce_announcements, this patch has several targeted fixes that should lead to an improved gameplay experience, more options for players, and of course more ongoing fixes and tweaks on the backend.
Here is the full list of updates coming to Firewall Ultra for Patch 1.10:
🚨 Patch 1.10 🚨
注意:Firewall Ultra 将进行暂时维护,同时部署今天的补丁
今天的更新是 @Firewall Ultra 中的补丁 1.10。正如我们上周在fce_announcements 中所透露的那样,该补丁有几个有针对性的修复,这些修复应该会带来改进的游戏体验,为玩家提供更多选择,当然还有更多正在进行的后端修复和调整
以下是 Firewall Ultra 1.10 补丁的完整更新列表
🚨 补丁 1.10 🚨
Fixed black screen issue that blocked users from seeing gameplay
Additional safeguards for rank resets
2-Handed gameplay now has ADS accuracy when standing still or barely moving, moving faster decreases accuracy
双手游戏现在在静止或几乎移动时具有 ADS 准确性,移动速度更快会降低准确性
Windows now react to explosives, both thrown and exploding
Windows 现在可以对投掷和爆炸的爆炸物做出反应
Intro movies now skipped on second watch
Pistols can now properly attach Under Barrel items (such as flashlights)
Secondary/Melee quick swap option now persists between loads
Black Road item count is properly reflected
正确反映了 Black Road 的物品数量
Updated UI images and icon textures
更新了 UI 图像和图标纹理
Motion Sensor notification on wrist display added
Draw distance issues fixed on multiple maps
Matchmaking improvements
Thank you to everyone for the love and support since launch
感谢大家自上线以来的喜爱与支持! The team is working hard to make Firewall Ultra as great as it can be so your ongoing feedback is extremely helpful
!团队正在努力使 Firewall Ultra 尽可能出色,因此您持续的回馈非常有帮助!

IP属地:中国台湾来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-10-18 01:35回复