dota2吧 关注:6,274,080贴子:175,347,273
  • 8回复贴,共1



大概说一下什么回事 昨天下午六点多来的邮件 但是因为那时候没有上QQ就没收到 到了半夜2点多准备睡觉了 打开QQ说看看色图群大家都发了什么色图 然后就发现有个邮件 进去一看 我敲 用单笔273元买了一个B蝙蝠的载入画 马上我就爬起来给客服写投诉信 详细说了 我一个3000多小时的DOTA2玩家 怎么也不可能用30多美元的价格去买一个0.06美元价格的东西 然后我打开了两步验证怎么没有用啊 今天9点多客服回信说 解决不了 给你退款会造成steam混乱居然回避了我打开两步验证的为什么不起效果的问题 我好气 紧接着又发了一封(楼下上图 全英文有兴趣老哥自己去翻译看看我说了啥 我自己也用了翻译机)

IP属地:广西1楼2024-01-13 11:29回复
    If activity occurred on your account you do not recognize, it may mean your account or computer has been compromised.
    Someone may have gained access to your Steam account through spoofing, phishing, or malware.
    As an immediate first step, you should take some action to secure your Steam account from further access. Our article on account security recommendations is a good start toward securing your Steam account.
    If you suspect your computer is infected with malware, we have some tips for removing malware from your computer here. It may be a good idea to contact a local computer security expert if you're having trouble removing this malware.
    Additionally, all Community Market transactions are final and cannot be reversed or refunded. When an item is purchased from the Community Market, the cost is sent from the buyer's Steam wallet to the seller's. Reversing these purchases would mean we have to take funds out of the seller's wallet, creating confusion and possible purchasing issues across Steam.
    I'm sorry we can't be of more help with this, but we don't reverse or refund Community Market purchases and sales.
    Steam Support
    这个是第一个回复 没有跟我说为什么我打开了两步验证还是被窃取了余额 所以两步验证其实并不安全

    IP属地:广西2楼2024-01-13 11:33
      Thank you for reaching back to us. I’m sorry to hear that your account was used without your permission. I know it's frustrating to hear that we can't reverse Market activity.
      To learn how to avoid scams or hijackings, please see our Trade Scam article.
      You can also check out the following article for more information: How do Steam Guard enabled accounts get stolen?
      To make sure that a scammer is reported, please report them through the Steam Community. Reporting a scammer through the Steam Community is the best way to prevent them from committing future scams.
      Since there's not much more that I can say or do to be of help with this particular issue, I am going to close this help request.
      If you have questions on an unrelated issue, please create a new help request and we will be happy to help you.
      Steam Support
      这个是25分钟前的回复 还是没有说为什么两步验证打开了还是被窃取了余额 然后客服关闭了我的问题

      IP属地:广西3楼2024-01-13 11:34
        然后关于我的帐号 DOTA2上一次打开还是上一次 结婚了有孩子之后 steam就成为了一个念想 玩游戏变成一个很奢侈的事情 本来卖了19年猩红有400多 那天买了明日之影 还剩下来270多 本来说看看后面有啥再买点放库里 后面也没想起来 结果就被洗了 想想更气了 虽然不多 但是很气 大家也警惕吧 steam里面不要放太多余额
        1.有没有在网吧登陆过 近3年没有 大学毕业8年进过网吧次数都没超过5次
        2.有没有用壁纸引擎 有 这个是目前最大的存疑
        3.电脑家里自用 不裸奔

        IP属地:广西4楼2024-01-13 11:40

          IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-01-13 11:52

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2024-01-13 11:53
              不用警惕了 你这样的事情 贴吧每天都有人在发

              IP属地:浙江7楼2024-01-13 12:22