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I really hate how DC has undermined literally everyone else for Batman characters
我真的很讨厌 DC 如何为了蝙蝠侠角色而破坏其他人
I really hope that changes. The worst treatment has been towards poor Wonder Woman characters. It’s really offensive how dirty they’ve been done.

IP属地:美国1楼2024-01-21 23:02回复
    Every month, DC has books featuring non-Batman characters. Every month, comics-buyers have the opportunity to show that they like other characters as much as/more than Batman characters. They fail to do so.
    每个月,DC 都会有以非蝙蝠侠角色为主角的书籍。每个月,漫画购买者都有机会表明他们喜欢其他角色就像蝙蝠侠角色一样多。他们没有这样做。

    IP属地:美国2楼2024-01-21 23:03
      I think it's because comics seem to be a daunting behemoth to break into. Movies are quick, fast-paced, condensed versions that don't require knowing much history or keeping up with multiple titles and crossovers. I know I've tried several times to start reading them and always ran into issues of not knowing references, certain events having effects on one title but taking place in another title issue. So I understand the easy appeal for movies to those who want to see the characters they've heard of doing cool things without needing to dig through so much baggage.

      IP属地:美国4楼2024-01-21 23:06
        I feel that. Honestly the bigger problem with comics isn't over saturation of batman or wolverine but the unnending stories lacking stakes of any sort when no one ever stays dead and the status quo is god

        IP属地:美国5楼2024-01-21 23:08
          I'd actually bought the Batman Snyder Omnibus vol. 1 because I thought it'd be the best way to get the entire story without missing anything. Then I'm surprised when partway through I learn about a character death that occurred in a different Batman title but has effects on Batman in the omnibus I'm reading. I flipped back and forth for a bit to make sure I hadn't missed something but then found out what happened. That's when I realized even buying omnibuses won't help avoid all the multi-title issues. So I've kinda given up on reading most comics and just stick to either manga, which doesn't have the crossover element, or certain select comics that are small but self-contained.
          我实际上买了《蝙蝠侠:斯奈德综合》第 1 卷(Snyder负责的的蝙蝠侠连载总和),因为我认为这是在不遗漏任何东西的情况下了解整个故事的最佳方式。然后,当我在中途得知一个角色的死亡发生在不同的蝙蝠侠系列作品中,但在我正在阅读的综合集中对蝙蝠侠有影响时,我感到很惊讶。我来回翻了一会儿,以确保我没有错过什么,但后来发现了发生了什么。就在那时,我意识到即使购买总集篇也无助于避免所有多作品系列问题。所以我有点放弃了阅读大多数漫画,只坚持阅读没有联动元素的漫画,或者某些小而独立的精选漫画。

          IP属地:美国7楼2024-01-21 23:13
            Reading IDW's 2005 universe Transformers stories feels so refreshing because I know there will be a defined END
            阅读 IDW 的 2005 年变形金刚宇宙故事感觉如此令人耳目一新,因为我知道会有一个明确的结局

            IP属地:美国8楼2024-01-21 23:13
              You can always try some some indie self containred stuff with a clear beginning middle and end

              IP属地:美国9楼2024-01-21 23:14
                Nail on the head. I got back into comics ~2009 and read nearly every DC book from COIE on. It was a haul. I travel for a living so I was able pick up the next thirty years of books in bargain bins. I did this in just under two years. Still a DC guy. Haven’t touched a single Marvel book outside of Star Wars for this reason. It’s just overwhelming if a fan has to do research to figure out what to read, or what they just read about.
                确实。2009 年,我又回到了漫画领域,几乎阅读了 COIE 的所有 DC 书籍。这是一次拖累。我旅行来谋求生计,所以我能够在便宜的垃圾箱里捡到接下来三十年的书。我在不到两年的时间里就做到了这一点。我仍是一个DC爱好者。出于这个原因,在《星球大战》之外没有碰过一本漫威书。如果粉丝必须进行研究才能弄清楚要读什么,或者他们刚刚读了什么,那真是让人不知所措。

                IP属地:美国10楼2024-01-21 23:16
                  That’s why I only ever buy trade paperbacks of entire stories, or “essential” collections.

                  IP属地:美国12楼2024-01-21 23:19
                    DC should copy Manga, which is flying off the shelves

                    IP属地:美国13楼2024-01-21 23:20
                      That's because nobody reads.

                      IP属地:美国14楼2024-01-21 23:23
                        No, people read. They just don't read western comics. Manga and Manwa are breaking their industry records year over year so it's not comics in general. It's just western comics that can't grab new audiences.

                        IP属地:美国15楼2024-01-21 23:24
                          This. Tiktok and youtube shorts have pushed so many towards manga via what basically amounts to free advertisement.
                          因为这个,Tiktok 和 youtube 短片通过基本上相当于免费广告的方式将许多人推向了日本漫画。
                          Comics could do that but all the content in that vein is just spoilers of the comic instead of teasing it usually through a voice bot. Why read a big event when someone like comicsexplained can run you through it in 15 mins
                          当像 comicsexplained 这样的人可以在 15 分钟内让你看完时,为什么要阅读一个大事件

                          IP属地:美国16楼2024-01-21 23:27
                            英文中, manga一般指日漫, comic在与manga作区分时则表示美漫

                            IP属地:美国17楼2024-01-21 23:28
                              It's also a few other big factors such as:
                              1 Easy access. The free sites make manga immediately accessible to people and generates new fans on a daily basis. These fans then consume other forms of media (anime, music, games, etc.) of the properties they like as well as transform into buyers of the original format once it's licensed. Some of the publishers use the free sites as an early argument to translating to a new language.
                              1 方便获取。免费网站使人们可以立即获取漫画,并每天产生新的粉丝。然后,这些粉丝会消费他们喜欢的作品的其他形式的媒体版本(动漫、音乐、游戏等),并在这些衍生产物获得许可后转变为原始格式的买家。一些出版商使用免费网站作为将作品翻译成新语言的早期方式。(类比一下,汉化组让许多外国作品在中国收获了粉丝)
                              2 Easy Access Part 2. So many apps and subscription services for thousands upon thousands of works. I could pay $10+ monthly for a 6 month delayed service from Marvel or the other publishers or I could spend $5 with Shounen Jump, get access to thousands of series, and also get the latest chapters as they release (which they release for free anyway). It's a no brainer.
                              2 方便获取 (第 2 部分)。如此多的应用程序和订阅服务为成千上万的作品提供途径。我可以每月支付 10 美元多 从漫威或其他出版商那里获得 6 个月的延迟服务,或者我可以花 5 美元购买 Shounen Jump,访问数千个系列,还可以在他们发布时获得最新章节(无论如何他们都是免费发布的)。这是不费吹灰之力的。
                              3 They end. The big comics (Super heroes) don't ever end which makes getting into them difficult and daunting. While there are some manga series like that (One Piece/Ippo), most of them are easy to get into. Also having one writer makes it super consistent which means you don't get consistent quality/art across the series.

                              IP属地:美国18楼2024-01-21 23:36