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[公告]小型玩法和功能补丁! 2024/4/9


- 略微削弱术士节奏。
- 略微降低对场上生物进行增益的效率。
- 略微减少早期游戏对单位的移除。
- 对预计的与新扩展卡的交互进行了细微调整。
补丁说明 2024/4/8
- 鼠患(Infestation):现在将老鼠添加至卡组底部,而不是洗入。
- 牛头人(Minotaur):数值减少至4/9(原为6/9)。
- 飞龙骑手(Wyvern Rider):数值减少至3/6(原为3/7)。
- 禁城(Forbidden City):费用增加至4(原为3)。
- 烈焰骑士(Flame Knight):生命减少至5(原为6)。
- 熔岩喷泉(Lava Font):费用和回合数减少至2(原为3)。
- 暗物质(Dark Matter):费用增加至2(原为1)。
- 舞动之剑(Dancing Swords):费用和攻击增加至4(原为3)。
- 鲁莽火术士(Reckless Firemancer):生命减少至2(原为3)。
- 防御塔(Guard Tower):回合数减少至2(原为3)。
- 灵魂窃取(Soul Steal):费用增加至3(原为2)。
- 胖诗人(Fat Bard):攻击力减少至1(原为2)。
- 武器大师(Master-at-Arms):攻击力减少至2(原为3)。
- 闪电箭(Lightning Bolt):费用增加至2(原为1)。
- 焚化术(Incinerate):费用增加至4(原为3)。
- 暗影武士刀(Shadow Katana):伤害选项效果减少至2(原为3)。
- 奥丁之枪(Spear of Odin):伤害选项效果减少至3(原为4)。
- 仇恨精油(Essence of Hatred):效果减少至-3/-3(原为-4/-4)。

IP属地:江苏1楼2024-04-10 14:26回复
    Minor Gameplay and Feature Patch! 2024/4/9
    We are testing out having an unranked queue in the game! Quick Match now does not affect your rank, while the new "Ranked" button will queue you for ranked matches. Enjoy more casual and experimental gameplay in Quick Match without risking your position!
    Daily Deals have been added to the Shop! Check the shop for FREE items and special discounts that rotate each day.
    Balance hotfix! We have heard the cries of the players, and are doing a pre-expansion balance patch to address Warlock tempo and a few minor things. Take a look!
    We're making some general balance corrections with today's hotfix:
    - Slight nerf to Warlock tempo.
    - Slightly reducing the power of buffing units that are already on the board.
    - Slightly reducing early game unit removal.
    - Minor adjustments in anticipation of interactions with new expansion cards.
    PATCH NOTES 2024/4/8
    - Infestation: Now adds the rats to the bottom of your deck instead of shuffling.
    - Minotaur: Stats reduced to 4/9 (was 6/9).
    - Wyvern Rider: Stats reduced to 3/6 (was 3/7).
    - Forbidden City: Cost increased to 4 (was 3).
    - Flame Knight: HP reduced to 5 (was 6).
    - Lava Font: Cost and turn count reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Dark Matter: Cost increased to 2 (was 1).
    - Dancing Swords: Cost and Attack increased to 4 (was 3).
    - Reckless Firemancer: HP reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Guard Tower: Turn count reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Soul Steal: Cost increased to 3 (was 2).
    - Fat Bard: Attack reduced to 1 (was 2).
    - Master-at-Arms: Attack reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Lightning Bolt: Cost increased to 2 (was 1).
    - Incinerate: Cost increased to 4 (was 3).
    - Shadow Katana: Damage option reduced to 2 (was 3).
    - Spear of Odin: Damage option reduced to 3 (was 4).
    - Essence of Hatred: Effect reduced to -3/-3 (was -4/-4).

    IP属地:江苏2楼2024-04-10 14:28