民族布尔什维克吧 关注:618贴子:2,572
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IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2024-05-04 15:28回复
    We often have to assign or understand a different meaning to a word in our daily discussions, and philosophical scholars will know that this is due to deconstruction and the limitations of language itself, resulting in the word not conveying its meaning. Due to some historical and institutional factors, some originally neutral words have been deconstructed and given a universal positive or negative tone. This is particularly evident in the context of the contemporary simplified Chinese Internet. That's also why we tend to use ethics, authority, and alt right to describe ourselves or our allies more than race, authority, and fascist. For mainstream ideologies, they hold the greatest cultural power, thus representing actual power and authoritarianism, that is, political correctness, and naturally they believe in positive terms; On the contrary, the marginalized lack support in their actions, so they need a more radical force than mainstream culture, which I call violence. Many alt-lefts and alt-rights are in an extremely awkward position in the eyes of others, also due to the widespread use of Pol com's narrative perspective in left and right, which is actually another form of ideological oppression.
    The third position, especially fascist, is the biggest victim of today's language monopoly phenomenon, and there is no need to go into detail. I believe everyone knows. On the other hand, it is precisely because fascist has been completely deconstructed that it is convenient for the mainstream to label the periphery with this term, which leads to our second theme. The abuse of fascist has led to the acceleration of the marginalization and unification process, but the discerning masses quickly realized the tricks of the rulers. Fascist, as a noun, was abused and quickly became a clich é. I call this phenomenon language corruption, or rather "inflation of words.".

    IP属地:四川来自Android客户端4楼2024-05-04 15:57