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比例:1:100。SS‘Normandie’号(1932年)客轮的当代全船体模型。该模型以建筑商的风格建造,经过装饰、装备和装配。船体左右舷船头刻有“诺曼第”字样,船尾刻有“诺曼哈弗”字样。最初的两块牌匾上刻着“涡轮电动四螺杆客轮“诺曼迪号”于29日下水。十月1932年少女号航行第29次。1935年5月总注册吨位83.423总长度1029英尺。5英寸。梁119英尺。5英寸。可容纳3326人Havre Southampton纽约服务最快穿越Ambrose Light到达Bishop Rock 3天22小时7分钟。由圣纳泽的Chantiers和Ateliers de Penhoet建造,法国模型由Companie Generale Transatlantique有限公司有限公司赠送,其中一个模型题为“Modeles en reduce J.Montera 5,Rue des Prevoyant La Courneuve”“Cie G.IE跨大西洋”字样刻在国旗上。这艘船的设计是为了与“玛丽女王”号竞争,其建造由法国政府补贴,偶尔也被称为“浮动债务”。它立即以破纪录的3天22小时7分钟从德国“不来梅”号上夺取了蓝丝带号。1941年,“诺曼迪”号在纽约被美国政府扣押,并正在改装为运兵船。不幸的是,堆放在走廊里的一堆床垫发生了火灾,很快就蔓延到了整艘船。港口当局没有用船上的设备控制火势,而是决定在船上泵入数百吨水,然后这些水在排水孔中结冰,额外的顶部重量导致船只愈合并沉没。船体后来被抬高,并于1946年报废。

IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-05-29 11:43回复

    IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-05-29 11:45

      IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-05-29 11:46
        Scale: 1:100. A contemporary full hull model of the SS 'Normandie' (1932), a passenger liner. Constructed in the builder’s style, the model is decked, equipped and rigged. The hull is inscribed with ‘Normandie’ on port and starboard bows, and ‘Normandie Havre’ on stern.
        The two original display plaques are inscribed ‘Turbo electric quadruple screw passenger liner "Normandie" launched 29th. October. 1932 Maiden voyage 29th. May. 1935 Gross reg. tons 83.423 Length overall 1029ft. 5ins. Beam 119ft. 5ins. Capacity 3326 souls Havre-Southampton-New York service fastest crossing Ambrose Light to Bishop Rock 3 days, 22 hours, 7 minutes. Built by the Chantiers et Ateliers de Penhoet at Saint-Nazare France Model presented by the Companie Generale Transatlantique Ltd. London’ and one inscribed ‘Modeles en reduction J. Montera 5, Rue des Prevoyant La Courneuve’. ‘Cie 网页链接 Transatlantique’ inscribed on the flag.
        This ship was designed to compete against the ‘Queen Mary’ with the build subsidized by the French government and occasionally referred to the ‘floating debt’. It immediately captured the Blue Riband from the German ship ‘Bremen’ with a record-breaking passage of 3 days 22 hours and 7 minutes.
        In 1941, the ‘Normandie’ was seized in New York by the United States government and was in the process of being converted for use as a troopship. Unfortunately, a fire broke out in a pile of mattresses stacked in a corridor and soon took hold, spreading throughout the ship. Instead of controlling the fire with the onboard apparatus, the port authorities decided to pump hundreds of tons of water on board which then froze in the scuppers and the extra top weight caused the ship to heal over and sink. The hull was later raised and scrapped in 1946.

        IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-05-29 11:49
          Object Details
          Collection:Ship models
          Type:Full hull model
          Display location:Not on display
          Creator:Montera, J.
          Vessels:Normandie 1932
          Date made:circa 1932
          Credit:National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
          Measurements:Overall model: 717 x 3128 x 362 mm; Base: 158 x 2850 x 341 mm

          IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-05-29 11:54