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rt 小ass想把并灰这个逆天敌怪改动和光影效果去掉,但由于不清楚各个mod文件夹对应的是什么,便一步一步慢慢试

IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-06-14 15:52回复

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2024-06-14 17:13
      ; Mod Engine configuration file
      ; Mod Engine (C) 2019 Katalash. All Rights Reserved.
      ; Mod Engine is a configurable injection DLL used to modify some aspects of the
      ; game to make it more friendly for modding. See the following properties that can
      ; be configured.
      ; Uses low level hook to block game from ever connecting to the internet.
      ; This guarantees you won't get banned while playing mods as long as this is
      ; enabled. Mod engine uses code injection which is scanned for by the anticheat,
      ; so turn this option off at your own risk.
      ; You will get banned attempting to play with mods online!
      ; Note that if you wish to play a mod online with friends, it is recommended to setup
      ; an alternate steam account, share DS3 to it with family sharing, and disable this option
      ; on that account only. You will be shadowbanned and be able to play with friends on the
      ; ban servers. Make sure this option is enabled again before launching DS3 on your main
      ; account or you will risk a ban on it.
      ; Uses an alternate save file while this is enabled. Playing mods with a separate save
      ; file is highly recommended, as save files are analyzed by the server while online and can
      ; be used to ban. Using a separate save file with network access blocked guarantees your mod
      ; save file is never sent to the server and used to ban. Disable at your own risk!
      ; Loads loose param data from files instead of from encrypted 网页链接 archive. This is mod
      ; specific and should only be enabled by modders who know what they are doing. End users should
      ; have no reason to touch this.
      ; Loads extracted files from UXM instead of data from the archives. Requires a complete UXM extraction
      ; and should generally only be used by mod creators.
      ; If enabled, a mod will be loaded from a specified override directory.

      IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-06-14 19:34
        ; The directory from which to load a mod.
        ; Caches results of looking up override files. Can speed up loading and reduce hitching, but may require game
        ; restart when a file is added or removed from a mod. Mod developers probably want this disabled, while mod
        ; users (and released mods) should have this enabled.
        ; Shows the debug console when running the game. Can be useful for modders to troubleshoot
        ; Gameplay asm patches that can be enabled and used by mod creators
        ; Restores bonfire sacrifice menu and mechanic for mods that require it
        ; Chain loads another dll that hooks 网页链接 ; For example, if you have another dll mod that's named dinput8.dll, you can rename it to
        ; 网页链接 or something, place it in the Sekiro directory, and set this path to
        ; chainDInput8DLLPath="\othermod.dll" or whatever you named the dll

        IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-06-14 19:35

          IP属地:马来西亚来自Android客户端5楼2024-06-21 00:02