Hurlbert says he felt a duty to speak tothe media on the woman's behalf, so at the beginning, he was all over theairwaves, on ESPN and other national networks. But he quickly realized that hewas overmatched. Bryant "had all these PR people," Hurlbert says."We didn't have a PR team. It was me. It was overwhelming."
The frenzy overwhelmed his case too.Reporters would do their own investigations and "mess things up,"Hurlbert says, by both interviewing potential witnesses and scaring off others.Most media didn't print the woman's name, but the Eagle County court, whichHurlbert did not oversee and was in a different part of county government,mistakenly released her identity to the media three times, and a sealedtranscript of a closed hearing on DNA evidence was emailed to media outlets.Hurlbert believed that "it truly was an accident" by the court, butthe damage was done. The woman's identity became the worst-kept secret aroundtown. Pamela Mackey, Bryant's attorney, had disclosed the woman's name sixtimes in a preliminary hearing and had cited her sexual history. "It wasthe start of a nightmare for this woman," says Mark Shaw, a lawyer andreporter who covered the case for ESPN. "It was the accuse-the-accuserdefense. From that point on, she didn't have a chance. She was looked at asthis person who was putting this poor celebrity through all of thisanguish."
Some legal experts believed that theprosecution and court were overmatched by the magnitude of the case and byBryant's resources. But Hurlbert tried his best to remember that, at its core,it was a routine sexual assault case, the kind he had prosecuted before. Heassigned two prosecutors to it. "We felt we had a handle on it," hesays.