安东尼 Can't speak that moment ... [ 你走的那天,阳光如此灿烂 躲在黑暗里的我 竟然相信了你那句 “祝你 幸福”] The day you left , I hide in shadow.There is full of beautiful sunshine outside, which make me even believe yours '' wish you happy "
安东尼 [ 对你的爱 是无休止的追逐 奇怪的是 即使知道总也追不上你 也觉得 很幸福呢 ] The way I like you , it is like playing carouse. I wonder why even I know I will never catch you , but still I feel lucky ...
安东尼 [ 高106米 一圈15分 52个舱 你 在世界的顶端 抱住了我 ] Height 106M , time of one round 15min , number of gondola 52 . You cuddle me without notice , when we come up to the top of sky
安东尼 [ 他说 如果我为你偷来全世界的云朵 你会爱我吗 ] {He will do anything he can to see her smile.} [ 她说 不 ] If I bring all the cloud of the world for you .. ...will you ...love me? No.