(机翻) For example the German units will say things like: Ohne uns werden Sie blind! (Without us you'd be blind) Feuer bereit Kommandant! (Ready to fire, commandant) 例如,德国单位会说这样的话:Ohne uns werden Sie blind! (没有我们,你就会失明)Feuer bereit Kommandant! (准备开火,指挥官) Some of the German ones I caught, native German speakers can correct/add 我抓到的一些德语,母语为德语的可以纠正/添加 "Jawohl Kommandant" - Yes, Commander - 是的,指挥官 "Wir sind unterwegs" - We are on the way ——我们在路上 "Der Feind ist in Reichweite, Wir aber auch" - The Enemy is within range, but so are we - 敌人在射程内,但我们也在射程内 "Hast du etwas für mich?" - Do you have something for me? - 你有什么东西给我吗? "Das ist nicht mein krieg" - This isn't my war ——这不是我的战争 "Ich hasse das Marschiere" - I hate marching ——我讨厌行军 "Was kann die Infanterie für Sie tun, Kommandant?" - What can the infantry do for you, commander? - 步兵能为你做什么,指挥官? There's one I know that sounds like a German version of the classic "It always comes down to the infantryman and his rifle" line, but my German isn't good enough, would like if a native speaker can write it down for me. 我知道有一个听起来像是德语版的经典台词“它总是归结为步兵和他的步枪”,但我的德语不够好,希望母语人士可以帮我写下来。 A lot of the voice lines are shared with other countries: 许多语音线路与其他国家共享: "Man nennt uns Stalin-Orgeln, Chaikovskys wäre treffender." - Stalin's organ they call us, Chaikovskys would fit better. 他们称我们为斯大林的管风琴,柴可夫斯基的会更合适。 "Die Welt besteht aus zwei Arten von Menschen: Artilleristen und Zielen." - The world consist of two types of people: artillerymen and targets. 世界由两种人组成:炮兵和靶子。 "Die Artillerie verrleiht der hässlichen Klopperei des Kampfes etwas Würde." - Artillery adds class to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl. “火炮给残酷的战斗带来了一些尊严。” "Verpassen wir ihnen eine Portion Stahl." - Let's give 'em some iron. “让我们给他们一些钢铁。”
俄语 капитан приветствует вас на борту (Kapitan privyetsvuyet vas na bortu), The captain and his crew welcome you aboard. 船长和他的船员欢迎您登船。 Infantry transport 步兵运输 Такси, такси заказывали? (Taksi, taksi zakazyvali?) "You called for a taxi?" 你叫出租车了吗? Fighter --> Not necessary a fighter, could be an attack helicopter 战斗机 --> 不一定是战斗机,可以是攻击直升机 Вам нужен ангель-охранитель? --> Вам нужен ангель-хранитель? Vam nuzhen angel'-okhranitel'? Vam nuzhen angel'-khranitel'? You need a guardian angel? 你需要一个守护天使吗? All of the units say the same thing in their language I think, with some slight variations. 我认为所有单位都用他们的语言说同样的话,但有一些细微的差异。 Russian and British recon both say "a good scout is a dead scout" (хороший разведчик мертвый разведчик (Khoroshiy razvedchik myortv'iy razvedchik)) 俄罗斯和英国侦察兵都说“一个好的侦察兵就是一个死的侦察兵” , and the American and Russian artillery both say "Stalin's organ they call us. Tchaikovsky would fit better" or Орган Сталина они называют нас. Чайковский были бы более уместны. ( Organ Stalina oni naz'ivayut nas. Chaykovskiy b'ili b'i bolee umestn'i). 美国和俄罗斯的炮兵都说“他们称我们为斯大林的管风琴。柴可夫斯基更适合” 炮兵 Мир состоится из двух типов людей - артиллеристы и цели! --> Мир состоит из двух типов людей - 世界将由两种人组成——枪手和靶子! артиллеристы их цели! 枪手就是他们的目标! Mir sostoitsya iz dvukh tipov lyudei - artilleristy i tseli! --> Mir sostoit iz dvukh tipov lyudei - artilleristy i ih tseli! The world consists of two types of people - artillerymen and targets. --> The world consists of two types of people - artillerymen and their targets. 世界由两种人组成——炮兵和他们的目标。 Btw. Soviet rocket artillery sometimes respond with the phrase : "Do you want to hear Katyusha?" ( Here is the reference to a soviet WWII period rocket artillery : "BM-13" that had a nickname "Katyusha" 顺便提一句。苏联火箭炮有时会回应这样一句话:“你想听喀秋莎吗?” (这里引用了苏联二战时期的火箭炮:“BM-13”,绰号“喀秋莎”
Danish: “Himlen er vores” - “The sky is ours” “Det er ikke min krig” - “It’s not my war.” “Han dræber!” - “He is killing!” “Har du bruge for en taxi?” - “Need a taxi?” “En god spejder er en død spejder.” - “A good scout is a dead scout.” “Vi er på vejen.” - “We are on the way.” “Deling er klar og parat.” - “Squad is ready and prepared.” ”Hvem skal vi transporterer?” - “Who shall we transport?” “Er der nogle taxikorner?” - “Is there a taxi corner?” “Jo, anden nye ordre?” - “Yes, further orders?” “Kontrollist til gennemgå—klar.” - “Checklist run through—ready.” 丹麦语:“天空是我们的”——“这不是我的战争。” “他杀人!” - “嘿,小猫!” “需要出租车吗?” - “需要出租车吗?” “一个好的侦察兵就是一个死的侦察兵。” - “一个好的侦察兵是一个死侦察兵。” “我们正在路上。” - “我们正在路上。” “交易已经准备好并且愿意。” - “小队已准备就绪。” “我们要运送谁?” - “我们要运送谁?” “有出租车吗?” - “有出租车角吗?” “是啊,又一个新订单?” - “是的,还有进一步的命令吗?” “要审查的清单——准备好了。” - “核对表已完成——准备就绪。” Norwegian: “Igen for ingen” - “Again for nothing.” (Not 100% I heard it right.) “Hvem skal vi henter?” - “Who shall we fetch?” 挪威语:“又无缘无故。” (我没100%没听错。)“我们要去接谁?” - “我们该去接谁?” Some polish comms that I remember: Niebo należy do nas - The sky is ours Robi się niebezpiecznie - It's getting dangerous here Ktoś dzwonił po taksówkę - Sombody called for taxi? Podwieźć cię? - Wanna pick you up? Rozmiar ma znaczenie - The size matters Bez nas byłbyś ślepy - You would be blind without us To zaszczyt z panem służyć, sir - It's honor to serve with you, Sir Jesteśmy pod ostrzałem - we are under fire Nic nie zastąpi piechura i jego karabinu - Nothing can replace an infantryman and his rifle To będzie faktyczna walka, czy kolejne polowanie na kaczki? - Will it be actual fight, or another duck hunt? 我记得的一些波兰通讯: Niebo należy do nas - 天空是我们的 Robi się nibezpiecznie - 这里变得危险 Ktoś dzwonił po taksówkę - 有人叫出租车吗? Podwieźć cię? - 要来接你吗? Rozmiar ma znaczenie - 大小很重要 Bez nas byłbyś ślepy - 如果没有我们,你就会失明 To zaszczyt z panem służyć,先生 - 很荣幸与您一起服务,Jestesśmy pod ostrzałem 爵士 - 我们正处于火力之下 Nic nie zastąpi piechura i jego karabinu -没有什么可以取代步兵和他的步枪 To bedzie faktyczna walka, czy kolejne polowanie na kaczki? - 这是一场真正的战斗,还是另一场鸭子狩猎? one thing I noticed is that for dutch strike aircraft the usual "it's going to rain down on them" is a bit different with added swears: "het gaat regenen op bovenop die klerenlijers" translates to "it's going to rain down on those assholes" 我注意到的一件事是,对于荷兰攻击机来说,通常的“它会像雨一样落在他们身上”与添加的咒语有点不同:“het gaat regenen op bovenop die klerenlijers”翻译成“它会像雨一样落在那些混蛋上” Klerelijer means cholera sufferer but other languages don't really swear with disease as much Klerelijer 的意思是霍乱患者,但其他语言并没有真正对疾病发誓 Czechs have similar: "Nandáme to těm blátošlapům zezhora." 捷克人也有类似的说法 That means "We'll take down these mud-steppers above." 这意味着“我们将打倒上面的这些泥泞者。” (replace "mud-steppers" with any insult to foot troopers) (用任何对步兵的侮辱来代替“泥踏者”) "We'll take down these Riflemen from above." “我们将从上面击落这些步枪兵。”
For the most part, the lines are all the same, with a few standout exceptions like the ROK's "'There's going to be no war' they said, and look now..." 大多数情况下,台词都是一样的,只有一些明显的例外,比如韩国的“他们说‘不会有战争’,现在看看……” Well Eugen outsourced translations to the fans, so You'll have a bunch of little special inserts. 好吧,尤金将翻译外包给了粉丝,所以你会得到一堆特殊的小插入。 I did the Norwegian translations (not the voice acting, which is horrible :P) And added the motto of my Infantry company as one of the lines (viker for ingen) 我做了挪威语翻译(不是配音,这太可怕了:P)并添加了我的步兵连的座右铭作为其中一句(viker for ingen) There's a few threads out there that have already translated a few. AFAIK all the quotes are the mostly the same for each nation bar a few 'special quotes' each nation has. IIRC I think the Norwegian soldiers have "Til Valhala" as a special quote. But no there's no actual library of quotes, at least that I can find. 那里有一些线程已经翻译了一些。据我所知,除了每个国家有一些“特殊报价”之外,每个国家的所有报价都基本相同。 IIRC 我认为挪威士兵有“Til Valhala”作为特殊名言。但不,没有真正的引文库,至少我能找到。