古圣的话参考这段话,不过这出处很久了,时效性不强(比如这里面提到的史兰)。至于钛,不予评价 Bear in mind that the Old Ones is a catch-all term for several truly ancient races, of which the Slann (Slanni, Slaan?) are but one. They are certainly moral, but not necessarily in the way described above. In nearly all respects the Old Ones' values, of order versus chaos, nurture versus destruction, freedom versus servitude are what founded the morality of the younger races they encountered or created. The Old Ones might be 'good', but only because the instilled in the races they manipulated their own value system, including mankind. To put it another way, good is good and evil is evil because that's what we were taught by them. To the Necrontyr, ruled as they were by the C'tan, an entirely different system of values applies, where terms like good and evil are insufficient. Duty and slavery versus rebellion and freedom, perhaps? To the Necrontyr, the first is 'good' and the second is 'evil'.