0x80070003 - 0x3000D
nstallation error in phase FIRST_BOOT with an error during MIGRATE_DATA" operation
pSPExecuteApply: Migration phase caught exception: Win32Exception: C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\NTUSER.DAT: 系统找不到指定的路径。 [0x00000003] enum MIGSTATUS __cdecl pSPExecuteApply(enum SetupPlatform::SP_MIG_SCOPE,int,class UnBCL::String *,int,int,int,int,int,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::DictionaryEntry<class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *> *> *,class UnBCL::String *,int,int,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class CWIMBootData *> *,class UnBCL::String *,int *,class CSPTelemetryData *,struct ISPMigProgress *,long *)
class UnBCL::String *__cdecl UnBCL::Path::GetLongName(const class UnBCL::String *)
SETUPPLATFORMCOMM: Progress message received: Phase: First Boot, Operation: Migrate data, Percentage: 95%
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP Operation failed: Machine-specific apply. Error: 0x80070003[gle=0x000000b7]
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP Operation execution failed: 13. hr = 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Main operation execution failed. Error: 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Failed execution phase Post First Boot. Error: 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP Operation execution failed.
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP CSetupPlatformPrivate::Execute: Failed to deserialize/execute post-FirstBoot operations. Error: 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Info Persisting diagnostics data to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Diagnostics\diagnostics.dat
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Info Diagnostics data saved successfully
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Info SP Execution phase [Post SysPrep] exiting with HRESULT [0x80070003]
0x80070003 - 0x3000D
nstallation error in phase FIRST_BOOT with an error during MIGRATE_DATA" operation
pSPExecuteApply: Migration phase caught exception: Win32Exception: C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\NTUSER.DAT: 系统找不到指定的路径。 [0x00000003] enum MIGSTATUS __cdecl pSPExecuteApply(enum SetupPlatform::SP_MIG_SCOPE,int,class UnBCL::String *,int,int,int,int,int,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::DictionaryEntry<class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *> *> *,class UnBCL::String *,int,int,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class CWIMBootData *> *,class UnBCL::String *,int *,class CSPTelemetryData *,struct ISPMigProgress *,long *)
class UnBCL::String *__cdecl UnBCL::Path::GetLongName(const class UnBCL::String *)
SETUPPLATFORMCOMM: Progress message received: Phase: First Boot, Operation: Migrate data, Percentage: 95%
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP Operation failed: Machine-specific apply. Error: 0x80070003[gle=0x000000b7]
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP Operation execution failed: 13. hr = 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Main operation execution failed. Error: 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Failed execution phase Post First Boot. Error: 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP Operation execution failed.
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Error SP CSetupPlatformPrivate::Execute: Failed to deserialize/execute post-FirstBoot operations. Error: 0x80070003
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Info Persisting diagnostics data to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Diagnostics\diagnostics.dat
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Info Diagnostics data saved successfully
2024-11-16 02:16:06, Info SP Execution phase [Post SysPrep] exiting with HRESULT [0x80070003]