安田纱代吧 关注:87贴子:1,048
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Without love, it cannot be seen.


(Notice: this short passage talk about what I thought about the Umineko series. Since the text might contain spoilers and if you are not interested in Umineko series or you are interested in it but haven't played it, I suggest you should turn away from this page.)
It's undoubtedly presumptuous of me but I want to share this with you. And the main reasons I wrote this piece in a foreign language are first, writing in foreign language is undoutedly one of the best ways to prevent spoilers from spoiling any newbies who accidentally open this page, and second, I wrote everything in English, with the hope that the long and tedious text itself would be enough to bore the trolls out of this, but attract those who with wits and patience, since what I wrote might most likely be long and tedious to an Internet troll who's interested in nothing but hurling insults and abuses, but it could also be a refined and intriguing discussion for anyone like me who really enjoyed the world of Umineko.
Frankly speaking, the thing I want to share is the theory that "Hachijo Ikuko is acually another persona of Yasuda Sayo".
This text contain three parts:
1st: The evidence that proves aforementioned theory of "Ikuko being Sayo".
2nd: My response to a few main counterarguments to the said theory of "Ikuko being Sayo".
3rd: Why I believe this theory.
This topic is kind of sensitive as it apparently goes against the values of some people who vehemently uphold absolute justice and detest any suggestion that any sinner shall go unpunished. Viewer's discretion is advised since the said theory presented in this page indicates that a sinner such as Yasuda Sayo shall live a promising life with peace and harmony.
1st: The evidence that proves aforementioned theory of "Ikuko being Sayo".
My opinion: "Hachijo Ikuko is acually another persona of Yasuda Sayo".
The evidence: From Manga Episode 8 Chapter 24.1.
In the final chapters of Episode 8, they depicted the story about how Hachijo Ikuko met Ushiromiya Battler and gave him a new name, Hachijo Tohya.
At this scene, when Tohya, i.e. Battler, fell down to the ground when he saw the news about Rokkenjima. Before Tohya fell, he asked Ikuko for help. Ikuko hurried to attend to Tohya. And right after that, the manga gave a special close-up to Ikuko's desk, and we can see that there's a file lying on her desktop, the file titled "Confession of the golden witch". (As you can see in the pic below)
It's 1986 when Battler survived the Rokkenjima incident. The tales about the Golden Witch was just made online not long ago. And apparently the first batch of Fogeries online were all letters claimed to be written by Ushiromiya Maria. So it's safe to say that the "Confession of the golden witch" we saw at Ikuko's desktop can't be a Forgery, and it can only be the work the witch herself.
Why did Hachijo Ikuko just take Battler to her own house, isn't it more sensible to call the police when you saw someone who's severely injured? Not to mention the fact that Ikuko bribed the doctor into keeping quiet about Battler after he finished Battler's treatment.
Why does Hachijo Ikuko care so much about Battler? She just met him, and despite without barely any knowledge about him, she just decided to spend the rest of her like taking care of him? What are the odds?
Why didn't Hachijo Ikuko marry Battler?
How did Hachijo Ikuko gain the possession the "Confession of the golden witch", epsecially when she seemed without any connection to Rokkenjima?
I think the answer is : Hachijo Ikuko is acually Yasuda Sayo.
Sayo survived the incident with Battler. But then Battler suffered amnesia because brain damage caused by drowning. And so, Sayo took on another persona as Hachijo Ikuko, and lived a peaceful life with Battler, who was now Hachijo Tohya.
Regarding other evidences, let's take a look at the other characters from Hachijo Ikuko:
She was rich.
She had connection with Rokkenjima Incident, otherwise she wouldn't have the "Confession of the golden witch".
She loves Battler honestly. I mean wthout love, can you take care of a physically-challenged the rest of your life?
She was an aficionado of mystery genre.
She was the first person who possessed the Confession of the golden witch.
She coincidentally found Battler who's wondering around the road after miraculously survived sea-drowning.
She coincidentally had the discretion of keeping Battler from the police. And apparently, this kind of discretion would only facilitate somebody who was involved in the Rokkenjima Incident. This fact more strengthen the connection between Ikuko and Rokkenjima.
She coincidentally took care of Battler for decades even though he's not a related family and physically-challenged.
Well, anyone of them could be a mere coincidence, but when so much mere coincidences converge on one person, then I think it's safe to assume that "Hachijo Ikuko is actually Yasuda Sayo."
2nd: My response to a few main counterarguments to the said theory of "Ikuko being Sayo".
2-1 Counterargument: "Ikuko can't be Sayo since they look different."
My response: I think this kind of counterargument is lame because it's made crystal clear from that plots that Sayo had excellent cosmetic skill, that fact that she can successfully pass as Shannon, Canon and Beatrice without getting caught by any one the Ushiromiya family proves her skill's proficiency. So obviously, the argument that "Ikuko and Sayo look different" can't discredit my opinion that "Ikuko is Sayo" in the slightest.
2-2 Counterargument:"If Ikuko were Sayo, then it's unreasonable that Ikuko wrote Episode 3 to libel Ushiromiya Eva."
My response: I think this kind of counterargument is even more lame than the first one, because it's obvious that those who uphold this kind of opinion don't even understand the plots at all. Let me explain:
The logic behind this counterargument is that: since Sayo knew about the truth of Rokkenjima, which was that the killers was Ushiromiya Rudolf and his wife Kyrie, and so the fact that Sayo'd write Episode 3 to libel Ushiromiya Eva is unreasonable, thus Ikuko can't be Sayo.
What the hell is this? Since you knew the truth, you have to tell the truth? It's wrong to libel someone, so if you libel someone then you're being unreasonable?
See? There is a gaping loopbhole in this way of logic in that it was based on the concept that "people have to do the right thing, and it's unreasonable people do anything wrong." It's so fairy-tale to the point that it's almost stupid.
Sayo knew about the truth, so she had to tell the truth? If she doesn't tell the truth, then it's unreasonable?
It's dishonest of Sayo to libel Ushiromiya Eva, so Sayo mustn't do that, if she does, then it's unreasonable?
Our world is a complicated place, it's full of goodies and also baddies. It's true we have a lot of good people who is making the world a better place, but we also have a great deal of murderers, deceivers, burglars, even rapers. Face it, the conflicts will never stop, we are living in a terrible and cruel place. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're gonna have to f**king growp up. Get real, be an adult already.
It makes perfect sense Sayo didn't tell the truth, because she wanted to conceal her true identity from Tohya, and that's why she went along with Tohya's idea of writing Episode 3.
It's totally wrong but it's also understandable that Sayo libelled Ushiromiya Eva via her contribution to Episode 3. Why? Because first Sayo wanted to hide her true identity from Tohya, and second Sayo disliked Ushiromiya Eva. I seriously can't see any scruples would stop her.
Yeah, Sayo was being dishonest and selfish. So what? Is there a rule that dictates "everybody has to be honest"? Yeah, morality and eithcs discipline people to be honest, but is that really enough for you to say that "everybody is being honest and selfless"? Obviously It's a not, the world is full of dishonesty and selflessness, and you can't help it.
The point is that "it's often wrong for people being dishonest and selfish, but it's actually quite ubiquitous for people to do dishonesty and selflessness for their personal gain once in a while. Dishonesty and selflessness are in our blood, it's natural that people find it hard to resist it."
Yeah, yeah, there are a lot of honest people with altruistic kindness, but you have to admit it's not uncommon that people lie when it's beneficial to themselves. I'm not saying that it's okay to lie for personal gain, I'm saying that it's utterly dumb if you use people's propensity towards selflessness as a counterargument to my opinion "Ikuko being Sayo".
It's like when you found out somebody lied, and you already knew that their motive of being a lair is for personal gain. And then you confronted them with a question like "Why would you lie just for personal gain?" Isn't it obvious? They wanted their personal gain so they lied, you moron!
Seriously, it's pure stupidity anyone would come up with this counterargument and even uphold it. Unbelievable!
2-3 Counterargument: "If Ikuko were actually Sayo, then it's unreasonable that Sayo prepared herself a way out while she was scheming the Rokkenjima Incident."
The logic behind this opinion is that Ikuko was rich, and she owned a penthouse. If Ikuko were Sayo, then that means when Sayo was setting her plan of the killing game, she also prepare a safe way out for herself, which was money and penthouse. It's unreasonable because the fact that "Sayo preparing a way out" contradicts the conviction she was believed to hold while she planned the masscare.
This opinion basically means that "If Ikuko were Sayo, then Sayo is clown, because she was a coward who planned an aggravated crime while concocted a safe plan for her own wellbeing."
My response: Againt with the hypocritical crap. I've gonna say, this is the dumbest counterargument on this page.
You may already guess it, that's right, these counterarguments are all coming from the trolls I mentioned earlier, which is also a reason why I wrote my piece in English, it's an effective to avoid those piece of shits.
Let me make this point clear: the main purpose of this page is to uphole the theory that "Hachijo Ikuko is actually another persona of Yasuda Sayo." I did not intend to get myself into any arguments concerning the morality of Sayo's bahavior.
Yeah, you may call that Sayo/Ikuko is selfish, dishonest, cowardly, and irresponsible, yeah, yeah, she was a bad person, but that does not contradict the possibility that "Ikuko being Sayo", does it? Sayo wanted to revenge, and if possible, she also wanted a happy life. So? What's so unreasonable or preposterous about it? You could say it's wrong, but this way of selfish thinking is normal for human's nature, am I correct?
You could condemn Sayo's behavior all you like, but again, does that contradict the theory that Ikuko is actually Sayo?
Yeah. it's wrong and selfish and badass of Sayo, but isn't normal for people's nature to be selfish? to revenge after being hurt? to crave for a happy and peaceful life if that's possible?
It's wrong and illegal, definitely, but we're talking the possibility that "Ikuko being Sayo", don't digree, okay?
Like I mentioned earlier, dishonesty and selflessness are in human's blood, most people would eventually find themselves telling lies or doing dishonesty for personal interests. Yeah, there are people who adhere to ethics to their bitter end, I respect that, and if you are one of them, I praise you, but you have to admit that there are people who are unwilling to, or for some reason, forced to abandon morality, right?
It's super complicated. But you've gonna to understand that using this kind of hypocritical reasoning like "people have to obey morality" to counterargue the reality that "there is always somebody who fail morality" is ridiculous. So ridiculous that you've to be like a 12-year-old with an untarnished pure idea of life to take on this kind of wishful thinking, please, don't be.
Haha, those are the few counterarguments I encountered online, from the mindless trolls. It's hard to hold a decent conversation with these trolls because when you try to reason with them, it would probably end up with a lot of insults and abuse hurling around. Well, it can't be helped, no matter what, you eventually will run into one. I guess all we can do is pray. May you have none of those encounters with trolls in your future. And if you do have one of those encounters, may you not be bothered. Haha.
3rd: Why I believe this theory.
It's simple, I like this character and I want her to live a peaceful life after all the harshness she'd been through.
I hope there is someone who feel the same as me.
It's my own selfish thinking and you don't have to agree with me. It's never my intention to force my opinion on anyone else, everybody is free to believe what they'd like to believe.
And that's for today, hope you enjoy it, and by any chance if you happen to have anything you want to say to me, comment down below, and if possible, using English please, I just think it'd be fun, like establishing a secret channel for communication, haha, but it's total cool if you don't want to. Have a nice day and peace out!
Below is the picture from Episode 8 Chapter 24.1 I mentioned earlier about the desktop of Ikuko

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