暮光之城蕾妮斯梅吧 关注:625贴子:5,093




1楼2010-12-25 10:24回复
         我抖得更厉害了。我绷紧肌肉,准备一跃而起,直击那个金发白皙的吸血鬼,然后用我的牙齿撕裂她怀中的杀人鬼。Rosalie   又一次咕咕的逗弄那个东西,她把空了的金属瓶放在一边,抱起那个东西,用鼻子爱抚它的脸颊。
         那杀人犯越过Rosalie 的肩膀看着我,它眼睛的聚焦更过于一个新生物应该有的。

    2楼2010-12-25 10:26
      『Love ┊ nessie』【born to Jacob nice princess first impression.】
      I want to know the thing can be together. I doubt it. It has also been Bella part of - so it must inherited her weakness. I could hear the tiny, swift beating.
      Its heart. She won't again.
      I made this simple decision only a second.
      I'm shaking more severe. I taut muscle, ready to his feet and direct the blonde white vampire, then use my teeth tore her arms killing demons. The cuckoo Rosalie once again that thing, she put meddling empty metal bottle aside and picked up the things, with nose petting him on the cheek.
      The murderer across Rosalie shoulder looked at me, its eyes focused more too a new biological should have.
      Warm brown eyes, is a chocolate milk color -- and Bella alive when eye colour identical.
      My shivering stops, Heat waves swamped me, is stronger than before, but this is a kind of new high temperature - not burn.
      That's enthusiasm.
      When I look at the half the vampire, half the human infant small, white porcelain plate cheek, my body all recovery. All my destiny bound together with the line instantly be broken, like cut a big bunch of balloon. The line as All make me is my thing - I have
      Upstairs that die girls love, I am on my father's love, to my new horde loyalty, to my other brother's love, I'm on my enemy's hatred, my home, my name, I myself - instant and I have disconnected contact - cut, scissors, cut - and slowly and I produce distance.
      But I didn't float away, a piece of the new line with my whereabouts linkage.
      More than one root, but numerous root. Not rope, but cables. Countless cables I tied to a thing - in the entire universe is the central.
      I can see it now - the whole universe is how around that turn. I have never seen such a well-balanced universe, but now it's all so clear to me.
      The pull of the earth has been unable to I fixed in where I stood.
      The blonde girl in the bosom of the vampire now so attract me.

      3楼2010-12-25 10:29
             接着,Rosalie   怀里的小孩拼命的挣扎起来想够到我,她的表情越来越急迫,发出一阵尖锐铃声一样的哀嚎。我们的反应都是一样——我谁都不曾听过她的声音。
             他们马上围住她,让我独自站在圈子外,僵在那里。Renesee 的声音穿透了我的灵魂,把我钉在地上,眼睛忽然一痛,像要流泪似的。

        4楼2010-12-25 10:33
          Every step I paused to think again, analysis of his own emotions, throat burning thirst and the people around them stance. They can prepare much good, I can have more confidence. This is a slow process.
          Then, in the arms of child Rosalie desperately struggled up to reach to me, her expression more and more urgent, send out a shrill ring the same groaning.after. Our response is the same - I who never heard her voice.
          At once they surround her, let me stood alone circle outside, stood there. Renesee voice penetrated my soul, put my nails on the ground, eyes suddenly a pain, like tears like.

          5楼2010-12-25 10:34
            Renemee 似乎很乐意被 Jacob 抱着,小手抓着他的脸颊,接着蠕动着再次伸手要着我。

            6楼2010-12-25 10:36
              Renemee seemed content to be holding hands Jacob, grabbing his cheeks again, then squirmed stretched out his hand to me.

              7楼2010-12-25 10:38
                     Jacob 大退了一步,试图让自己的表情看起来无辜一些:那个„„”他诺诺的说:那只是口误,口误。而且——”

                8楼2010-12-25 10:43
                  "She is," he told me: "from the beginning, we must together, even then."
                  I remember, then understand, By this seemlike madness explanation quieted the point. But then, I became even more anger. He thought that enough? Such a small explanation could let me in favor of this matter?
                  "When you still can run to me when get lost!" I threatened.
                  "Don't do so, Bells! Besides Nessie like me." He stressed.
                  I froze, breath stopped. Behind me, all by anxiety to shut up.
                  "You choose a suitable text book what do you call her?"
                  Jacob big took a step back, and tried to make themselves look looks innocent some: that choose a suitable text book, "he said at: that's just misspoke, and --" slip of the tongue.
                  "You incredibly literally give my daughter, also according to the nickname since the loch ness monster nausea?" I scream
                  Then, I will attack toward his throat.

                  9楼2010-12-25 10:44

                    10楼2010-12-25 10:55
                      "She is the world's most unique," he told me, voice again filled with a love of the devout believers.
                      Because this little stranger, I first to Edward envied feeling. He knew her, but I don't. It's not fair.
                      "She looks like you? That again have much like me? Or previous I, whatever."
                      "Half right now, it's fair."
                      "She's blood is hot," I remember.
                      "Yes, she has a heartbeat, but a faster than ordinary, and temperature also want a few higher. Also, she can sleep."
                      "To the baby slept quite heavy. I think we are the world's only a parents don't sleep, and children are sleeping till dawn family now." He self-mockery way.
                      I like him about our baby, these descriptions let her become true.
                      "The color of her eyes just like you -- no matter how to say, at least the genetic down." He rushed I smiled: "very beautiful eyes."
                      "The vampire that part?" I asked.
                      "Her skin as we cannot penetrate, sure nobody want to check it."
                      To him I keep eye, a little bit surprised.
                      "Of course also no man to do so," he assured me: "her recipes... how said, she likes to drink blood. But Carlisle always want to persuade her to drink the usual baby drink, but she's on this no patience. Can't blame I taught her - that thing nausea and smelly, even in human affairs to calculate inside."
                      My surprise wide mouth looked at him, and how to listen to as they exist between the conversation as advised her?"
                      "Well, she is very clever, surprise! Long special quick, although she also can't talk - but she told us exchanges but have no problem, efficiently."
                      "Can't speak."

                      12楼2010-12-25 13:59

                        13楼2010-12-25 14:00
                          Renesmee whimper more severe, hand stretch longer, fist kept hold relax hold.
                          My body bone seemed to click the reparations. Her cries, her eyes, she familiar to us together desire or even more than me - all these intertwined, depict the people in the purest side of nature. Suddenly, her existence becomes true up, of course, I also now know more about her. Her hand between us the air, urged I stepped out finally that perfect and ordinary step, then embrace her.
                          So I took her tender.
                          Jacob held up his hand good let me put my arms around her, but he didn't leave. When our hands together, he trembled once. His skin to present me was so warm, like a burning flame. Almost the same with Renesmee temperature, maximum only a two-time differences.
                          Renesmee to my cold skin appears very adapt, at least very habit.
                          Then she supinely begin flush again, I smiled, show his white even small teeth and a pair of lovely small dimples. Then, in no hurrily stretched out his hand and touched my face.

                          14楼2010-12-25 14:03
                            At this time, Renesmee story slow down, edge become some fuzzy, then the whole image are like lost focus the same. I almost of screaming interrupt Edward their conversation -- what happened to her? Where sick? -- her eyelids were trembling once, then completely closed. She yawned, plump pink lips ZhangCheng a big circle, haven't opened his eyes.
                            Her little hand falling from my face - originally she fell asleep. She eyelid is light lavender, like a cloud in the sky before sunrise. Try not to bother her, I gingerly holding her hand and curious stick his face. Started with nothing appeared, and then, a few minutes later, from her head fly out a few only 7 colour of shiny butterfly.

                            16楼2010-12-25 14:08

                              17楼2010-12-25 14:10