1. File Handling. Load your ROM here.
2. Block Handling. Pressing + or - adjusts the image.
3. Offset. Either insert an offset that you know, or press up or down to scroll through them.
4. Palette Control. 9 out of 10 times, you'll need 16 colors and Greyscale. It helps a lot.
The only thing here that really needs explaining beyond what I've said, is the Block Handling. Pressing + or - will move the blocks around, and messing with this will often help you determine what you're looking at. Unless it's a bunch of garbage, in which case you're screwed anyway, as it's nothing.
Chapter 1 ~ What To Import
Now, break out whatever ROM it is that you're yanking an animation from. I personally will be ripping Blade Lord Lyn out of her cold FE7 ROM and putting her into a much more comfy FE8 ROM for my personal use. Go convenience!
Now, there are a few things to keep in mind: EVERY weapon set, even if it's unarmed, is a seperate animation, and therefore another go through of the process. Swords (In most cases) all use one animation, whereas Lances/Javelins use a different animation. Axes/Hand Axes, however, use seperate animations. So if you wanted to import an Axe animation, that's an automatic 2 animations you'll have to import.
[This is caused by the fact that the standing frames for Axe/Handaxe are different, so Javelins and Magic Swords go with the standard weapon buddies.]
All offensive magic types (Anima, Light, Dark) use the same animation. This animation is also used for unquipped.
Staves use an animation of their own.
Having nothing equipped uses it's own animation. (You may or may not want to import this. It's not often people are left with no weapon.)
Some of those examples: Click Here To Show/Hide This Text
A Knight Lord (Eliwood, not counting Durandal), having Spears and Swords, has 3 animations: Unequipped, Sword, and Lance.
A Great Lord (Hector, not counting Armads), having Swords and Axes, has 4 animations: Unequipped, Swords, Axes, and Handaxes.
An Archsage (Who has all magic types) has 2 Animations: Magic [Anima, Dark, and Light] and Staffs.
One good way to remember this is how many seperate standing images (Standing in battle, doing nothing) a unit has. Of course, you only have to import the animations that you need. If you don't want to use Eliwood's Sword animation, then don't import it. There's nothing that says you have to. I personally usually don't import the unequipped frames, but whatever.
Location in the game:
Now that you know which animations you're going to import, now you have to go and find them. It's not as hard as you'd think (This is the easy part...sorta). Open up the host ROM in your HxD, and search up "magm". This will lead you to the Male Mage's animation table data, meaning that you're somewhere in teh animation table. Scroll up for a bit, until you reach the top of the table (Trust me, you'll notice when you're at the top...there's a bunch of FFs or 00s above it.). Now, go through your Nightmare modules and find one called "Animation List" or something like that. Open it up. This here is your key to what you're looking for.