3问题1:sataic text 1这种文本UI上的字符串如何获取然后装入string类型里? 问题2:如何移动鼠标?(只移动不点击)
0最近有个项目是 我想Xcode中添加一个applescript 文件 可以再Xcode中applescript语言 实现两者语言的交互,这数据的共享
2在applescript editor新建workflow 输入 tell app "finder" eject disk "输入你想要弹出的硬盘名" end tell 把workflow存为app, 在alfred的workflow里加入
0#!/usr/bin/env osascript tell application id "com.cocoatech.PathFinder" if it is not running then error number -128 end if if selection is missing value then return "" end if set all_files to {} repeat with f in (get selection) --set the end of all_files to quoted form of ((POSIX path of f) as rich text) set the end of all_files to (POSIX path of f) as rich text end repeat set AppleScript*s text item delimiters to " " return all_files as text end tell
3on run argv set cmdline to "aria2c '" & joinList("' '", argv) & "'" iterm(cmdline) end run on joinList(delimiter, someList) set prevTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter set output to "" & someList set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTIDs return output end joinList on iterm(commandline) tell application id "com.googlecode.iterm2" if it is running then set itermisrunning to true else set itermisrunning to false reopen end if activate try set myterm to the first termin