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录的第二首 虽然唱的不太好 但代表了我一阶段的生活记忆

1楼2012-03-08 14:47回复

    标签: rap
    第一段翻唱 二、三段原创
    It's 10% luck 20% skill
    15% conncentrated power of will
    5% pleasure 50% pain
    and 100%reason to remember the name
    he doesnt need his name up in lights
    he just wants to be heard whether its the beat or the mic
    he feels so unlike every body else, alone
    in spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
    but **** em
    he knows the code: its not about the salary, its all about reality
    and making some noise
    making the story making sure his clique stays up
    that means when he puts it down, tak's pickin it up
    四个多月的时间在转瞬即逝 我的思想已经开始不能自制
    空虚和寂寞时刻围绕着我 难道我的生活就在此刻已走向堕落
    热情似火的六月就在南非燃烧 世界杯的兴奋却依然还没有抹掉
    西班牙的夺冠让我们记住了保罗 全世界的球迷兴奋仿佛身在天国
    七月依然沉浸在足球的快乐 但此刻的我不得不考虑以后的生活
    为了世界杯我毅然辞掉了工作 因为我觉得这样才能更好的develop
    气候异常的八月就像我的心情 时而温暖时而又仿佛结起了冰凌
    每天沉浸在网络感受别人的欢呼 自己却依然住在峡谷深处的小屋
    烦躁的九月迎来了男篮世锦赛 刘伟大哥已经变成了我们的最爱
    从希腊一直输到最后的土耳其 中国队竟然可以这样的成功晋级
    十月的天气逼迫我穿上了卫衣 这样刚好遮盖了我一块腹肌的身躯
    劳动力和人才市场以及人才网 我只有依靠你们寻找着自我成长
    80后在小城市是 感受何等的悲哀 低不成高不就 就成了我们的瓶塞
    生活依然继续 但我与生活失之交臂
    现在该怎么办 是否这样的迷茫下去
    Stop your ****ing word until you get a job
    There’s always have a way for you to growing up
    I can’t wait cause I need substantial life
    Nobody can help you,you must realize that
    The dream your ready for is the one you get
    Life is short. You know you all want it so bad.
    Don’t **** with me cause I have cet4
    Even it’s not vital and allover my whorld
    I don’t wanna rap sexually photo door
    I just respect my teach and I’m totally sure
    teaching me nothing and just waste my time
    In class i can talk anyting like now I rap
    I don’t like slut caue you bitches live like whore
    All the gold digger knows how to sell themself
    80’s story always means tuff life
    But we all never give it up even we try
    Do what you wannna do but asap
    Or you can use you mic just like me
    Remember my name this is Derek huang
    You also should write a song and Make you strong

    2楼2012-03-08 14:50