Please Help Zhu Ling’s Medical Recovery from Thallium Poisoning
We are here to sincerely asking for your immediate medical assistance, if at all possible, to help the rehabilitation and recovery of Miss Zhu Ling – a well-reported Thallium poisoning case survivor of 12 years ago in Beijing, China. Please spare us some time and read through the letter, and do forward it to anyone you think might be able to offer advice or refer doctors and hospitals in assisting with Miss Zhu Ling’s recovery, rehabilitation and prolonging her life.
Miss Zhu Ling, barely survived a thallium poisoning of 12 years ago maliciously targeted against her while she was studying at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. At the age of 21, ZHU Ling was a bright, talented and promising chemistry student at Tsinghua University, Beijing - one of the most prestigious universities in China. Enthusiastic, intelligent and attractive, she was an active member of the college folk music team, and was already considered by many to be a model student with a very promising future.
However in December of 1994, all of this changed when ZHU Ling suddenly fell ill. Her hair began to fall out; she lost the ability to speak; her face became paralyzed; her arms and legs could no longer support her; and she was slowly losing her vision. Medical experts in Beijing were unable to explain her condition until a description of her symptoms through a marvelous efforts conducted by Miss Zhu’s friends in April of 1995 on the then newly introduced Internet into China. This first ever large-scale Telemedicine effort in human history soon yielded the likely culprit: Thallium poisoning.
Thallium - a naturally occurring heavy metal, often used as the active ingredient in rat poison - produced exactly the same symptoms as those plaguing ZHU Ling. With this as a diagnosis, her physicians were able to successfully remove most of the toxic metal from her system. However, by the time the diagnosis came to Zhu Ling several months after the initial exposures, thallium had already penetrated into Zhu Ling’s body and nerve system, since then left her with permanent paralysis and severe neurological damage.
Now at the age of 33, a mid-aged woman weighs over 200 pounds, Zhu Ling is severely paralyzed, permanently bound to wheelchair, and her vision is so seriously impaired by thallium toxin that she is almost blind, with an intelligence level of a 7 year old. Due to thallium poisoning, Zhu Ling’s nerve system is severely damaged, as well as her cerebral cortex. On top of these, Zhu Ling also suffers lung atrophy, a hepatitis C, diabetes II, and the complications of the above-mentioned illnesses.
ZHU Ling's family - who had already suffered the loss of one daughter to an unfortunate accident, has been devastated by this latest tragedy, made all the worse because, to date, no one has been able to explain how or why the poison was introduced into ZHU Ling's system. Speculations has been going on that Zhu Ling might be maliciously poisoned by her then classmate, out of jealousy. Beijing police once questioned the prime suspect, but then for some ambiguous reason, the case was suspended, with no one has been held accountable for this horrible crime.
Please Help Zhu Ling’s Medical Recovery from Thallium Poisoning
We are here to sincerely asking for your immediate medical assistance, if at all possible, to help the rehabilitation and recovery of Miss Zhu Ling – a well-reported Thallium poisoning case survivor of 12 years ago in Beijing, China. Please spare us some time and read through the letter, and do forward it to anyone you think might be able to offer advice or refer doctors and hospitals in assisting with Miss Zhu Ling’s recovery, rehabilitation and prolonging her life.
Miss Zhu Ling, barely survived a thallium poisoning of 12 years ago maliciously targeted against her while she was studying at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. At the age of 21, ZHU Ling was a bright, talented and promising chemistry student at Tsinghua University, Beijing - one of the most prestigious universities in China. Enthusiastic, intelligent and attractive, she was an active member of the college folk music team, and was already considered by many to be a model student with a very promising future.
However in December of 1994, all of this changed when ZHU Ling suddenly fell ill. Her hair began to fall out; she lost the ability to speak; her face became paralyzed; her arms and legs could no longer support her; and she was slowly losing her vision. Medical experts in Beijing were unable to explain her condition until a description of her symptoms through a marvelous efforts conducted by Miss Zhu’s friends in April of 1995 on the then newly introduced Internet into China. This first ever large-scale Telemedicine effort in human history soon yielded the likely culprit: Thallium poisoning.
Thallium - a naturally occurring heavy metal, often used as the active ingredient in rat poison - produced exactly the same symptoms as those plaguing ZHU Ling. With this as a diagnosis, her physicians were able to successfully remove most of the toxic metal from her system. However, by the time the diagnosis came to Zhu Ling several months after the initial exposures, thallium had already penetrated into Zhu Ling’s body and nerve system, since then left her with permanent paralysis and severe neurological damage.
Now at the age of 33, a mid-aged woman weighs over 200 pounds, Zhu Ling is severely paralyzed, permanently bound to wheelchair, and her vision is so seriously impaired by thallium toxin that she is almost blind, with an intelligence level of a 7 year old. Due to thallium poisoning, Zhu Ling’s nerve system is severely damaged, as well as her cerebral cortex. On top of these, Zhu Ling also suffers lung atrophy, a hepatitis C, diabetes II, and the complications of the above-mentioned illnesses.
ZHU Ling's family - who had already suffered the loss of one daughter to an unfortunate accident, has been devastated by this latest tragedy, made all the worse because, to date, no one has been able to explain how or why the poison was introduced into ZHU Ling's system. Speculations has been going on that Zhu Ling might be maliciously poisoned by her then classmate, out of jealousy. Beijing police once questioned the prime suspect, but then for some ambiguous reason, the case was suspended, with no one has been held accountable for this horrible crime.