英吉利语吧 关注:108贴子:526

【The English I've come across】



IP属地:中国香港1楼2013-01-14 20:14回复
    Madame Wang's English, spoken choppily and with the hint of a French accent, is less than perfect, though it is leagues ahead of my terrible Chinese. She speaks with little concession to English grammar, omitting pronouns, tenses and even verbs and nouns. Gaps are filled with the most splendid mimes.
    leagues ahead of - 第一次见到这个用法,就是比。。。优胜多了
    mime 是“手势动作”

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2013-01-14 20:15
      She's off on a tangent, telling a story about when Jackie Chan annoyed the Taiwanese government ...
      “离题”原来是这样说的:go/fly off on/at a tangent

      IP属地:中国香港3楼2013-01-14 20:16
        The egg tart, with divinely crumbly pastry, is the best I've tasted.

        IP属地:中国香港4楼2013-01-14 20:16
          “提出一个问题”可以说:broach the subject
          I nervously broach the subject of who should pay for this feast.
          She broached the subject of a picnic to her mother. 她向母亲提起野餐的问题。

          IP属地:中国香港5楼2013-01-14 20:17
            August 大写是“八月”,却原来小写 august 是个形容词:
            ... George Buchanan ... remains skeptical, allowing his Macbeth only a dream of "three women, whose beauty was more august and surprising than bare women's useth to be ...
            august (adjective) = impressive and respected e.g. an august institution
            威严的; 令人敬畏的; 尊严的
            the august presence of a monarch 帝王的威严样子

            IP属地:中国香港6楼2013-01-14 20:17
              The burly 59-year-old is, after all, the man who turned independent cinema into a thriving global business ...
              魁梧的; 强壮的
              a big burly construction worker 高大结实的建筑工人
              Roy, heavyset with a ready smile but a piercing look in his eye, is one of the lead lawyers ...
              a heavyset, bull-necked man wearing a T-shirt that revealed his powerful musculature(肌肉组织)

              IP属地:中国香港7楼2013-01-14 20:18
                有一个单词可以指“搞大了别人的肚子”:impregnate /ˈɪm.preg.neɪt/ (美式的重音放在第二个音节)
                Nathan confronts David after he has impregnated Bathsheba and had her husband killed and is able to trick David into indicting himself for this blatant misuse of royal power.

                IP属地:中国香港8楼2013-01-14 20:19
                  拒绝是 refuse?reject?decline?原来还有 rebuff!
                  European leaders shift their focus this week to bolstering the euro region’s debt-crisis firewall after the Group of 20 nations rebuffed their call for help. The decision by G-20 finance ministers to fend off (挡开; 避开)pleas(请求, 恳求)for assistance pending an increase in the euro-area backstop puts the onus(负担; 义务; 责任)on Germany, the biggest national contributor to bailouts, to overcome its resistance to doing more.
                  rebuff 是种不客气的“No”(断然拒绝, 回绝):
                  - to refuse to accept a helpful suggestion or offer from someone, often by answering in an unfriendly way
                  e.g. She rebuffed all suggestions that she should resign.
                  backstop 本来是棒球术语【挡球网】,这里是引申义:
                  an emergency precaution or last resort:
                  e.g. The human operator has to act as the ultimate backstop when things go badly wrong.

                  IP属地:中国香港9楼2013-01-14 20:19
                    一直只知道 couch 是“沙发”,原来还是个动词!(就像 coach,可以是“公车”,也可以是动词 -- 训练、指导)。
                    For obvious reasons, most references to prophets for gods other than Yahweh are couched in polemical tone, just as are references to the veneration (尊敬)of those gods.
                    His criticism was couched in very tactful language. 他的批评措辞很圆滑。
                    - to express something in a particular way [often passive]
                    e.g. I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology.

                    IP属地:中国香港11楼2013-01-14 20:24
                      Time is relative anyway, and the "wee hours of the morning" can be the longest hours of the day if you lie awake and cannot sleep.
                      好像是美国人说“wee hours”,而英国人则说“small hours”:
                      The party continued into the wee hours.
                      She returned in the small hours.
                      She was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her

                      IP属地:中国香港12楼2013-01-14 20:26
                        There were warring emotions in my thoughts. But in the end when the distinctive voice of Prime Minister Gillard rouses you from your slumber and says, "Will you be foreign minister of Australia?" I couldn't have found it in me to have said no.

                        IP属地:中国香港13楼2013-01-14 20:27
                          She was a stylish woman right into old age, with her long white hair wound neatly into a bun, her plain suits - usually a trouser suit - offset by a splash of colour from an Indian silk scarf or a Chinese shirt. And most memorable of all: her voice, that deep mannish growl that never lost its American drawl (拖长声调说话, 慢声慢气地讲话), often filled with warmth and humour but able to deliver a curse more readily than a compliment.

                          IP属地:中国香港14楼2013-01-14 20:28
                            He was concerned about the media lampooning contemporary art.
                            lampoon - 汉语的解释是“挖苦”,但英语的解释更详尽:
                            verb - publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm: e.g. The actor was lampooned by the press.
                            noun - a piece of writing, a drawing, etc. which criticizes in a humorous way a famous person or a public organization, allowing their bad qualities to be seen and making them seem stupid: e.g. The magazine is famed for its merciless political lampoons.

                            IP属地:中国香港15楼2013-01-14 20:29
                              挪威罗弗敦群岛(Lofoten Islands)的点滴:
                              ... this otherworldly archipelago in the far reaches of northern Norway revealed itself to be a place of improbably jagged, snow-capped mountains surrounded by sea as clear and sparkly as liquid diamonds.
                              Driving between them on the islands' single, gracefully sweeping road, we had to keep pulling over to gawp(张口凝视)at waterfalls or marvel at the clouds spilling over ragged mountaintops. Had a flock of pterodactyls(翼手龙)emerged from behind a ridge I wouldn't have been the least surprised.
                              Bright yellow marigolds(万寿菊)and the creamy beads of cow parsley nod in the breeze by the roadside, birds chirrup incessantly, either confused or invigorated by the 24-hour sunlight, and the fields and mountains are carpeted with wild flowers and bright green ferns.

                              IP属地:中国香港17楼2013-01-14 20:30