Remember, no storm lasts forever. Hold on. Be brave. Have faith. Every storm is temporary and we're never alone. 记住,没有一场暴风雨会一直持续下去。坚持住,勇敢一点,要有信心。每一场暴风雨都是暂时的,而我们也从不孤独。
[玫瑰]Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life said "I'm here for you", and proved it.友情并不是说你们认识的时间有多久。而是谁走进了你的世界告诉你,“我一直在你身边。”并且用一辈子的时间来证明。 [玫瑰]I'm addicted to the way I feel when I think of you.对你的思念令我深陷其中无法自拔。 [玫瑰]The most important thing in life is to enjoy life, happy, this is the most important thing.人生最重要的莫过于享受生命,过得快乐,这才是你每天最重要的事情。 [太阳]【形容人性格的词汇】:generous-宽宏大量的;genteel-有教养的; gentle-有礼貌的;humorous-有幽默; impartial-公正的;independent-独立的、有主见的; industrious-勤奋的;ingenious-有独创性的;注意:形容他人幽默的地道表达是hilarious或good sense of humor, 而非humorous
Close your eyes. Clear your heart. Let it go. 闭上眼睛,清理你的心,过去的就让它过去吧。 Don’t let anyone ever break your soul. You have to stand on your own two feet and stand up for yourself. 别让任何人毁灭了你的灵魂,你要让自己坚强,只为自己坚强。 In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回
New Year is all about getting another chance, a chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. 新年是给我们一个新的机会,去原谅,去进步,去行动更多,去给予更多,去爱得更多。 I will no longer allow the negative things in my life to spoil all of the good things I have. I choose to be happy.我再也不会让生活中消极的事情毁掉我所拥有的美好,我要快乐! Each person, there is a world, quiet and lonely. 每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独。 It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.人不能活在梦里,不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。
I fear betrayal yet I more fear true love betrayal is just a knife that can kill a pig and at most can only cut one of my arms 我怕背叛,但我更怕真情 背叛只是一把刀子 它能杀死一头猪 最多只能砍断我的一只手擘 I fear betrayal yet I more fear true love for true love is a trap that can trap a beast and can still trap everything of my life 我怕背叛,但我 更怕真情 因为真情是一个陷井 能陷进一头猛兽 也能陷进我的全部
Life Is A Test 人生是一场考试 It makes for a lot of stress, and we tend to feel that there will be more hard lessons in life。 这是个让人充满压力的比喻,我们时常感觉人生就是一个不断面临各种课题的过程。 Life Is An Adventure 人生是一次冒险 It orients us towards seeing the unpredictable events and circumstances as potentially fun and interesting challenges。 这个比喻强调了生命中不可预知的情况,并暗示我们将未知因素视为有趣的挑战。 Life Is A Punishment 人生是一个惩罚 It is inherent in some religions, which suggest a punishing "purification" through life as a means to some great reward afterward。 这个比喻来源于某些宗教,它们认为人生就是通过惩罚性的“净化”以在死后通达更高的境界。 Life Is An Opportunity 人生是一次机遇 The perspective this creates is one that encourages actions and going after your dreams and goals。 这个比喻鼓励我们积极采取行动,追逐梦想和目标。 Life Is A Waiting Room 人生是一间等候室 It is hard to imagine a more passive perspective: we wait for "our ship to come in," for example, or say, "my time will come." We wait to hear "opportunity knocking," or "my turn." Of course, none of these ideas encourage us to t