‘Oskar Eriksson,’ said Stefan. ‘I punched his ticket. On the train. The day after it all happened. So I was kind of the last person who definitely saw him.’ “奥斯卡·埃里克斯,”史达芬说“我查过他的车票,就在这些事发生之后。因此我是最后几个亲眼见过他的人。” Karin looked at me. ‘Oskar Eriksson. You saw him once, didn’t you?’ 卡琳看着我,“奥斯卡·埃里克斯。你曾看见过他是吗?” ‘Several times. He used to travel on the subway like everybody else.’ “以前,他经常坐地铁,跟大家都一样。” ‘But there was one night…’ “但那是一个晚上……” (“但那次是在晚上……”,不清楚是神马意思..)
During the years that followed Karin would occasionally let slip some further snippet of information. For example, Oskar Eriksson had lived next door to the person who took him away from the swimming pool, and there was also evidence which indicated that Oskar had been in this person’s apartment on at least one occasion. 接下来的几年,卡琳有时会在无意中泄露一些深度的消息。比如说,是以前住在奥斯卡·埃里克斯隔壁的邻居吧他从游泳池带走的,也有证据表明,奥斯卡至少又一次曾经进过这个人的公寓。 Stefan had punched the boy’s ticket and wondered about his luggage, but hadn’t given the matter any more thought because the boy had told him he would have help later on. Stefan had finished his shift in Karlstad and spent an hour or so in the staffroom at the station while he waited for the train back to Stockholm. 史达芬曾查过这个孩子的票,还问过他的行李,但这之后就没有再多想过这件事了,因为这个孩子跟他说他等一会儿会需要帮助。史达芬在卡尔斯塔德站换了班,之后在车站的员工休息室里休息,等着回斯德哥尔摩的列车到站。
‘And of course I reacted because the girl was only wearing a Tshirt, even though it was well below freezing. The boy, Oskar, was fully dressed in a jacket and everything. But they were sitting side by side on that trunk. And they were holding hands. Like this.’ “当然我一下子就反应过来这个女孩只穿着一件薄薄的T恤,而那时气温远远低于冰点。那个男孩,奥斯卡,裹着严严实实的夹克和其他保暖衣物。但他们就那样挨在一起坐在箱子上,而且还像这样握着手。” Stefan held up his right hand, then gently took my left wrist and raised my hand to his, weaving our fingers together and rubbing our palms together before letting go. 史达芬举起他的右手,轻轻地拉过我的左腕,然后把我的手抬起来,把我们的十指交叉,蹭着我的掌心,然后他就放开了。
‘It was when I was telling Karin about the children sitting there holding hands. She didn’t understand what I meant. So I had to show her, just as I showed you. And that was when it happened. As we sat there with our hands joined just like the children, that was when… we looked into each other’s eyes and that was when…it started.’ “当时我正在给卡琳讲那对牵着手坐在一起的孩子。但她不明白我的意思,所以我也给她演示了,就像刚才给你演示的那样。就是从那个时候开始的,我们坐在那像那对孩子一样把手握在一起的时候,就是那时……我们凝视着对方的眼睛,然后就是从那个时候……开始的。” ‘Don’t think like that,’ said Stefan. ‘I could have been dead twenty-five years ago if what you believe is true.’ “别那样想了》”史达芬说,“如果你相信的是真的,我二十五年前就死了。” ‘What do you mean?’ I asked. “你是什么意思?"我问。
And that was when I was given the final piece of the information available on Oskar Eriksson. Stefan went back to what he had told me at the hospital, about the two children holding hands, which in turn had become the beginning of Stefan and Karin’s story. 那就是我最后一次听到奥斯卡·埃里克斯的消息。史达芬又回到在医院里给我讲的事,这两个握着手的孩子,反过来成了史达芬和卡琳的故事的开端。 ‘But that wasn’t quite all. The girl was about to kill me.’ He stole a glance at his wife. ‘According to Karin.’ ”但那还没完。那个女孩想杀了我。“他偷偷瞥了一眼他的妻子,“卡琳说的。” (史达芬现在的妻子貌似就是卡琳,他们因为几十年前调查奥斯卡和艾莉走到了一起。貌似是这样哈,卤煮也没有完整地读过原著。) ‘It’s just a theory,’ she said. ‘Which very few people would subscribe to.’ “那只是理论上的,”她回答“几乎没有人相信。” ‘Anyway,’ said Stefan. ‘The children were sitting on the trunk rubbing their hands against each other’s. I was on my way over to say something, since the girl was so inadequately dressed, and then… she turned to face me.’ “不管怎样,”史达芬说,“那两个孩子坐在箱子上,蹭着彼此的手。我当时走过去想跟他们说些什么,毕竟那个女孩穿得那么单薄,然后……她转过脸来对着我。”
Stefan grimaced with pain and clicked the morphine pump a couple of times; he took a deep breath and slowly let it out again, closing his eyes. A couple of minutes passed without anyone saying anything; the only sound was the lapping of the waves on the shore and the faint ticking of the infra-red heater. I had started to think he wasn’t going to say any more when Stefan exhaled once again and went on: 突然间史达芬的脸上露出痛苦的表情,几次敲了敲吗啡泵(clicked the morphine pump,不知道怎么翻译,于是直译的。);他闭上眼睛深深吸了一口气,又慢慢地呼出来;几分钟过去了没说一句话,一时间只有浪花拍岸的声音和红外加热器微弱的嘀嘀声。我正在想他不会再讲下去了,他接着讲到: ‘So. I know this sounds strange. She was a child of perhaps twelve, thirteen, but when our eyes met I felt two things, as clear as a revelation: firstly that she intended to kill me, and secondly that she was capable of doing so. Because I had disturbed them. When she jumped off the trunk and I saw that she had a knife in her hand, the feeling didn’t exactly diminish. We were standing a couple of metres apart. I looked at her and the boy, saw what they were up to. The girl looked as if she was on the point of hurling herself at me when the guard shouted that my train had arrived. I think that saved me. I backed away, and she stayed where she was with the knife in her hand.’ “所以说,我指导这听起来很奇怪。她是一个大概十二三岁的孩子,但当我们的目光接触的时候,我只有两个感觉,就像真实发生的那么清楚:第一她打算杀了我,第二,她有能力这样做。因为我打扰到了他们。她从箱子上跳下来,我看见她手里握着一把刀,那种感觉丝毫没有减弱。我们之间隔着几米。我看着她和那个男孩,看见他们正在干什么。那个女孩看上去好像正要向我扑过来,这是传来了站台执勤通报列车进站的叫声。我确信是那救了我的命。我开始往后退,她仍然握着刀站在那里。”
Stefan lit a cigarette and sighed with pleasure as he inhaled deeply. He looked at the cigarette and shook his head. ‘Being able to smoke again. It’s almost worth it.’ 史达芬点了一支香烟,放松地叹了口气,然后深深地吸了一口。他看着手上的香烟,摇着头。”还能再抽到烟,这样活下来就值了。“ (‘Being able to smoke again. It’s almost worth it.’卤煮意译的哈,不一定准确。) Karin thumped him on the shoulder. ‘Don’t say that, silly.’ 卡琳拍着他的肩膀。“别那样说,傻瓜。” ‘So what were they up to?’ I asked. ‘The children?’ “那他们当时在干什么呢?”我问到。“那对孩子?” Stefan ran his index finger down his palm. 史达芬把食指缩回掌心。 ‘She’d cut her hand. So that it bled. He’d done the same. They were sitting there mixing their blood. That was why they were holding hands like that. And that’s why Karin has her theory. Which isn’t exactly popular with the police.’ “她划破了自己的手,让血流出来。他也这样划开自己的手。他们坐在那里把血液混合在一起,所以他们才会那样握着手。也因如此,卡琳才得出了她的结论,但那在警察间并不十分流行。”
‘We know so little, we human beings,’ said Karin. ‘We know almost nothing.’ “我们知道的很少,我们人类,”卡琳说,“几乎什么都不知道。” I looked at the envelope. It had been sent by the National Police Board a week earlier, and was addressed to Karin. Right down in the bottom corner someone had written ‘Something for you, maybe?’ and drawn a smiley. When I looked inside the envelope again I found a short letter from someone who lived in Blackeberg and had known Oskar Eriksson very well. He apologised for wasting police time, said the whole thing was completely crazy of course, but he asked them to look carefully at the enclosed photograph. 我看着几周前国家警署送来的那封信件,它上面写着寄给卡琳。在底部的一角有个人写着“也许是给你的?”旁边还画了一个微笑。我再次查看信封,发现里面有一张短信,是某个曾经住在布莱伯格而且十分熟悉奥斯卡·埃里克斯的人些的。他首先道歉占用了警官们的时间,说这一切显然是很疯狂的,但他请求她们仔细查看随函的那张照片。
I did as the letter asked, and took a closer look at the picture. I thought I knew what he meant, but looked around on the desk for a magnifying glass. Instead I found an enlargement of the relevant part of the picture, which Karin had presumably printed out herself. 我按照信上的请求做了,把那张照片拿到眼前仔细查看。我想我明白他的意思了,但还是想在旁边的桌子上找一个放大镜。然而我却找到了那张照片的局部放大图像,大概是卡琳已经在上面做了标注。 There was no doubt. Once I had seen the enlargement, it was as clear as day on the first picture too. To one side behind the family were two people who happened to have been caught in the camera flash. One was Oskar Eriksson, and the other was a slender girl with long, black hair. In spite of the fact that the photograph must have been taken immediately after his disappearance, Oskar had changed his hairstyle; it was cut short in a way that was more fashionable among young people today 毫无疑问。我一看到这张放大了的图像,事情就像照片上的那天一样明了了。在照片上那家人的身旁,有两个人偶然被相机拍到了。其中一个是奥斯卡·埃里克斯,另一个是一个瘦弱的女孩,留着黑黑的长发。尽管这张照片肯定是在奥斯卡消逝后不久拍的(这是叙述者的推测),但奥斯卡却已经换了一个发型,是一种在今天的年轻人中很流行的短发。
I remembered him as a chubby child, but the boy in the picture was considerably slimmer, and as he had been caught on the run, so to speak, he actually looked quite athletic. I looked at the enlargement again, and Stefan’s story about what had happened in Karlstad came back to me. There was something vaguely menacing about the way the two children were moving behind the smiling, unsuspecting family. Like predators. 我忽的他以前是一个胖乎乎的孩子,但照片上的这个孩子却明显瘦了很多。他被拍下来时正在跑着,说起来,他看上去相当强健。我再一次看回那张放大了的图像,史达芬在卡尔斯塔德站的遭遇回到了我的脑海中。在这微笑着的一家人身后,这两个孩子跑动的方式给人一种难以言表的危险感。就像是掠食动物。 Then I spotted something that made me gasp. The father of the family was holding a mobile phone, and not just any mobile phone, but an iPhone. How long had they been around? A year? Two years? 然后我倒抽了一口凉气。这个家庭的父亲手里握着一部移动电话,不只是一部移动电话,而且还是一部iPhone。他们在那里多久了?一年?两年? Barcelona, September 2008. 巴塞罗那,2008年9月。 The photograph had been taken barely a month ago. 这张照片是上个月才拍的。 (奥斯卡在1981年11月失踪,所以到这时时间已经过去了将近27年。)
I sat at Karin’s desk for a long time, looking from the receipt for the plane tickets to the photograph of Oskar Eriksson and the girl with black hair, moving through the night. And I thought about how the end can be encapsulated in the beginning, and I thought about Stefan and Karin, my dearest friends. 我在卡琳的桌旁坐了很久,从飞机的收据看到奥斯卡·埃里克斯和那个黑发女孩在黑夜跑动的照片。我想在开始的时候要这么概述这个结局,我也想到了史达芬和卡琳,我最好的朋友。 It’s been two years now. I haven’t heard if they’re alive, but nor have I heard that they’re dead. 至今时间又过去两年,我不知道他们是否还活着,但也没有听到他们的死讯。 Let the old dreams die. We are dreaming new ones. 让过去的梦过去吧,新的正要到来。 I hope they found what they were looking for. 我希望他们找到了他们一直在寻找的东西。
PS,这个是完整版的节选,所以里面有前后搭不上的地方哈。Lettheolddreamsdie.pdf是从let the old dreams die里节选出来的讲奥斯卡和艾莉的完整的一章,太长了,所以卤煮翻译的这个EliOskar.pdf,想看完整版的童鞋就看Lettheolddreamsdie.pdf吧~