This duo ending is proof to me that Life doesn*t often go the way you plan it. It*s been a winding journey these last 2 years with the band. At a certain point, it became clear that moving on was the best thing. I*ve felt every emotion possible over this, believe me. Thankfully, I*ve been able to move through many of these feelings. Now, what remains the strongest in me is gratitude. Being a part of @thecivilwars was a life-changing experience. The music John Paul and I made, the cities visited, the people I met along the way - on stage and off stage. I*ll never forget it, and I*ll always be thankful. I*m taking all the good memories with me. I*m stronger, more awake, more inspired than I have ever been. Ready to begin a new chapter. Stepping back into the studio was, and continues to be, thrilling. Writing over the last year has been a great outlet for me - to journey, to release, to play, to experiment, and begin to dream as a fresh chapter unfolds. - JOY @thecivilwars officially part ways. Duo offers download of "You Are My Sunshine" as a thank you gift and farewell. Read the full statement at
请相信我,我自己对此非常难过。幸运的是,我还能够将自己从这些情感中解脱开来。John Paul和我共同创作的那些音乐,我们一起访问的那些城市,一路上在台上台下认识的那些>人们,我将永远铭记于心并充满感激。这些美好的记忆将伴随着我。现在,我从未如此坚强