Gandy honed his physique on the playing fields of a Billericay comprehensive and now works out three times a week. But some still reckon his co-star – the pant-clad manhood – was in some way augmented. What does he say?
"Absolutely not!" And proof is out there: "The pants got a bit wet and went a bit see-through, so apparently they had to superimpose the white trunks over the top of the original photos."
Meanwhile, further evidence of Gandy's popularity can be found on social networking site Facebook. The David Gandy Appreciation Society, created last month, has 96 members; Gandy's own page is populated with fawning lovelies with names like Natalia Barbieri and Charlotte Olympia Dellal.
His growing fan club will be delighted to hear he'll be back: another Mario Testino shoot (the pair are now chums) will appear in V Magazine this September, and Gandy is in New York this week shooting for Arena. "It's been wonderful," he says, before leaving me with a nugget of good news for female devotees: "By the way, I'm single."
第二篇,也是来自英国《独立报》,2007年7月22日报道,题目为:“Med in Scotland”,文章作者:Grace Macaskill
HIS stunning Mediterranean looks in Dolce & Gabbana's TV ad stop women in their tracks.
Bare-chested and smouldering, David Gandy looks every inch the red-hot Latin lover.
But the 27-year-old model says he owes his good looks to his Scottish heritage.
And family pictures reveal a striking resemblance to his great-grandfather Thomas Bruce.
David said yesterday: "My looks are definitely down to my Scots background. When I see pictures of my grandad I can see we look almost the same.
"I'm not sure where in Scotland he was from but a lot of Celts were Italian and Spanish immigrants so that perhaps explains my dark colouring."
David's mum Brenda opened her family album to the Sunday Mail and revealed how, as a teenager, David had to fight the puppy fat.
She said: "I always thought David was lovely because he's my son but at 14 or 15 he was podgy. Luckily, he took a stretch a couple of years later and got tall and slim.
"I remember the moment I thought he might be something really special when we went horseriding in Alaska on holiday when David was 17.
"I got a great snap of him waiting for the horses to arrive and I just thought, 'He looks like something from a Levi ad'."
David, who was brought up in Essex, saw his career take off in 2001 when he won a TV model contest. He said: "I started working for Dolce & Gabbana in 2006 in the eyewear and clothing campaigns.
"When they decided to make their first male fragrance in 13 years, I couldn't believe it when Stefano Gabbana asked for me to star personally.
"It's still a bit surreal."
David had no qualms about appearing in skimpy trunks in the ads for Light Blue, filmed off Capri.
But he admitted: "The trunks were a tad smaller than I thought."
最后一篇来自《the SUN》,2007年7月25日的报道,题目为:“Meet the D&G Adonis”,文章作者:Erica Davies