“When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment.Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia. Forever yours, Ezio Auditore. 当我年少轻狂时,我曾拥有自由,但我并不明白它的意义。我曾拥有时间,但我没有意识到它的珍贵。我曾拥有爱,但我从未用心去体会。数十年的时间考验后,我终于理解了三者的真谛。现在,我已风烛残年,这种理解已经逐渐变成一种满足。爱,自由和时间,曾一度被我挥霍,而今成为了我前进的动力。而我将最特别的爱,献给最亲爱的你和我们的孩子们,以及刺客联盟的兄弟姐妹们,并献给赋予我们生命的那壮美奇妙,让人产生无限遐想的世界。 此爱永恒,我亲爱的索菲亚。 艾吉奥·奥迪托雷