ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_POPS_MIN = 1,-- How many extra pops does advanced empires get on their homeworld? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_POPS_MAX = 3, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_MINERALS_MIN = 500, -- How much extra minerals does advanced empires start with? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_MINERALS_MAX = 1500, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_ENERGY_MIN = 300, -- How much extra energy does advanced empires start with? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_ENERGY_MAX = 900, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_INFLUENCE_MIN = 50, -- How much extra influence does advanced empires start with? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_INFLUENCE_MAX = 150, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_WARSHIPS_MIN = 3,-- How many extra war ships do advanced empires start with? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_WARSHIPS_MAX = 7, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_MAX_EXTRA_COLONIES = 4,-- Max extra colonies an advanced empire can start with ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_DISTANCE = 50,-- Max distance at which an advanced empire can get extra colonies ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_CHANCE = 50,-- Per colonizeable planet within colony distance (after the 1st) ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_POPS = 4,-- How many pops (besides the first) on each extra colony? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_NUM_FARMS = 1, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_NUM_POWER_PLANTS = 2, ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_CAPITAL= "building_capital_1", ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_POWER_PLANT= "building_power_plant_1", ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_FARM= "building_hydroponics_farm_1",