Platelet donor requirements血小板捐献者要求
Donors must be at least 17 years of age 捐献者必须至少17岁
Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds 捐献者体重必须至少110磅
Donors may not have aspirin within 48 hours of a donation 捐献者在捐献后的48小时内无服用阿司匹林的需要。
Donors must have an adequate blood iron level 捐献者必须有足够的血液铁水平
Donors must have an appointment to donate platelets 捐献者必须预约捐献血小板。
Platelet donor requirements血小板捐献者要求
Donors must be at least 17 years of age 捐献者必须至少17岁
Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds 捐献者体重必须至少110磅
Donors may not have aspirin within 48 hours of a donation 捐献者在捐献后的48小时内无服用阿司匹林的需要。
Donors must have an adequate blood iron level 捐献者必须有足够的血液铁水平
Donors must have an appointment to donate platelets 捐献者必须预约捐献血小板。