-Larger and adaptive battlefield size 更大的和更適合的的戰場大小(規模和大小都調整)
-Battle size ranging from 100 to 450 戰場大小範圍為100~450
-Many more reinforcement waves 更多的增援次數
-Revamped D'shar troop tree 達夏兵種樹改版
-Factions rebalanced 各勢力重新平衡
-Many units rebalanced 許多士兵重新平衡
-New Phoenix order (2 units) 新的鳳凰騎士團(2種士兵) 中文介紹
-New Shadow Wolves order (2 units) 新的暗影之狼騎士團(2種士兵)
-New Scorpion Assassins order (2 units) 新的天蠍刺客團(2種士兵)
-Leonion Tweaks from this list (1, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44) 採用了部分Leonion(佩里斯諾0.8主要製作人!)的修改
(点击展开 / 收起)-All item prices normalized (based on K0nr@d's algorithm) 所有物品價格正規化
-New helmets, new boots, new bolts, new bows, new arrows, new 新頭盔、新護脛、新弩矢、新弓、新箭、新(甚麼?)
-Most units individually reworked and balanced 大多數單位都進行了修正與平衡
-Dragon Drakes now update from Ravenstern Men-at-Arms 龍掠者現在可從瑞文斯頓重裝步兵升級
-Items too rare made more present 增加部分過於罕見物品的充裕度
-Ai defenders and defending player get ammo refills on sieges 守城方(包含玩家)回復彈藥
-New system for merchants to get money 新的商人入帳系統(就是城鎮中的商人拿到錢的方式改變)
-Honor decrease when attacking villages & caravans 攻擊村莊和商隊時扣榮譽值
-Updated killcam 更新殺敵數紀錄器
-New options & political map 新的政治選項和地圖
-Companions won't loot gender opposite armors 同伴不會掠奪非所屬性別的護甲
-Wage of archer horsemen no more higher than horsemen 弓騎兵的工資不會再高於騎兵
-Wage of mercenaries down from 200% to 166% 傭兵的工資從200%下修為166%
-Companions can auto-equip, even if loot is saturated 夥伴將會自動裝備,即便是戰利品已滿(不必再移一些到物品欄再移回去了)

-Adaptive battlefields (1, 5 or 12 times the surface) 自動調整的戰場(戰場大小倍率)
-New Elacrai interior, exterior, arena and training 新的艾拉克萊場景
-New siege scenes for 14 towns and most castles (from Floris, but reworked) 14個城鎮和大多數城堡的新攻城場景(來自弗洛里斯,但重製過)
-Horizon backgrounds and map borders 地平線背景和地圖邊界
-More animation in taverns, with up to 15 random customers, musicians, rush hours, and varied clothing linked to culture 更多的酒館動畫,服裝為依照文化而定
-New Sarleon tavern 新的薩里昂酒館
-Spawn points reworked in arenas & taverns 競技場和酒館的重生點重製
-Town scenes edited (river in Torbah, towers in Sarleon, lighthouse in Nal Tar, textures in Empire cities and multiple other tweaks) 編輯過的城鎮場景(托巴內的河流、薩里昂的塔樓、納爾達的燈塔、帝國的紋理,還有其他很多修改)
-Nal Tar scenes replaced by Sarranid's Durquba 納爾達的場景用都庫巴的取代
-New skyboxes 新的天空
-More lords in feasts 更多領主出現在宴會之上
-Women in arenas. 競技場中會出現女戰士

-New and reworked armors 新的且重製過的護甲(s)
-New and reworked helmets 新的且重製過的頭盔(s)
-New and reworked weapons 新的且重製過的武器(s)
-New and reworked horses 新的且重製過的馬匹(s)
-New and reworked greaves 新的且重製過的護手(s)
-New common clothing 新的普通服裝
-Tournament items reviewed 競技場物品重新調整
-All armors have a male AND female version (with exceptions) 所有護甲(好吧,有例外)都是中性甲
-All banners redone from scratch, HD 旗幟全部重製(HD)
-42 extra banners 42面額外旗幟
-Skinning of a lot of helmets (neck part deform with movement) 許多的頭盔被"剝皮"了(頸部會隨著動作而變形)
-New book covers, qualis gem, gold bar, loot, lute, lyre, chests, common items, furniture, bodies, hair... 新的書籍封面、龍淚寶石、金條、戰利品、裡拉琴......(等等等)
-Dynamic face generation for zombies, and new textures 殭屍的動態臉和新紋理
-More blood 更血腥了~
-Bump map and/or specular map created for manu items 為更多物品創造兩種貼圖型態
-Higher grass 草更高了
-Fade from black on entering peaceful scenes (toggleable) 進入非戰鬥狀態的場景時會有黑色淡入淡出(可啟用與禁用)

MAP 地圖方面
-Original individual icons for towns (including Elacrai) 原創城鎮圖標(包含艾拉克莱)
-Individual icons for castles (from Floris) 每個城堡有獨特的圖標(來自弗洛里斯)
-Banners normalized 旗幟正規化
-Corrected bridges 橋梁位置修正
-New map icon for training grounds and Wolfbode 新的地圖圖標(訓練場和預兆之狼)
-Polished map textures and shape 打亮地圖紋理和形狀
-New male head shape 新的男性頭型
-All NPC reworked 所有NPC重製
-More and better textures 更多且更好的紋理
-More wrinkled old faces 老臉的皺紋更多
-Darker D'Shars 達夏會黑一點
-Noldor faces 諾多的臉
-Better random faces 更好的隨機臉
-Head and body color match 頭部和身體的膚色一致
-All D'shars are now dark skinned 所有的達夏人變黑了(曬黑...?)
-Muscular bodies in arena 競技場中的人肌肉更多了
-Dynamically generated zombie faces 殭屍的臉動態生成(是會有表情的意思吧)
-Zombie texture redone 殭屍紋理重製
-Improved woman model 改良的女性體型

UI 介面方面
-More than 150 new menu illustrations (unique illustrations for towns, factions, events and menus) 150+,新的選單圖示(城鎮、勢力、活動和選單的獨特圖示)
-Interface tweaks 介面調整
-New kill counter 新的戰場殺敵計數器
-Some polished menus 一些被打亮的選單
-New female grunts 新的女性嘯聲
-New death sounds for demons 惡魔死亡時的聲音改變
-Sound reviewed/remastered 聲音重新調整
-Musicians in taverns 酒館中的音樂家
-Women can shout orders 女性可以呼喊命令
-Optimized sounds (split into OGG and FLAC depending on use) 聲音
-Mesh simplifications 網格簡化
-Texture remapping for economy 降低紋理佔用效能
-LOD creation for almost all items 對幾乎所有的物品做了優化處理
-Elimination of all old unoptimized assets 消除所有舊的未優化物件
-Mipmaps on all textures to avoid visual noise 對所有紋理進行紋理細化
-Removal of alpha layers when not needed 移除無用的紋理
-Behind the scenes rework (sorted .brf files and sorted items order) 場景重製

-Thousands of grammar, punctuation and formulation errors 上千個文法、發音和公式錯誤
-Merchant starting choice was always changed to physician in scenario "a letter that changed everything" 在劇本"一封改變一切的信"中,開局選商人總是會變成醫生
-Made CKO Sergeants recruitable from prisoners 讓自建騎士團扈從可從俘虜中招募
-Fixed exploit with UllrVetr's bow 符印弓的收回(不能再通過升級弓來保留弓)
-Salt mine scene exit 鹽礦離開問題
-Transparent salt mine 透明的鹽礦
-Duplicate items 重複的物品
-Misaligned Banner of Sarleon 薩里昂旗幟的不對齊現象
-Misaligned Mett Xbow 梅藤海姆弩的不對齊現象
-"Ghoul face" in castles 城堡中的"鬼臉"
-Possessed Doomguide face 厄運引者的臉
-Helmets not fitting the head 頭盔和頭型不合
-Removed some non-interactive doors 移除了一些無法互動的門
-Hair texture 頭髮紋理
-Banners on overhead circle misaligned 旗幟的不對齊現象
-Arena and tournament fighters don't keep their original greaves 競技場中的戰士們沒穿上他們原先的護手
-Party naming bug 部隊名稱bug
-Removed ladies in waiting from non-player parties 從非玩家部隊中移除侍女(帝國侍女)
-Fixed "pretty female" face 修正"漂亮女性"的臉
-Toned down loot on bandits 調低從強盜那裡得來的戰利品
-Fixed shader on many items 修正許多物品的陰影
-Fixed color on back of heraldic armors 紋章甲背面的顏色問題