三色绘恋吧 关注:20,125贴子:239,537
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IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2017-12-10 11:35回复
    L: So, youtransferred to the art class? Seriously?
    Q: yes. What’s theproblem?
    L: Well, what doyou think of art class? A wonderful place?
    Q: or what? Is ita hell?
    L: (surprised)extra art homework! Same schoolwork load! Countless discrimination from others!And you ranked No.1 in our school last term! What’s wrong with you to do so, givingup this talent!
    Q: First, it’s notmy talent. It’s “them” who forced me to do that. And secondly, I love drawing.
    L: what you loveis not drawing, but drawing with “her”! being with you for an entire year, Iknow you well.
    Q: and I have beenwith “her” for 17 years. I know how I feel.
    L: 叹气,离场
    Q: I have to findmy colour, my colour without “them”

    IP属地:四川2楼2017-12-10 11:42

      3楼2017-12-10 12:20

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2017-12-10 12:31

          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端5楼2017-12-10 12:33
            D: The sportsmeeting is on the next week, and our class oversees the poster for the wholegrade. C, you’ll be in charge of these things.
            C: no problem. AndI nominate Q to help me.
            Q: me? Well……
            D: why? (talkquietly with C)
            W: do you want tojoin?
            Q: I’m not sure……maybe not. I’m not interested in those things.
            W: well, I’drather have you joined.
            Q: why? I rememberwe mat a week ago.
            W: (smile)
            D: Q must needsome time to think. So that’s it. School’s over, you’re free to go.
            Q: 离场
            W: because…… I want to see your drawings, the interesting drawings with your ownidea in it!
            Q: so, here weare.
            W: thanks forletting us in!
            Q: Emm……I remember telling you about this before.
            X: Ah…… yes. (quiet), but nothing about her!
            Q: what?
            X: nothing. Sitdown, please.
            W: thanks.
            X: (to Q) youstand.
            X: or you may siton the floor.
            Q: I’d ratherstand.
            X: if you like. So,what should we do?
            Q: for eachposter, I’ll draw an original version……
            W: which is of notabletalent! (崇拜)
            Q: and W will draw the outline sketch out of my drawing.
            X: And I will scanthe sketch into the computer and colour it.
            Q: completelyright.
            W: you lookfamiliar with it. Have you done this before?
            X: yes, I did thatlast year with him.
            W: him?
            X: the idiot whostands when being offered with a seat. (笑)
            X: (对Q) Now, go out and draw!
            W: you really havea good relationship!
            X:(confused)NONONO! We quarrel a lot!
            W: yes. Youquarrel a lot but every time after your argument, you can always get alongwell.
            X: well…… kind of……
            W: that’s what I’mtalking about. X and Q, have the best relationship in the world! (羡慕)
            Q:(推门进来) Here’s the original version.
            X: Ah! You come! (突然发现什么) OK, now get out!
            X: wow! It’s soclear! Much easier to colour than the ones last years.
            Q: Of course. Sheis the best artist in our class.
            X: no, my point isthat your outline sketch was too bad.
            Q: ……
            W&Q: thanksfor your help!
            X: Q, wait. (W回头,疑惑;退场) would you stay and practice drawing with me? Just the two of us.

            IP属地:四川6楼2017-12-10 12:53
              C: grave news
              Q; what?
              C: it’s yourparents.
              Q: “them”……
              C: they knew thatyour things. They’re angry about that. They want to get in control of youagain.
              Q: back to theircontrol? No!
              C: well, you stillhave a chance. If you can pass the exam, they will have to give you thetemporary freedom.
              Q: so, is itpossible for me to pass it?
              C: let me see yourwork.
              C: are those thework from a high school art student?
              C: your works canbe shown in the university gallery!
              X: excellent! Sowe can still……
              C: but they won’tget high marks.
              X: why?!
              C: they aregorgeous in creativity. Very expressive. I can see the girl in the drawing——is that you? (对Q) letting he to be yourmodel, you really are something!
              X: just go on!
              C: I can see itclearly that she is thinking something.
              X: yes, I wasthinking about what he will cook that noon.
              C: cooking?! Howlong have you stayed together!
              C; but our examdoesn’t see that. You are requested to be a camera; a camera that drawseverything you see just the way they look. The marks are determined by thesimilarity your drawing shares with the real model, but not the idea you wantto express in it.
              X: is there anychance that he can improve these days before the exam?
              C: he is new here,not familiar with any of the skills. Obviously, he hasn’t practice much before.
              X: yes he did! Weused to draw together every day since primary school!
              C: but it’s notthe practice. I’m sorry, but there’s no chance for him to pass it.
              X: so he willleave? (repeat)
              C: you aretalented, Q, but the skill to pass the exam won’t strike you in only one month.
              Q: talent, mytalent came from “her” (X). we used to draw together. Now, I’m drawing with“her” (W), my skill came from her guidance. Hah, skill……
              X: have you restedwell? You called me at midnight. I’m so worried that you may be awake for long.
              Q: no. I sleptwell.
              W; then why areyou so upset?
              L: he is like thatevery time before the exam. Last time when he ranked the first, his expression wasjust like X was killed right in front of him!
              X: What? Who waskilled? (beat)
              Q: so, I havedecided! Since I couldn’t pass the exam, I’ll draw then way I ‘m used to.
              W: that means thatyou couldn’t live here anymore!
              X: that means thatyou will leave me forever!
              Q: at least I’vetried my best. W guided me a lot, and X acted as my model a full day. We didtry our best. So, it’s not important what the result is! W, you want to see mydrawing, right?
              I’ll do that foryou this time!
              Q: (独白)what colour will I have? Orange or violet?

              IP属地:四川7楼2017-12-10 13:00
                LZ周1-4 不能用电脑,而这些是LZ上上周1-3 赶出来的,没办法参考原作,只能凭记忆写。如有改进建议,欢迎大家提出!【不用给我面子!!!

                IP属地:四川8楼2017-12-10 13:04

                  IP属地:四川9楼2017-12-10 13:52

                    10楼2017-12-10 15:06
                      你这人 也是头脑发热

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端11楼2017-12-10 21:11

                        IP属地:四川12楼2017-12-10 22:48