General Motors' filing for a pre-packaged bankruptcy on June 1 marks the end of an era. The significance of the event isn't lost on those with intimate knowledge of the auto industry, from former executives to business and labor historians to political activists and local politicians.
• Richard Tedlow, the MBA Class of 1949 Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, looks far back into history to explain who's responsible for GM's collapse. He blames Alfred P. Sloan, GM's former president and chairman, who's widely recognized for turning GM into the industry leader by the 1930s. "He was a great executive with a great failing, and that failing was labor relations," Tedlow says. He credits GM's abusive treatment of its workers in the 1930s, despite the considerably higher wages it paid, for the spectacular growth of the United Auto Workers union, starting in 1936 with a sit-down strike at the Flint plant that lasted 44 days.