Patch Notes - May 8th 2020EventA new crafting event has just begun! Jess makes her way to an alternate time line with you where you encounter Lucy and Kira.Collect ingredients and craft powerful new items as well as a brand new guardian!The events ends on May 22nd.Balance - Increased Holly's skill damage by 18%. - Increased Ava's basic attack damage by 9.4%. - Increased Zera's basic attack damage by 10.9%. - Increased Aria's basic attack damage by 11.8%. - Increased Ophelia's basic attack damage by 9.3%. - Increased Micah's basic attack damage by 11.8%. - Increased Julia's basic attack damage by 9.4%. - Increased Nahame's basic attack damage by 9.3%. - Increased Jess's basic attack damage by 9.3%. - Increased Kamiko's basic attack damage by 9.3%. - Increased Clementine's basic attack damage by 11.8%. - Increased Captain Amira's basic attack damage by 11.8%. - Increased Ivory's basic attack damage by 19.6%. - Increased Destiny's basic attack damage by 11.8%. - Increased Gabriela's basic attack damage by 9.3%. - Increased Brooke's basic attack damage by 9.3%. - Increased Gretta's basic attack damage by 13.3%. - Decreased Mercy's basic attack damage by 18%. - Decreased Florence's basic attack damage by 20%. Features- Overhauled the combat system entirely in the backend. This is the biggest change we've ever had to make in our code and the intent is to have more options when it comes to creating new maiden skills as well as help us better manage all aspects of combat. This was many months in the making and while we spent over a month testing everything, there may be unforseen issues. Be sure to communicate to us anything that seems off/different from before or simply not working and we'll fix them asap! - Shortened the tutorial and made further improvements. - The cap for stun and confuse durations has been raised to 5 seconds. All maidens with a skill that had such effect have had their skills tuned. Note that most of them do NOT have a max duration. - Anabelle now has a new passive. She becomes immune to all damage while casting her skill. - Lilith now has a new passive. She deals constant damage over time in an AoE around her. - The rest of the passives for legendary maidens will come over the coming releases.Bug Fixes- Fixed various issues in the tutorial. - Fixed a bug where selling small quantities of an ingredient stack would not update the inventory. - Fixed a bug where selling large quantities of an ingredient stack would make the stack disappear from inventory until the page was reloaded. - Fixed an issue with missing tooltips for fire enemies on the pre-level tabs. - Fixed a bug that made Patricia enemies appear as dark maidens on the pre-level tabs. - Fixed a bug where Holly would sometimes get too close to melee enemies and would no longer be able to cast her skill.- Fixed a bug where C1M2 was not dropping any items. - Fixed a bug that would make certain SFX, environment sounds and music stop playing.- Fixed an odd bug related to Vanessa's skill and the slow down button that bypassed the cooldown of the slow down and did not display the filter.- Fixed 298 other issues related to the combat system overhaul.