铁锤大战吧 关注:168贴子:1,816
  • 6回复贴,共1
001 the Merciful/the Peacemaker/the Protector(经常饶恕敌人的仁者称号,好人,嗯
002 the Noble/the Lawful/the Honest(高尚与正直者称号……啥?这是啥?
003 the Invincible/the Unbeatable/the Unstoppable(无敌者称号……?这又是啥?
004 the Fierce/the Barbarian/the Stone Crusher(纯熟运用重型武器者称号
005 the Skilful/the Wind Warrior/the Blade(纯熟运用刀剑所获称号
006 the Target Master/the Beast Slayer/the Gunner(纯熟运用枪械者称号
007 the Greedy/the Gold Lover/the Silver Man(捡钱多过杀敌的贪财者称号
008 the Bloodstained/the Merciless/the Fearsome(杀人杀人疯狂杀人者称号
009 the Windbag/the Prattler/the Clumsy(沙包称号……
010 the Ironfist/the Turtle/the Armor Clad(浑身佩甲者称号
在profile_xx.seria中的m_title 就是显示以上东东的,因为本人挂了六片金甲,结果不管杀了多少人还是the Turtle,超级郁闷,本来想改的,但在player_xx.seria里看到有记载杀人数,胜败数,刀剑,链锤使用统计以及什么honnest值等等之类的东东,就懒得改了.那位大侠有兴趣,备份了后,改了试试.
老实讲,我还想试试能不能改成游戏中没有的称号,比如the shameless, the BigBoss...

1楼2010-02-21 11:26回复
    000 __Lightly armored shield. Does not offer much protection, yet will deflect a sliding blow.
    001 __Lightly armored shield. Does not offer much protection, yet will deflect a sliding blow.
    002 __Lightly armored shield. Does not offer much protection, yet will deflect a sliding blow.
    003 bone1
    004 bone2
    005 __Armor made of soft iron. Offers protection from a slashing sword, yet it won't save from a crushing weapon.
    006 __Steel armor, fairly well-made. Reliable protection from a sword.
    007 steel
    008 spike
    009 __Heavy plate of hardened steel. Reliable protection against swords and axes, and not every hammer will be able to hit through it. Yet this armor is heavy and significantly encumbers the movements of a rider.
    010 __Heavy Kadish armor. A masterful piece of work, yet it is too costly for a simple warrior.
    011 __Armor of imperial seneschals. Exquisite and expensive work.
    012 great
    013 imperia
    014 black
    015 __A piece of heboric rock, strong and difficult to break, on a short steel chain. A popular choice among young hunters and half-beggar nukhers.@5__It doesn't last long, yet serves well. When the rock finally crumbles, the chain can be sold to worm drivers as tackle.
    016 __Not really a weapon. Hammers like this are used by warriors to play hammerball.@5__A tree trunk is much lighter than hardened steel. This hammer does not encumber riders with its weight.
    017 __Regular wooden hammer, pointed at both ends, studded with cheap iron.@5__Such a weapon would never be used in serious combat, yet it is surprising how easily even a novice fighter can perform lightning-fast strikes with it.@5__A very simple weapon, and useful thanks to its simplicity.
    018 __Made of black iron, extracted from Median mines, and refined by Kelete masters, it is ingeniously simple!@5__May the young beks continue to brag of their expensive swords - A respected veteran, sitting at the city's gate, will speak differently. There is no better weapon under the skies than a good hammer - it warms your hands and makes your heart beat faster.
    019 __The products of Median blacksmiths are used widely throughout the Empire. Yet this specific item is forged for the House of Kelete only.@5__The spike in it is not designed to shatter shiny armors - instead, it will deliver a deadly sting to the flesh of an unprotected foe.@5__Elite ghaushes from the army of the Emperor al-Maravi are equipped with this weapon.
    020 __The Favored weapon of the guard of seneherims. Cast from loaded iron, it requires great strength from its wielder.@5__In the experienced hands of the riders of Salim, this hammer cracks hardened armor like the shell of a rotten walnut.
    021 __A strange weapon from a cursed nation.
    022 __Forged as a prototype of the Great Ghazeber's hammer. This weapon is an exquisite product, decorated with gold, and would be the centerpiece of a seneherim's treasury, yet it is awarded to champions who earned their fame in the hammerball arenas.

    IP属地:广东2楼2010-02-21 14:13
      023 __A cast iron ball, connected to the chain with a hinge. A fearsome weapon, though a simple one. Veterans will remember well how, in the battle of Ghazeb, a rebel armed with a mace shattered with one blow, the armored shell of the imperial seneschal Bokhru Tamid-al-Anvar.@5__Not everyone is capable of handling such a weapon yet a rider, who has skill with maces, will not be stopped by the carapace of a predatory beast, nor by the heavy armor of imperial mercenaries.
      024 __Weapon used by Ghazeb's hunters. Its sharpened edge is like a saw blade and delivers hard, difficult to heal wounds to the victim. This steel chain is not used as an army weapon, yet it is highly respected in the armories of gladiatorial arenas.
      025 __Loved by the Shiu fighters, who can deliver sudden strikes with it.@5__The whole Empire may think that the flail is a clumsy weapon, yet with proper training it can become a true curse to any opponent lacking agility and relying on the strength of their armor.
      026 __This heavy Kadish weapon is forged from white steel.@5__The weaponsmiths merged the strength of axe and mace in it. It is with these blades that Kadish warriors became famous as the greatest army in the helaat. Though this was a long time ago, and this art may now be mostly forgotten.
      027 __A rare armament, known in the ranks of Shegharaims. Forged from white metal, and thus much lighter than it looks.@5__Many riders are fearful of this whip, rightly treating anyone using it as unclean.
      028 __A cast spiked ball, connected to the chain in a flexible way. A rather complex product, using an expensive metal.@5__Such whips deserve their fame as the best variant of chain weapons, and for that reason are used across the Empire, especially by noble and skilful jaghannat warriors.
      029 __Usually expensive to construct, this weapon is forged only for noble and skilful warriors. As with any mace, handling a whip requires training. Median hardening made it as strong as a rock, and its heaviness will break an enemy's armor as if it were made of clay.
      030 __This is the Kadish mace. It has special significance. Legend has it that Makhavir Kadish, the great founder of Jaghannat, cast such a weapon for himself from 88 thousand sickles of silver, to defeat the monstrous Ithildayan-Kheivan. To this day they add some silver to the metal of this heavy mace, thus asking for help from the holy Makhavir in battle.
      031 __A strange weapon from a cursed nation.
      032 __A rare specimen indeed! The story goes that, in ancient times, such flails were used by seneschals of the Ruler Ishtar himself. They handled their weapons with a skill that was inhuman - one warrior could cause a whole army to flee!@5__No weaponsmith has made an item like this for several centuries, and the remaining pieces are reverently kept in Jaghannat's armories.
      033 __This is both heavy and sharp. Used by hunters in all corners of the Empire, it will serve you well against a worm, or a giant polyp. This weapon is simple and reliable.
      034 __This traditional weapon of the House of Kelete - surbala-khaz - is dead from birth, produced by cold forging from metal obtained on the House's burial grounds. Extremely light and hard. A sickle blade is good for both slashing and shredding.@5__A wonderful weapon, it is looked down upon by the rich riders because of its simple decorations.

      IP属地:广东3楼2010-02-21 14:13
        035 __Neither a hammer nor an axe, and it requires special training.@5__It is rare as a rider armament. Yet, when properly made, it can prove itself well worthy of combat.
        036 __A heavy Kelete axe - Surbala-Khaz. Such weapons have always been highly esteemed in the Empire, this axe especially! The broad round blade is ideal for slashing strikes; being heavy, it passes through shields with ease, and hits even a well-protected foe.@5__The rider with such a weapon is forced to fight very close to his enemy, which is why the noyons of the Emperor rarely go without heavy armor.
        037 __A traditional weapon of Shegharaim heavy riders. It has a specially shaped blade, forged from Median iron, and is no lighter than imperial eclipses. Yet the bagor differs from the Kelete axe by being not overly expensive, and is in fact quite affordable for mercenaries of Shegharaim Seneherim.@5__Bagor's metal is not as hard as what is used in Kelete surbala-khaz, still, as with any heavy axe, in the hands of a skilful fighter this is a reliable and deadly weapon.
        038 __Graceful and easy to use, expensively crafted - this weapon is rightly valued by noble warriors.@5__A blade of corrugated steel on a long shaft, it enables the wielder to land blows while staying a safe distance from his opponent. It is not uncommon for seneherims' sons to use these to hunt the midnight beasts.
        039 __A heavy axe, used by Kadish warriors. Dependable and deadly, its blade is forged from corrugated steel.@5__Often in the past this weapon brought the House its famous victories. The legends have it that the Great Makhavir defeated his archenemy, the Ruler Ishtar, with this axe.
        040 __One of the title weapons of jaghannat. Awarded to its best seneschals as a sign of their combat mastery. Excellent and incomparable, it has a blade forged by the masters of jaghannat from corrugated steel. Deceptively simple decoration, in the precious dark wood of mamre, emphasizes the elegance of this blade.@5__In battle, this weapon is akin to an imperial eclipse, yet even the precious surbala-khaz cannot be compared with the sharpness of the amazing Jaghannat steel.
        041 __Ceremonial weapon of Aver-Aseed and a sign of valued service to the city.@5__This axe of wonderful khaas-median steel is too heavy for an ordinary warrior and will only find its place in the hands of a truly experienced warrior.
        042 __Simple steel. Inexpensive yet robustly built. The short curved blade of the fang works well when paired with heavy blades.@5__It is generally used by warriors as a bayonet, piercing their foe and immediately striking with the opposing sword.
        043 __A short sword, inexpensively produced. Its extremely light blade is forged from corrugated steel. The weapon of mercenaries and poorer warriors, it is appreciated for its flexibility and ease of use.
        044 __A heavy sword used by Ghazeb mercenaries, and also rather loved by a wide variety of fortune-seekers. This menace of merchants and lone caravans is forged from median iron, and is praised for its reliability and reasonable price.@5__Massive and short, it can land heavy blows on armor, while a slight twist of its blade is useful in a slashing fight.

        IP属地:广东4楼2010-02-21 14:13
          045 __Exactly what it seems - dull and heavy - such blades are popular in the far-off lands. It costs little more than the weight of the iron it is made of, and is not known for its fine construction.@5__For a sword it is too heavy, and handles closer to a club. This is the reason for its appreciation by the mighty heroes of militia units, whose muscled hands turn it into a menacing weapon.
          046 __Bent swords come to replace the straight swords of the past, and between them sayan is one of the best by right! The precise curve of its balanced blade is perfectly suited to slashing - in the hands of a master this weapon is flawless.@5__Unfortunately, to master it fully will require prolonged training.
          047 __This is treated as a poor man's weapon, and thus disdained by noble warriors. The hunters from Shiu claim that they invented it, since they use long-stemmed sabers to hunt worms.@5__Even though the weapon is called a sayan for the shape of its blade, its handling is closer to axes rather than sabers. An inexperienced warrior who takes a high sayan in his hands, and attempts to wave it like a regular sayan - will fail. This is because the serious weight of the weapon must be taken into account. Where a swordsman manages to land two blows, a warrior with a high sayan will manage only one, yet the long shaft allows him to keep his distance, and a massive blade, in skilful hands, hacks like a war axe!
          048 __One of the old imperial swords. Such weapons were forged back in the time of Makhavir Arguseed, and almost every blade brings a long and glorious history with it.@5__Weapon experts place high value on their fine construction and the surprising quality of their steel. The shape of these blades betrays their venerable age, and a one-sided blade is not always helpful in battle, yet an unquenchable warrior spirit that lives in this ancient weapon, and the talent of masters long gone, seem to make these blades eternally respected.
          049 __A heavy sword, it often draws respect from skilful warriors. They must be rich enough to pay a hefty price for it, though.@5__It is massive and, with enough practice, it can easily deal with the foe's armor. Still, it is a true sword, and is as sharp as a sayan, for slashing fights.
          050 __Like any Kadish weapon, this glaive seduces with its expensive design. It also carries significant weight, thus only a few knights will find it comfortable to use.@5__However, the priceless azure steel of Kadish and the exceptional skill of the one who forged the blade can work miracles in the hands of a master fighter.
          051 __A witness to centuries long gone, this kind of sword was produced even before dynastic times. The frequent hero of ballads and sagas, its broad and straight blade is finely made, and speaks of noble origins.@5__In our age, this blade may seem too heavy, yet it is surprisingly facile in handling. It is often an object of love for noble warriors who come from ancient dynasties.
          052 __The blade of an imperial seneschal. Each weapon is a masterpiece of the blacksmith's art, and costs much more than its own weight in pure gold!@5__Akin to dynastic Kadish blades, it is sharp on one edge only. Yet it is made to be longer and lighter.

          IP属地:广东5楼2010-02-21 14:13
            immortal 不朽的 我的称号... 杀人数 机器数 野兽数 战胜数貌似是可以随便改的.

            IP属地:上海10楼2010-07-09 15:24
              似乎 title决定的是脑袋上的旗子的样子-.-.........?

              IP属地:上海11楼2010-07-09 15:41