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【原创】词汇量的迷思:Does Size Matter?


我很少谈论词汇量。虽然词汇对于学习英语是必须的,但词汇量的多少并不足以反映英语水平 —— 英语里有所谓的 necessary but insufficient condition。
修读语言学的朋友应该听过 Paul Nation 这个名字。Paul 是著名的语言学家,特别在教学法方面有研究。1990年他写的 Teaching & Learning Vocabulary 出版,页12有以下的图表,显示之前有人做研究,得出不同年龄的母语人士平均有多大的词汇量。

Paul 补充道:Recent research ... suggests that estimates of 20,000 words for undergraduates are mostly likely to be correct. This suggests that the first language learners add between 1,000 to 2,000 words per year to their vocabulary. (p.11)
另外一位有名的英语教学法学者 Scott Thornbury 写了一本 How to Teach Vocabulary(2002年出版),同样说母语人士平均词汇量是 20,000:An educated native speaker will probably have a vocabulary of around 20,000 words (or, more accurately, 20,000 word families ...). This is the result of adding a thousand words a year to the 5,000 words he or she had acquired by the age of five.

IP属地:中国香港1楼2021-05-19 17:44回复
    这里,大家要问的问题是:What is a word?
    Scott Thornbury 说明了,他指的两万是 word families。什么意思呢?wiki百科的解释如下:
    A word family is the base form of a word plus its inflected forms and derived forms made with suffixes and prefixes plus its cognates, i.e. all words that have a common etymological origin, some of which even native speakers don't recognize as being related (e.g. "wrought (iron)" and "work(ed)").[2] In the English language, inflectional affixes include third person -s, verbal -ed and -ing, plural -s, possessive -s, comparative -er and superlative -est. Derivational affixes include -able, -er, -ish, -less, -ly, -ness, -th, -y, non-, un-, -al, -ation, -ess, -ful, -ism, -ist, -ity, -ize/-ise, -ment, in-.

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2021-05-19 17:56
      - does vocabulary size matter?
      one word: Yes.
      two words: Hell Yes

      IP属地:上海3楼2021-05-19 18:21
        Size matters

        IP属地:加拿大来自Android客户端6楼2021-05-19 19:24
          上面说过,一个受过良好教育的母语人士的单词量大概是 20,000(word families)。wiki百科引用了一个比较近期的研究【Brysbaert, Marc; Stevens, Michaël; Mandera, Paweł; Keuleers, Emmanuel (29 July 2016). "How Many Words Do We Know? Practical Estimates of Vocabulary Size Dependent on Word Definition, the Degree of Language Input and the Participant's Age". Frontiers in Psychology】,结果如下:
          ”20-year-old English native speakers recognize on average 42,000 lemmas, ranging from 27,100 for the lowest 5% of the population to 51,700 lemmas for the highest 5%. These lemmas come from 6,100 word families in the lowest 5% of the population and 14,900 word families in the highest 5%. 60-year-olds know on average 6,000 lemmas more“。
          先说说什么叫做 lemma,就是一个单词的最基本形态,或者是字典里的标题字,例如 walk,而并不包括 walks,walked,walking 等。研究结果说,20岁的母语人士懂得的 lemma 由 27,100 到 51,700 不等,平均数是 42,000,这些 lemma 包括在 6,100 至 14,900 word families 里。
          所以,当我们讨论母语人士的单词量时,该注意我们说的是 lemma 还是 word family!

          IP属地:中国香港10楼2021-05-19 21:23
            单词分为功能词(function word)和实词(content word)。
            Function word 又叫做 grammatical word,是有语法意义或者功能的词,包括助动词、介词、连词、冠词、代词等等,例如 may,can,on,at,and,but,an,the,he,she,it ...
            Content word 则主要是名词、动词、形容词和副词。
            有人说 ''there areapproximately 500 or so function words in English, and, of the 100 most common words in English,most are function words."(D. Caplan. Neurolinguistics and Linguistic Aphasiology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987)。常见的功能词就有 100 多个吧!我个人认为,这应该就是英语学习者至少的词汇量

            IP属地:中国香港11楼2021-05-19 21:28
              有一个研究报告【Richard Labontee, University of Gothenburg (June 2019). "What does it mean ‘to know a word’? Beliefs from Adult Swedish Second Language Learners"】引用了 Paul Nation 的一个分析框架(2013年出版的书:Vocabulary acquisition in second language acquisition):

              这个 form(形)、meaning(义)、use(用)的框架有两方面:receptive 和 productive。
              Receptive 是被动的,简而言之,是你理解读到和听到的东西(words that you understand when you hear them or read them)。productive 是主动的(words that you use to express yourself, in speech or in writing)。
              1. Never encountered the word.
              2. Heard the word, but cannot define it.
              3. Recognizes the word due to context or tone of voice.
              4. Able to use the word and understand the general and/or intended meaning, but cannot clearly explain it.
              5. Fluent with the word – its use and definition.
              1. orthography – written form
              2. phonology – spoken form
              3. reference – meaning
              4. semantics – concept and reference
              5. register – appropriacy of use or register
              6. collocation – lexical neighbours
              7. word associations
              8. syntax – grammatical function
              9. morphology – word parts

              IP属地:中国香港12楼2021-05-19 21:48
                其实有什么稀奇的呢?说说汉语吧!”参“这个单字有三个读音,读 can 一声有五个意思,读 cen 一声主要是用在词语”参差“里,而读 shen 一声亦有两个意思。

                IP属地:中国香港13楼2021-05-19 21:59
                  很多人喜欢进行词汇量的测试,然后就说自己有多厉害 / 不足。然而,要知道这只是个估算(approximation)。你说你自己的词汇量是 1,000,是哪 1,000?我由 1 数到 1,000,算不算有 1,000 词汇量?
                  Paul Nation 在 Teaching & Learning Vocabulary 这本书里说,词汇量测试有四种:
                  1. Multiple choice tests, all in English
                  "a tome" - A. a rough split B. a pain in the back C. a large, heavy book D. a type of horse
                  2. Multiple choice tests using the mother tongue
                  "a tome" - A. sakit perut B. alat masak C. buku besar D. semacam kuda
                  3. Translation tests
                  "a tome" = ?
                  4. Instead of tested word appearing alone, it could be put into a simple, nondefining context.
                  "It is a tome." = ?
                  (N correct answers x total N words in dictionary)/ N items in test

                  IP属地:中国香港14楼2021-05-19 22:16

                    IP属地:福建来自Android客户端15楼2021-05-19 22:29
                      Scott Thornbury 在 How to Teach Vocabulary 一书里面说:
                      "Most adult second language learners, however, will be lucky to have acquired 5,000 word families even after several years of study."
                      意思是相比起母语人士的 20,000 个 word families,非母语人士学会 5,000 个 word families 已经很不错了。他指出这并非说非母语人士的能力不够,而是因为他们处于一个不一样的语言环境。这个道理很容易理解吧!你认为汉语容易,是因为你无时无刻都在接收和使用这个语言!
                      The knowledge of the 3000 most frequent English word families or the 5000 most frequent words provides 95% vocabulary coverage of spoken discourse. For minimal reading comprehension a threshold of 3,000 word families (5,000 lexical items) was suggested and for reading for pleasure 5,000 word families (8,000 lexical items) are required. An "optimal" threshold of 8,000 word families yields the coverage of 98% (including proper nouns).
                      意思是要进行对话,懂得 3000个最常用的 word families 或者 5000个最常用的单词就够了。要享受阅读的话, 懂得 5000个最常用的 word families 或者 8000个最常用的单词便可以了。这与 Scott Thornbury 的说法一致。至于懂得 8000个 word families 是应该可以达到无障碍沟通了。

                      IP属地:中国香港16楼2021-05-19 22:40

                        IP属地:中国香港17楼2021-05-19 22:46

                          IP属地:日本来自Android客户端19楼2021-05-20 07:40

                            IP属地:广东20楼2021-05-20 12:12
                              成年母语人士的词汇量平均是 20,000个 word families(例如 compare,compares, compared, comparison, comparative, comparatively 算是一个 word family)。5岁的小孩子是 5,000个,每年大概增加 1,000个。(参考上面 1楼,2楼和 10楼)
                              所谓“懂得”一个单词,可以分为看得懂和听得懂(receptive)和懂得在写作和口语里使用(productive),这个懂包括形(form),义(meaning)和用(use)三个方面。(参考上面 12楼)
                              一词多义是很正常的现象,英语和汉语里都有。(参考上面 13楼)
                              有四种词汇量的测试,得出来的结果只是一个估算(approximation)。(参考上面 14楼)
                              非母语人士掌握好 3,000 至 5,000个最常用的 word families 就可以基本了解英语对话和文本。(参考上面 16楼)

                              IP属地:中国香港21楼2021-05-20 13:18