Q: In this event, you finished second after a last-minute finisher of 15 turns and 63 cities. Do you think you can beat that if given an extra day? Is there anything you will do differently?
A: I think I could tie it but probably not best it. 16 rounds took a great deal of effort as it. I am currently unsure if I will have the time today; I’ll probably attempt it anyway :)
Q; The WC4 event is the most popular one among the series of events this summer, beating several newer games. What do you think makes this game so special that people still stick to it after 4 years?
A:World Conqueror 4 is so fun in conquest to me because it allows you to consistently optimize your runs. I never played EW6: 1914 or any of the GOG games, so I cannot comment on them. In EW6, however, a game I have also speedran successfully (but not as much as in WC4), there seems to be much more variation in AI and what not. This is not regulated to just the enemy, either. It is no fun in the 1812/15 variants to speedrun Europe perfectly then have to wait another 5 rounds because Canada+Mexico did not defeat the US in time with the exact same donation as any other run.
WC4 also invites another dimension of customizability that ET forwent when developing EW6. In WC4 I can choose the last two perks on Guderian; in EW6 my Marat is stuck with Maneuver. This is not in WC4, either, but I also suggest ET add cosmetic (not game-changing like the new WC4 medals) IAP like general appearances, country origins, customizing your own general like in WC3, different unit textures, etc… People would pay to make their Manstein have an American flag, to make their own generals (again, look-only), or to have their in-game battleships look a certain way, perhaps different camouflage and what not.
Finally, WC4 allows me to do much more with less. Tanks have a 100% chance of attacking again with the technology, so if I carefully coordinate my units my Guderian (or Manstein, or Rommel, or Rokko) can wipe-out, say, six units AND crack an enemy city AND move forward to the next city in one round. In EW6 Blucher/Marat/Ney and their ilk quickly are unable to attack again due to bad luck, and even still their damage capability is lacking. As such, it is much more difficult, and often impossible to chain together attacks in a coordinated fashion to increase speed. I do like military tactics in that game, though.