差不多得了😅屁大点事都要拐上原神,原神一没招你惹你,二没干伤天害理的事情,到底怎么你了让你一直无脑抹黑,米哈游每天费尽心思的文化输出弘扬中国文化,你这种喷子只会在网上敲键盘诋毁良心公中国游戏的未来就是被你这种人毁掉的😅适可而止矣😅涓埃之事,亦央原神。夫原神者,其一未犯尔,其二固道,尔以何素愚辱之?米哈游者,欲彰华夏之文涵于天下,殚精竭虑。尔等竖子,仗键盘跋扈于网路,构陷良企于冤雪,不舍昼夜。华夏娱戏之前景,皆败于尔属!That's enough, a small project can be related to Genshin. First, Genshin won't bother you. The second Genshin will not harm the sky and the earth. Mihoyo is determined to spread traditional Chinese culture every day. Your shotgun will only be hitting keyboards on the web to defame the first game. The future of gaming will be destroyed by people like you.