WINDOWS: 窗户: Context menu items appear only for files located on NTFS file system - system that supports alternate data streams. Check that the partition is NTFS formatted. If possible, reformat.
上下文菜单项仅显示位于 NTFS 文件系统(支持备用数据流的系统)上的文件。 检查分区是否采用 NTFS 格式。如果可能,请重新格式化。If there are no Sync icons/Sync items in the context menu, try relaunching Explorer. Also, go to the directory where Resilio Sync.exe is located (by default that will be users' AppData folder) and make sure it contains ShellExtensionPath.dll:
如果上下文菜单中没有同步图标/同步项,请尝试重新启动资源管理器。此外,转到 Resilio Sync.exe 所在的目录(默认情况下,这将是用户的 AppData 文件夹),并确保它containsShellExtensionPath.dll:

Note that if your PC is running the 64-bit (x64) version of Windows, there will be two Sync shell extensions: for x64 and x86.
请注意,如果你的电脑运行的是 64 位 (x64) 版本的 Windows,则将有两个同步 shell 扩展:用于 x64 和 x86。
If the 32-bit (x86) version is used, there will be only one Sync extension - for x86.
如果使用 32 位 (x86) 版本,则只有一个 Sync 扩展 - 用于 x86。 Then make sure that these dll files are registered in the system. The easiest way is to try and delete them. If system allows that, it means that the extensions are not registered. Follow these steps:
然后确保这些dll文件已在系统中注册。最简单的方法是尝试删除它们。如果系统允许,则表示未注册扩展。请按照下列步骤操作: 1. Launch elevated Command Prompt (as administrator)
1. 启动提升的命令提示符(以管理员身份)2. Type command regsvr32 /i "\path\to\ShellExtensionPath.dll"
2. 键入命令 regsvr32 /i “\path\to\ShellExtensionPath.dll”3. Relaunch Explorer: open task Manager, find Windows Explorer, click button Restart.

If that does not help, open Registry Editor and set key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA to 1. Reboot PC.
如果这没有帮助,请打开注册表编辑器并将项 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA 设置为 1。重新启动电脑。
WINDOWS: 窗户: Context menu items appear only for files located on NTFS file system - system that supports alternate data streams. Check that the partition is NTFS formatted. If possible, reformat.
上下文菜单项仅显示位于 NTFS 文件系统(支持备用数据流的系统)上的文件。 检查分区是否采用 NTFS 格式。如果可能,请重新格式化。If there are no Sync icons/Sync items in the context menu, try relaunching Explorer. Also, go to the directory where Resilio Sync.exe is located (by default that will be users' AppData folder) and make sure it contains ShellExtensionPath.dll:
如果上下文菜单中没有同步图标/同步项,请尝试重新启动资源管理器。此外,转到 Resilio Sync.exe 所在的目录(默认情况下,这将是用户的 AppData 文件夹),并确保它containsShellExtensionPath.dll:

Note that if your PC is running the 64-bit (x64) version of Windows, there will be two Sync shell extensions: for x64 and x86.
请注意,如果你的电脑运行的是 64 位 (x64) 版本的 Windows,则将有两个同步 shell 扩展:用于 x64 和 x86。
If the 32-bit (x86) version is used, there will be only one Sync extension - for x86.
如果使用 32 位 (x86) 版本,则只有一个 Sync 扩展 - 用于 x86。 Then make sure that these dll files are registered in the system. The easiest way is to try and delete them. If system allows that, it means that the extensions are not registered. Follow these steps:
然后确保这些dll文件已在系统中注册。最简单的方法是尝试删除它们。如果系统允许,则表示未注册扩展。请按照下列步骤操作: 1. Launch elevated Command Prompt (as administrator)
1. 启动提升的命令提示符(以管理员身份)2. Type command regsvr32 /i "\path\to\ShellExtensionPath.dll"
2. 键入命令 regsvr32 /i “\path\to\ShellExtensionPath.dll”3. Relaunch Explorer: open task Manager, find Windows Explorer, click button Restart.

If that does not help, open Registry Editor and set key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA to 1. Reboot PC.
如果这没有帮助,请打开注册表编辑器并将项 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA 设置为 1。重新启动电脑。