配置 4090+i9-13900K
控制台报错红色的提示 主要是下面这几行,找不到加载文件
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_small_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/dronecam.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield_inv.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/dev/zone_projection.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Client] CClientSteamContext init ok, logged on = 1
Steam config directory: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\config
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/platform_english.txt".
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/platform_schinese.txt".
[Localization System] LOCFAIL resource/csgo_schinese.txt: 'funfact_kills_grenades' indicates 1 plural but needs 2 valid plural variants
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/csgo_schinese.txt".
[SceneFileCache] No .vcds loaded or no scenes/scenes.vrman
Scratch RT Allocations:
[Client] Event System loaded 93 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/core/pak01.vpk:resource/core.gameevents.
[Client] Event System loaded 50 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:resource/game.gameevents.
[Client] Event System loaded 152 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:./resource/mod.gameevents.
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
[Networking] CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of client) took 16.241 msecs for 223 out of 302 classes
[Server] Event System loaded 93 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/core/pak01.vpk:resource/core.gameevents.
[Server] Event System loaded 50 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:resource/game.gameevents.
[Server] Event System loaded 152 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:./resource/mod.gameevents.
[Networking] CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of server) took 16.216 msecs for 218 out of 294 classes
[STARTUP] {6.992} server module init ok
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/dronecam.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield_inv.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/dev/zone_projection.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[SndOperators] Operator Error: Event (null): CSosOperatorSpeakers
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_mult, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_mult, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[SndOperators] Operator Error: Event (null): CSosOperatorSpeakers
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_scale, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_scale, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/models/weapons/v_models/tablet/tablet_mini_compass.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "scripts/comics.vdata_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (levelload), 1 )
Source2Init OK
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(1) addons() desc(Idle (levelload))
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [1] addons []
**** Unable to localize '#matchdraft_phase_action_wait' on panel 'id-map-draft-phase-wait'
**** Unable to localize '#Movie_Playing' on panel 'PlaybackSpeed'
**** Unable to localize '#Panorama_CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint' on panel 'RosettaInfoText'
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
**** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'PopupManager'[SteamNetSockets] Certificate expires in 47h49m at 1700398962 (current time 1700226820), will renew in 45h49m
CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-op-mainmenu-top"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
Entry player was not found in surfaceproperties_footsteps.txt
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive.cfg
[Console] Unknown command 'mp_molotovusedelay'!
[Console] Unknown command 'spec_freeze_panel_extended_time'!
[Console] Unknown command 'sv_occlude_players'!
[Console] Unknown command 'occlusion_test_async'!
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive_offline.cfg
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_competitive_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[Server] SV: Spawn Server: <empty>
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=a0d61423@loopback:1 <-> server=6656bde6@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan leihen0812 loopback:0[1] (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #1716960742 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan client loopback:1[0] (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #2698384419 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL: Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [leihen0812]
[Server] Client 0 'leihen0812' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "<empty>"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 9842 (revision 8505273)
[Client] Server Number: 1
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_schinese.txt".
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000432 seconds
LoadResponseSystem scripts/talker/response_rules.vrr - StartCResponseSystem: scripts/talker/response_rules.vrr (7681 rules, 811 criteria, and 7681 responses)
LoadResponseSystem scripts/talker/response_rules.vrr - Finish
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Networking] Field names match, but types do not to match CChicken::m_leader local type is 'CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase >' vs. remote type is 'CHandle< CCSPlayerPawn >'
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 5.461 msec
[Client] CL: CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: 1 player server started
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV: Sending full update to client leihen0812 (reason: initial update)
[Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
leihen0812 已连接。
[Networking] client loopback:1[0]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL: Signon traffic "client": incoming 12.613 KB [14 pkts], outgoing 829 bytes [10 pkts]
[Networking] leihen0812 loopback:0[1]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
[SceneSystem] Too many non-culled draws (alloc 352, need 458), resizing!
CS_App_Lifetime_Gamestats: Recording PartyBrowserRefreshResults
[SteamNetSockets] Ping measurement completed in 6.5s. Relays: 28 valid, 12 great, 19 good+, 19 ok+, 21 ignored
[SteamNetSockets] Ping location: ctum=13+1,ctut=14+1/13+1,ctuu=14+1/13+1,pww=18+1,tsnt=18+1,tsnu=20+2/18+1,tsnm=24+2/18+1,pwj=21+2,sgp=497+49/91+5,iad=/245+22,fra=259+25,gru=346+34
[SteamNetSockets] SDR RelayNetworkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (OK. Relays: 28 valid, 12 great, 19 good+, 19 ok+, 21 ignored)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_keys.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 271 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_convars.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 2391 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
**** Unable to localize '#GameUI_Stationary' on panel 'MoveSpeedLabel'
**** Unable to localize '#GameUI_Fire' on panel descendant of 'TestSpread'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] vCompMat update exceeded 0.025 seconds! [weapons/models/shared/nametag/nametag_default.vcompmat]
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
Inventory filter setting 'undefined' unhandled
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/icons/equipment/equipment3.vsvg_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
**** Unable to localize '#Action' on panel descendant of 'SingleAction'
CS_App_Lifetime_Gamestats: Recording Inventory_Inspect (60)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/icons/equipment/equipment3.vsvg_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_4' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_5' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_6' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_7' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_8' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_9' on panel ''
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_9_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_8_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_7_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_6_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_5_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_4_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Console] Unknown command 'mp_molotovusedelay'!
[Console] Unknown command 'spec_freeze_panel_extended_time'!
[Console] Unknown command 'sv_occlude_players'!
[Console] Unknown command 'occlusion_test_async'!
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_casual_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_keys.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 271 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_convars.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 2391 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/models/player/holiday/facemasks/facemask_battlemask/battlemask.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "models/weapons/v_tablet.vmdl_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/models/player/holiday/santahat.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Server] SV: Spawn Server: de_dust2
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[WorldRenderer] CWorldRendererMgr::ServiceWorldRequests long frame: 42.822998ms
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "maps/prefabs/misc/terrorist_team_intro_variant2/world_visibility.vvis_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[SteamNetSockets] [#4029639447 pipe] connected
[SteamNetSockets] [#1596094449 pipe] connected
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=f02f6b17@loopback:1 <-> server=5f2277f1@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan leihen0812 loopback:0[1] (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #1596094449 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan client loopback:1[0] (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #4029639447 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL: Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [leihen0812]
[Server] Client 0 'leihen0812' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "de_dust2"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 64 humans
[Client] Build: 9842 (revision 8505273)
[Client] Server Number: 2
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_schinese.txt".
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000163 seconds
**** Panel has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Networking] Field names match, but types do not to match CChicken::m_leader local type is 'CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase >' vs. remote type is 'CHandle< CCSPlayerPawn >'
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] SV: 64 player server started
[Server] CSource2Server::GameServerSteamAPIActivated()
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Loading (de_dust2)
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[Server] SV: Sending full update to client leihen0812 (reason: initial update)
[Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
[Client] Created physics for de_dust2
[SteamAudio] Reverb: Cannot find baked reverb file: maps\de_dust2.sareverb.
[SteamAudio] Pathing: Unable to read from baked data file (maps\de_dust2.sapaths). Pathing disabled.
leihen0812 已连接。
[Networking] client loopback:1[0]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL: Signon traffic "client": incoming 33.545 KB [26 pkts], outgoing 962 bytes [22 pkts]
[Shooting] cl: ReadFrameInput - Presented data has no mod info
CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "loadingscreen__blur-target"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
[Networking] leihen0812 loopback:0[1]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/overheadmaps/de_dust2_radar_spectate_psd.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
"leihen0812<0><[U:1:911129273]><Unassigned>" ChangeTeam() CTMDBG , team 0, req team 3 willSwitch 0, 4.98
[Command Queue] SV: 'leihen0812' (tick 320) CQ: catching up - trying to trim queue containing 1 commands
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'spec_autodirector_cameraman'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'spec_autodirector_cameraman'
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_small_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Console] Unknown command '+fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fw'!
CNavMesh::TestRayToMesh error. Ray did not exit nav area.
CNavMesh::TestRayToMesh error. Ray did not exit nav area.
CNavMesh::TestRayToMesh error. Ray did not exit nav area.
[Console] Unknown command '+fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fs'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fs'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
控制台报错红色的提示 主要是下面这几行,找不到加载文件
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_small_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/dronecam.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield_inv.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/dev/zone_projection.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Client] CClientSteamContext init ok, logged on = 1
Steam config directory: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\config
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/platform_english.txt".
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/platform_schinese.txt".
[Localization System] LOCFAIL resource/csgo_schinese.txt: 'funfact_kills_grenades' indicates 1 plural but needs 2 valid plural variants
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/csgo_schinese.txt".
[SceneFileCache] No .vcds loaded or no scenes/scenes.vrman
Scratch RT Allocations:
[Client] Event System loaded 93 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/core/pak01.vpk:resource/core.gameevents.
[Client] Event System loaded 50 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:resource/game.gameevents.
[Client] Event System loaded 152 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:./resource/mod.gameevents.
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
[Networking] CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of client) took 16.241 msecs for 223 out of 302 classes
[Server] Event System loaded 93 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/core/pak01.vpk:resource/core.gameevents.
[Server] Event System loaded 50 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:resource/game.gameevents.
[Server] Event System loaded 152 events from file: vpk:D:/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:./resource/mod.gameevents.
[Networking] CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of server) took 16.216 msecs for 218 out of 294 classes
[STARTUP] {6.992} server module init ok
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/dronecam.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield_inv.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/effects/survival_zone_projection_distancefield.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/dev/zone_projection.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[SndOperators] Operator Error: Event (null): CSosOperatorSpeakers
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_mult, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_mult, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[SndOperators] Operator Error: Event (null): CSosOperatorSpeakers
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_scale, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[SndOperators] Error: Operator volume_fan_scale, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/models/weapons/v_models/tablet/tablet_mini_compass.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "scripts/comics.vdata_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (levelload), 1 )
Source2Init OK
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(1) addons() desc(Idle (levelload))
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [1] addons []
**** Unable to localize '#matchdraft_phase_action_wait' on panel 'id-map-draft-phase-wait'
**** Unable to localize '#Movie_Playing' on panel 'PlaybackSpeed'
**** Unable to localize '#Panorama_CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint' on panel 'RosettaInfoText'
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
**** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'PopupManager'[SteamNetSockets] Certificate expires in 47h49m at 1700398962 (current time 1700226820), will renew in 45h49m
CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-op-mainmenu-top"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
Entry player was not found in surfaceproperties_footsteps.txt
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive.cfg
[Console] Unknown command 'mp_molotovusedelay'!
[Console] Unknown command 'spec_freeze_panel_extended_time'!
[Console] Unknown command 'sv_occlude_players'!
[Console] Unknown command 'occlusion_test_async'!
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive_offline.cfg
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_competitive_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[Server] SV: Spawn Server: <empty>
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=a0d61423@loopback:1 <-> server=6656bde6@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan leihen0812 loopback:0[1] (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #1716960742 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan client loopback:1[0] (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #2698384419 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL: Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [leihen0812]
[Server] Client 0 'leihen0812' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "<empty>"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 9842 (revision 8505273)
[Client] Server Number: 1
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_schinese.txt".
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000432 seconds
LoadResponseSystem scripts/talker/response_rules.vrr - StartCResponseSystem: scripts/talker/response_rules.vrr (7681 rules, 811 criteria, and 7681 responses)
LoadResponseSystem scripts/talker/response_rules.vrr - Finish
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Networking] Field names match, but types do not to match CChicken::m_leader local type is 'CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase >' vs. remote type is 'CHandle< CCSPlayerPawn >'
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 5.461 msec
[Client] CL: CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: 1 player server started
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV: Sending full update to client leihen0812 (reason: initial update)
[Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
leihen0812 已连接。
[Networking] client loopback:1[0]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL: Signon traffic "client": incoming 12.613 KB [14 pkts], outgoing 829 bytes [10 pkts]
[Networking] leihen0812 loopback:0[1]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
[SceneSystem] Too many non-culled draws (alloc 352, need 458), resizing!
CS_App_Lifetime_Gamestats: Recording PartyBrowserRefreshResults
[SteamNetSockets] Ping measurement completed in 6.5s. Relays: 28 valid, 12 great, 19 good+, 19 ok+, 21 ignored
[SteamNetSockets] Ping location: ctum=13+1,ctut=14+1/13+1,ctuu=14+1/13+1,pww=18+1,tsnt=18+1,tsnu=20+2/18+1,tsnm=24+2/18+1,pwj=21+2,sgp=497+49/91+5,iad=/245+22,fra=259+25,gru=346+34
[SteamNetSockets] SDR RelayNetworkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (OK. Relays: 28 valid, 12 great, 19 good+, 19 ok+, 21 ignored)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_keys.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 271 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_convars.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 2391 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
**** Unable to localize '#GameUI_Stationary' on panel 'MoveSpeedLabel'
**** Unable to localize '#GameUI_Fire' on panel descendant of 'TestSpread'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] vCompMat update exceeded 0.025 seconds! [weapons/models/shared/nametag/nametag_default.vcompmat]
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
Inventory filter setting 'undefined' unhandled
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/icons/equipment/equipment3.vsvg_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
**** Unable to localize '#Action' on panel descendant of 'SingleAction'
CS_App_Lifetime_Gamestats: Recording Inventory_Inspect (60)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/icons/equipment/equipment3.vsvg_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'panorama_play_movie_ambient_sound'
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_4' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_5' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_6' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_7' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_8' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_dust2_9' on panel ''
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_9_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_8_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_7_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_6_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_5_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_dust2_4_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Console] Unknown command 'mp_molotovusedelay'!
[Console] Unknown command 'spec_freeze_panel_extended_time'!
[Console] Unknown command 'sv_occlude_players'!
[Console] Unknown command 'occlusion_test_async'!
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_casual_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[SplitScreen] Writing configuration for slot 0
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_keys.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 271 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[SplitScreen] Saved 'cs2_user_convars.vcfg' to SteamRemoteStorage, 2391 bytes OK
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg': type 1
[SplitScreen] Saved user config file 'cfg/cs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg_lastclouded': type 3
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/models/player/holiday/facemasks/facemask_battlemask/battlemask.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "models/weapons/v_tablet.vmdl_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "materials/models/player/holiday/santahat.vmat_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Server] SV: Spawn Server: de_dust2
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[WorldRenderer] CWorldRendererMgr::ServiceWorldRequests long frame: 42.822998ms
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "maps/prefabs/misc/terrorist_team_intro_variant2/world_visibility.vvis_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[SteamNetSockets] [#4029639447 pipe] connected
[SteamNetSockets] [#1596094449 pipe] connected
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=f02f6b17@loopback:1 <-> server=5f2277f1@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan leihen0812 loopback:0[1] (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #1596094449 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan client loopback:1[0] (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #4029639447 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL: Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [leihen0812]
[Server] Client 0 'leihen0812' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "de_dust2"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 64 humans
[Client] Build: 9842 (revision 8505273)
[Client] Server Number: 2
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_schinese.txt".
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\closecaption_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_imported\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo_core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
[Subtitles and Captions] Client: Failed to load caption file: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\core\resource\subtitles\subtitles_schinese.dat
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000163 seconds
**** Panel has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Networking] Field names match, but types do not to match CChicken::m_leader local type is 'CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase >' vs. remote type is 'CHandle< CCSPlayerPawn >'
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] Soundscape warning: Event 'dust2.MidDoors' is being triggered by a soundscape entity and does not have dsp_override enabled!
[Server] SV: 64 player server started
[Server] CSource2Server::GameServerSteamAPIActivated()
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing botprofile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Loading (de_dust2)
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[Server] SV: Sending full update to client leihen0812 (reason: initial update)
[Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
[Client] Created physics for de_dust2
[SteamAudio] Reverb: Cannot find baked reverb file: maps\de_dust2.sareverb.
[SteamAudio] Pathing: Unable to read from baked data file (maps\de_dust2.sapaths). Pathing disabled.
leihen0812 已连接。
[Networking] client loopback:1[0]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL: Signon traffic "client": incoming 33.545 KB [26 pkts], outgoing 962 bytes [22 pkts]
[Shooting] cl: ReadFrameInput - Presented data has no mod info
CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "loadingscreen__blur-target"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
[Networking] leihen0812 loopback:0[1]: NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/overheadmaps/de_dust2_radar_spectate_psd.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
"leihen0812<0><[U:1:911129273]><Unassigned>" ChangeTeam() CTMDBG , team 0, req team 3 willSwitch 0, 4.98
[Command Queue] SV: 'leihen0812' (tick 320) CQ: catching up - trying to trim queue containing 1 commands
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'spec_autodirector_cameraman'
[Developer] Failed to find ui preference 'spec_autodirector_cameraman'
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_small_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[Console] Unknown command '+fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fw'!
CNavMesh::TestRayToMesh error. Ray did not exit nav area.
CNavMesh::TestRayToMesh error. Ray did not exit nav area.
CNavMesh::TestRayToMesh error. Ray did not exit nav area.
[Console] Unknown command '+fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] toggle: Toggled "cl_crosshair_recoil": cl_crosshair_recoil 0
[Console] Unknown command '+gensui'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fs'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fs'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '+fa'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fd'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fw'!
[Console] Unknown command '-fa'!