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    首先是关于标题的说明~ 我是大二寒假备考,2017年1月21号开始,2017年3月1号口试,3月4号笔试。因为2月只有28天,去掉中间实习的三周。因此前后在备考的日子一共有一月份的11天+二月份不实习的7天+三月1号、2号、3号=一共21天~ 其次介绍一下我的情况~ 高考英语全国卷一130+,大一时四级裸考518,六级备考一个月582。雅思备考二十二天7.5。因为雅思是冲着6.5去的,当时备考时间短+实习+过年+首战,实在没有想到自己可以考到7.5。因此来写一个帖子,与众
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    周三,美国新冠死亡人数超1800人,为5月来最大单日增幅。纽约7天新冠检测平均阳性率超过3%,达到规定的关校阈值,其公立学校周四起将再度关闭。 全文共779个词, By Peter Wells,Joshua Chaffin in New York US coronavirus deaths rose by the most in more than six months on Wednesday, propelling the country’s average fatality rate above that of the summer and to its highest level since May. 周三,美国新增冠状病毒死亡人数达到六个多月来的最高水平,推动该国的平均死亡率超过夏季,创下5月以来的最
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    每一位家长对自己孩子的英语学习越来越关心,不想让孩子输在起跑线上。而孩子的英语教育是一门很深的学问,许多家长不得要领,不仅没有意识到其中的盲点,反而在教育孩子学习英语的过程中渐行渐远。那么少儿英语学习中有哪些盲点? 1 孩子越小单词量越多好? 美国语言学家乔姆斯基认为:少儿有一种受遗传因素决定的"先天语言获得制"。它是少儿获取语言的直接渠道,在4岁非常活跃,随年龄增长逐渐弱化,12岁后其作用将日渐消失。
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    ⊙“吃瓜”和“聊八卦”用英语怎么说?⊙ 2021年刚开始1个月,互联网开始和“瓜”剪不断理还乱。 就在这两天,一款“西瓜神游”突然一夜爆红、冲上热搜!最近有人在吃瓜,有人在合成大西瓜。这款游戏《合成大西瓜》,还登上了微博热搜。 身为边“吃瓜”边“合成大西瓜”的资源的互联网冲浪er,你知道“吃瓜”和“聊八卦”用英语该怎么表达吗?让我们一起来看看吧~ 1、give me the tea 把你知道的八卦告诉我! 英文中的“瓜料”也有一个指代——t
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    昨天,在家重温了一遍《泰坦尼克号》,电影的故事情节也再一次让我为爱动容。电影结尾时经典场面,主角杰克对柔说“You jump I jump”,这句字幕翻译成“你跳我也跳”。 其实,应该翻译为“生死相随”。 那么除了这个,还有那些可以表示“生死相随”呢?跟我一起来看看吧。 01 always and forever 我们总是追崇那些凄美的爱情故事,如生死相随,有时候它们确实给了我们本身已经被磨灭的东西,相信我们所爱之人。As usual, we always adore the sentimental love
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    mpossible是什么意思? Impossible的意思需要我们分情况对待,当impossible形容事物时,它通常表示的是不可能的,但是当它形容人的时候,那它就变了,表示不可理喻的;无可救药的。所以,impossible表示的是你不可理喻。 It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password 因为没人知道密码,所以任何人都不可能进得去。 The woman is impossible, thought Frannie. 弗兰妮想,这个女人真让人受不了。 You're the man. The man (the Man)在这里可不是表示一个人,真的意
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    You're mean 如果你以为这句话是在说你有意思,那你可真是太傻了,现在就带你们重新认识一下mean这个词。 mean英 [miːn] 美 [miːn] v.表示…的意思;意思是;本意是;打算;意欲;有…的目的adj.吝啬的;小气的;不善良;刻薄;要发怒的;要发狂的n.中间;中庸;折中;平均数;平均值;算术中项 You're mean有两层意思: 你真刻薄 mean这时候表示卑鄙,刻薄,瞬间电视剧中各种坏人做坏事的画面就出来了,主角适时的来一句:你可真卑鄙,你怎么这
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    (Not) as far as I know We use this expression to say that we think we know something, but we are not completely sure. 当我们认为自己知道某事,但又不完全确定时,我们可以用这个表达。 As far as I know, there is not such a rule in English grammar. 据我所知,英文语法中没有这样一条规定。 A: Have we got a test tomorrow? 我们明天有考试吗? B: Not as far as I know. I think it's next week. 据我所知没有。我记得是下周。
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    Recount (noun) the act of tallying voter ballots — again (名词)重新清点选票 Many US elections have been subject to recounts, permitted (depending on the state) when a candidate’s margin of victory is narrow — usually less than 1 per cent. But no presidential election in modern memory has been subjected to as many challenges as 2020’s between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Even as the votes were being counted, many polling stations were besieged by Trump-affiliated groups protesting alleged fraud. His campaign had also filed a flurry of law suits to throw out mail-in ballots th
    小白云湖 12-30
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    Early humans may have survived the harsh winters by hibernating 人类祖先可能靠冬眠捱过寒冬 Bears do it. Bats do it. Even European hedgehogs do it. And now it turns out that early human beings may also have been at it. They hibernated, according to fossil experts. 熊会冬眠,蝙蝠会冬眠,甚至欧洲刺猬也需要冬眠。而现在看来,人类祖先可能也有冬眠过。化石专家表示的确如此。 Evidence from bones found at one of the world's most important fossil sites suggests that our hominid predecessors may have dealt with extreme cold hundreds of th
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    urgent 只能形容事情非常紧急、刻不容缓。 If something is urgent, it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.(强调的是something) I'm very urgent的主语是人,所以这并不是最恰当的表达,如果你跟老外这么说,他们会觉得你发生了什么大事,可能需要叫个救护车之类的。 如果你想表达人很急,你可以用in a hurry或者in a rush都可以,表示急切,赶紧。 例句: The matter is urgent and must be dealt with at once. 事情很急,必须立即处理。 Eric left the barge in a hurry. 埃里克匆忙离开
    小白云湖 12-29
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    what the hell informal said when you suddenly realize that your plan is not important to you and that you will do something else 管它呢,没关系 I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you at the bar in half an hour. 今晚我本来应该工作的,但这也没关系——半小时后我们酒吧见。
    小白云湖 12-28
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    全文共400个词, By John Angerson In 1995, while I was working as a photographer, I had a chance meeting in Berlin with a producer who was filming a documentary about Nasa’s astronauts. I was asked to take some publicity shots, and of course I accepted. On December 6, I entered Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, the same control centre that had made history with the Apollo moon landing in 1969. 1995年,我在做摄影工作的时候,在柏林偶然遇到了一位制片人,他当时正在拍摄一部关于美国国家航空航天局(NASA)宇航员的纪
    小白云湖 12-25
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    ⊙"wild goose chase"可不是追野鹅呦⊙ wild goose chase可不是追野鹅哦,这么理解就要闹笑话啦! 1.wild goose chase 白费力气的追逐(追求);徒劳之举a foolish and hopeless search for or pursuit of something unattainable ▷It looks like they've sent us on a wild goose chase.看来他们是给了我们一个完不成的任务。 ▷I went on this wild goose chase as far as I could.我在这劳而无功的事上花的时间太多了。 那么还有什么其他表达“徒劳之举”的短语嘛,一起来看看! 2. to beat/flog a dead horse
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    全文共563个词, By Clive Cookson,David Pilling,Joseph Cotterill A new coronavirus variant first detected in South Africa has been identified in the UK, as scientists warned of the risks posed by the growing number of Covid-19 mutations. 英国确认了在南非首次发现的一种新冠病毒变种。科学家们就新冠病毒越来越多突变所带来的风险发出警告。 Two cases of the 501.V2 strain, which has caused a recent surge of Covid-19 infections in South Africa, have been identified in contacts of people who had arrived from the country in the past fortnight, Matt Hanc
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    ⊙“hit it off”可不是撞到它的意思⊙ "hit it off"表示合得来,志趣相投,例如"Did you guys hit it off?",意思是你们合得来吗? hit作为一个常见词汇,总会让大家联想到“撞击”、“猛打”,其实它还有很多常见用法,一起来学习吧! 1.hit a snag/problems/a bad patch vt.碰到问题to experience trouble, problems,etc. ▷My father hit a bad patch. He had to sell the house.我爸爸遇到了大麻烦,只得把房子卖了 a bad patch: a period of time seen as a distinct unit with a characteristic quality
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    The highly infectious variant of coronavirus that has emerged in south-east England is spreading rapidly to the rest of the UK and is already present elsewhere in the world, scientists warned on Sunday. 科学家们周日警告称,英格兰东南部出现的传染性很强的新冠病毒变种正迅速传播到英国其他地区,并已在全球其它地区出现。 Scientists say two aspects of B.1.1.7 give cause for concern. One is the unprecedented number of mutations it carries. The other is the speed with which it is supplanting other strains of the Sars-Cov-2 virus in south-east Engla
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    总统也被踢了,2020也快过去了,谁知懂王又被人锤了!而且是一记重锤! 12月16日,一篇由POLITICO发布的报道,披露了川普任命的一位美国卫生高管和其顾问在邮件中提到的“抗疫策略”,其中充斥了各种震碎三观的“撒旦言论”: A top Trump appointee repeatedly urged top health officials to adopt a "herd immunity" approach to Covid-19 and allow millions of Americans to be infected by the virus, according to internal emails obtained by a House watchdog and shared with POLITICO. 据一位白宫内部人员向P
    小白云湖 12-18
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    今日重点: marshal /'mɑːʃ(ə)l/ n. 元帅;司仪; field marshal n. 陆军元帅 armor /ˈɑ:mə/ n. 装甲;盔甲;v. 为…装甲 hand over 交出;移交 pal /pæl/ n. 朋友,伙伴;同志 call the shots 发号施令;操纵 folk /fəʊk/ n. 人们;民族;亲属(复数)
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    go for it to do anything you have to in order to get something 尽力争取;不遗余力去做 A: Do you think I should sign up for the course? It's quite expensive. 你认为我应该报名参加这个课程吗?还挺贵的。 B: If you're sure you'd like it, then go for it. You'll enjoy it. 如果你确定自己喜欢,那就去做吧。你会非常享受的。
    小白云湖 12-13
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    全文共938个词,by Jamie Smyth in Sydney Rashna Bajracharya was one of tens of thousands of international students in Australia who lost the part-time jobs they relied on to pay for food and rent when Covid struck in March. 拉什纳•巴哈查里亚(Rashna Bajracharya)是数十万在澳大利亚留学的国际学生中的一员,他们在今年3月新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,即2019冠状病毒病)疫情爆发时失去了赖以支付食物和房租账单的兼职工作。 “I reached out to family back in Nepal for help but the banking system there was closed due to the pa
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    01 You are very welcome 加了一个very,情感升华就比“you are welcome”更加高级哦,表示你把他人对你的致谢放在了心里,对方不必太客气。 例句: -Thank you so much for picking me up. -You're very welcome. 02 No problem. No problem这个短语,老一辈的人似乎不喜欢,所以请记住下次如果是稍微年长一点的人对你说谢谢,我们尽量不用它吧。 03 Thank you! 看到这个短语是不是惊讶了?别人对你说“thank you!”你又回一句“thank you!”,有没有毛病?当然没有,你只需在“YOU
    小白云湖 12-13
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    全文共649个词,by Guy Chazan,Victor Mallet in Berlin, in Paris Angela Merkel said Germany must go into a hard lockdown before Christmas to curb the spread of coronavirus, citing the “alarming” number of people being treated for Covid-19 in German intensive care wards and the surge in deaths from the disease. 安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,德国必须在圣诞节前实行严格的封锁,以遏制新冠病毒的传播,理由是在德国重症监护病房接受治疗的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,即2019冠状病毒病)患者数量“惊人”,且该病
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    ⊙me more cool正儿八经的英文名是啥⊙ 随着天气逐渐变冷,年纪渐长(bushi),我们变得从“我妈觉得我冷”到“我觉得不穿me more cool 妈妈可能再也见不到可爱的我”,各种chill cool,me more cool 层层叠叠,刷刷地就套上了,很快啊! 那么今天我们一起来学习一下这些保暖衣物的英文名吧~ 1. long underwear/long johns/thermal underwear (informal) underpants with closely fitted legs that extend to the wearer's ankles秋裤 ▷But now, not so much. I don't wear long johns. 但现在我已经不怎么
    小白云湖 12-11
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    全文共664个词,by Richard Milne, Nordic, Baltic Correspondent Ikea is to stop producing its iconic catalogue, once the most-printed book in the world ahead of the Bible and Koran. 宜家(IKEA)将停止制作其标志性的产品目录,这曾是世界上印刷量最大的出版物。 The flat-pack furniture retailer on Monday said its current catalogue — released in August — would be its last as more and more shoppers move online and fewer read a pamphlet first released in 1951 by Ikea’s founder, Ingvar Kamprad. 这家拼装家具零售商周一表示,其目前的产品目录—
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    who would have thought it? used to say that you are very surprised something has happened 谁会想得到呢? So, Alex is going out with Hannah. Who would have thought it? 那么,亚历克斯在与汉娜约会。谁会想得到呢? 领取免费试听课程:
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    全文共649个词,by Leslie Hook The UN’s World Meteorological Organisation has declared the hottest decade on record during 2011 to 2020, with the past year set to be among the top three warmest years. 联合国世界气象组织(WMO)宣布,2011年至2020年是有记录以来最热的10年,而即将过去的一年将成为历史上最热的三个年份之一。 The Earth’s average temperature in 2020 was about 1.2C higher than the 1850-1900 average, according to the latest research published on Wednesday, as global warming becomes more pronounced. 根据周三发表的最新研究
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    pill If a piece of clothing or material pills, it develops small balls of threads on its surface. (衣服或布料)起球粒,起纤维绒球 Fabrics with a large number of loose fibers have a higher tendency to pill. 含有大量松散纤维的织物更容易起球。 a small ball of threads that develops on the surface of clothes or material (衣服或布料上的)球粒,纤维绒球 She sat there sulking and picking the pills off her sweater. 她坐在那里生闷气,一个劲地拽着毛衣上的绒球。 领取免费试听课程:
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    //a three-dog night// 刚看到这个俚语的时候,很多人肯定会想,是不是写错了,毕竟a和three好像有点不搭,不过,俚语要是能够被你从字面意思就能参悟透,那就不叫俚语了,哈哈~ 其实它真正的意思是一个极其寒冷的晚上,源于澳洲的土著习俗,没有房屋和取暖设备的居民,只能和狗狗抱在一起取暖,一只不够再来一只。 It snowed beautifully, but this is a three-dog night. 雪下的真美,但这是一个极其寒冷的夜晚。 领取免费试听课程:
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    1 猴子和跳骚的不同点 Q: What s the difference between a monkey and a flea? 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can t have monkeys. 猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。 『后话』 猴子和跳骚有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小,但除此之外呢?文中的这个答案很有意思吧? 2 如何激怒农夫 Q: How can you most irritate a farmer? 你怎么才能机动一个农夫呢/ A: By treading on his corn? 通过踩他的玉米? 『后话』 Corn既可以表示“
    小白云湖 11-30
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    全文共649个词,by Michael Skapinker The world’s airlines are carrying only 10 per cent of the international passengers they would normally expect, according to the International Air Transport Association. What are the other 90 per cent missing about flying? Some, it surprisingly seems, are missing airline food. 根据国际航空运输协会(IATA)的数据,世界各航空公司的国际乘客数量仅为正常水平的10%。那么其余90%乘客对飞行会有什么怀念吗?令人颇为惊讶的是,有些人竟然怀念飞机餐。 Singapore Airlines added extra sittings after i
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    全文共683个词,by Donato Paolo Mancini, Clive Cookson in London Five global airlines are to start offering passengers use of a digital health pass to certify they are Covid-free before travel, as the sector seeks to navigate its way out of a historic collapse in passenger demand. 五家全球航空公司将开始为乘客提供一种数字健康通行证,以证明他们在旅行前没有感染新型冠状病毒。目前航空业正寻求摆脱历史性的乘客需求下滑。 United Airlines, Lufthansa, Virgin Atlantic, Swiss International Air Lines and JetBlue will begin rolling out t
    小白云湖 11-25
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    ⊙“打工人”如何用英语表达?⊙ 打工人,打工魂,打工就是人上人 只要我工作够努力,老板能再提法拉利 学好英语才能打好工呀,那么“打工人”用英语怎么说呢? 1. corporate slave “公司的奴隶”,为公司卖命 ▷You will miss your schooldays when you become a coporate slave.做了打工人,你就会怀念校园时光了。 ▷Prioritise doing the things that make you happy and the things that bring you a sense of fulfillment, being a corporate slave is not.先去做那些让你感到快乐和满足的事情,做个打
    小白云湖 11-25
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    ⊙“break(one's) neck”是什么意思?⊙ break是打破的意思,neck是指脖子, 所以break(one's) neck是什么意思呢?打断别人的脖子吗? 其实,breakone's neck是一种夸张的说法,真正意思是“竭尽全力(做某事)”,可以这样子理解:成年累月地埋头苦干,几乎累断了脖子。 break (one's) neck 【释义】To put forth a great deal of effort. 付出很大的努力 【例句】1. I've been breaking my neck trying to get apassing grade this semester, so failing by two measly points is incredibly frustrating
    小白云湖 11-24
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    全文共1027个词,by Billy Nauman in New York A few short months ago, the lunch rush at Just Salad in Manhattan’s Hudson Square neighbourhood was a mob scene. On any given weekday around noon, throngs of office workers would peel themselves away from their spreadsheets, grab their brightly coloured reusable plastic bowls and trudge over to the restaurant to join a queue that snaked around the concrete floor and spilled out on to the street. 短短数月前,每逢午餐高峰期间,位于曼哈顿哈德逊广场(Hudson Square)的沙拉专门店Just Salad可谓门庭若市。每逢工
    小白云湖 11-23
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    ①prolific [prəˈlɪfɪk] adj. 多产的;丰富的 The production potential ranks alongside the most prolific North American shale oil plays,” it said. 该公司(阿布扎比国家石油公司)表示:“这些资源的生产潜力与北美最丰产的页岩油田不相上下。” 直播:《Abu Dhabi boosts oil reserves with 22bn-barrel find/阿布扎比发现220亿桶非常规石油储量》 ②steadfast [ˈstedfɑːst] adj. 坚定的;不变的 The certifications will arrive just as steadfast Republican support for Mr Trump’s legal challenges has begun to crack, with a few e
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    Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine’s Next Big Challenge: Giving It to Enough People 辉瑞新冠疫苗的下一个巨大挑战:让足够多的人接种 With Pfizer Inc.’s Covid-19 vaccine on track to be authorized as early as next month, Western governments are facing an enormous logistical challenge: getting enough people shots of new vaccines. 美国辉瑞制药有限公司的新冠疫苗有望最早于下个月获得审批,西方国家的政府面临着巨大的物流挑战,即让足够多的人接种新疫苗。 On Monday, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech SE said their Covid-19 vaccine prove
    小白云湖 11-22
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    thread Thread本义是线或者线状物、路线,作名词也可以用作一种抽象的含义,指贯穿某件事的部分,比如贯穿思想或对话的一条线,它们好像由thread连接在一起。 If you were distracted by a crash in the kitchen, you might lose the thread of your conversation. 如果你因为厨房里的碰撞而分心,你可能会失去谈话的thread。 Thread还可以指螺钉或螺栓外面凸起的脊状物,当你想要串或让线穿过针时,你也可以把thread用作动词。 The sound distracted me and I lost the thread of (= forgot) what I was s
    小白云湖 11-22
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    parcel /ˈpɑː.səl/ mainly UK (US usually package) an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper, especially so that it can be sent by post 用纸包裹的物品或东西的集合,尤其是可以邮寄的;包裹,邮包 a food parcel 一包食品 The parcel was wrapped in plain brown paper. 那个包裹是用普通牛皮纸包着的。 parcel sth up to wrap something and make it into a parcel 把…打包,捆扎 Parcel up the books and we'll send them off tomorrow. 把这些书包好,我们明天就把它们寄走。 领取免费试听课程:https://www.longonee.com/ 也
    小白云湖 11-20
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    随着这个欧洲抗疫“特例”的病例数和死亡人数激增,该国首相呼吁人们不要去健身房,不要去图书馆,不要外出就餐,不要派对。 全文共629个词,by Richard Milne, Nordic, Baltic Correspondent Sweden has unveiled tougher restrictions to fight coronavirus as Europe’s outlier on Covid-19 is forced to step up measures to fight the virus as it faces surging numbers of cases and deaths. 瑞典出台了更严格的限制措施以抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,即2019冠状病毒病),目前欧洲抗疫“特例”的病例数和死
    小白云湖 11-18
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    经过N次跳票、卡司难聚齐、疫情从中作梗之后……《老友记》正式官宣要在明年3月开播了! 这下咱们终于可以热泪盈眶的喊出一声:爷的青春真的要回来了!!! 关于重开剧集的相关信息,英大这边为大家总结了第一手资讯: MATTHEW PERRY SAYS THE SPECIAL WILL AIR IN MARCH 2021. 马修·派瑞(钱德勒扮演者)表示特别篇将在2021年3月播出 ALL OF THE STARS ARE COMING BACK.原班人马全部回归 Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courteney Cox (Monica), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matt LeBlanc (Joey), Matthew Perry
    小白云湖 11-17
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    sneeze /sniːz/ When you sneeze, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control. 打喷嚏 Cats make him sneeze - I think he's allergic to them. 猫会使他打喷嚏——我想他对猫过敏。 He has all the classic symptoms of a cold - the coughs and sneezes and the sore throat. 他具备感冒的所有典型症状——咳嗽、打喷嚏和嗓子疼。 领取免费试听课程:https://www.longonee.com/ 也可联系助教获取上课方式:13696452184
    小白云湖 11-13
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    亲爱的久一英语吧的吧友们:大家好! “小白云湖”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计1张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@小白云湖,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
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    我们平常打电话或者一些输入密码时,总会遇到"#"号键和"*"号键。 那大家都知道他们的英文怎么说嘛? "#"号键 ① 美式说法: pound key 英 [paʊnd kiː] 美 [paʊnd kiː] 井号键 Press the pound (#) key when you are finished. 结束时,请按号键。 ② 英式说法: hash key 英 [hæʃ kiː] 美 [hæʃ kiː] 作为散列键;哈希键;杂凑键;散列键;散列键值 ③ "#"号键还常常用来引起话题。 hashtag 英 [ˈhæʃtæɡ] 美 [ˈhæʃtæɡ] n. 推文话题(推特网上用前带#号的字
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    昨天发了一条"I hate this dirty work." 大白当时就震惊了 然后开始跟我讲起了大道理 让我不要去做犯法的事情 尴了尬,大白一定理解错了! HAHAHAHAHA…dirty work 才不是“脏工作”的意思哦! dirty work 当老外对你说:dirty work 其实是说他现在的工作令他讨厌或者厌烦比如一些不讨好的工作 关于work还有这个表达值得学习 work both ways 字面意思:两边都作用所以,它的意思是对双方都适用,产生双重或相反效应 ps:上次学习的 cut both ways 记住了吗? Body lan
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    申请人:小白云湖 申请感言:继续管理好贴吧
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    《致命女人》(why Women Kill)第二季又官宣新消息! 艾莉森·托尔曼和尼克·弗罗斯确认为加盟,全新剧情全新角色。时间将设定在1949年,来探索美丽的意义。看似风平浪静的两性关系下到底掩藏怎样的真相,而女人们为了找到最终归属愿意做些什么... 托尔曼饰演羞怯笨拙的家庭妇女Alma,在残酷的世界中保持着积极乐观,她想要在本地园艺俱乐部有自己的一席之地,也想看到笨手笨脚的女儿嫁出去,但当她得知丈夫秘密的爱好,人生再次受到冲击。 Alm
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    ◆ ◆ 解析 通常,我们会用 go to+ 地点,表示我们去了什么地方,比如: 去学校 go to the school. 去医院 go to the hospital. 那去公司为什么不能说成 go to the company?其实,再仔细看看,我们所说的去学校,去医院是不是都是具体的地点呢? company 虽然指公司,看似是个地点,但其实是一个虚拟的概念,更多的是代表一个以营利为目的的企业组织。 首先,我们来看看school 和 hospital 的解释: 学校:a place where children go to be educated. (孩子们接受教育的地方。)
    小白云湖 10-31
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    锵锵锵~ 马上就要迎来一年一次的万圣节啦!今年因为疫情,可能无法上演“百鬼夜行”的壮观场面,毕竟高峰期间,还是要注意防控。不过一切都拦不住英大这颗躁动而好奇的心,今天就来带大家“云游”一下美国各州著名的恐怖景点! Texas:Yorktown Memorial Hospital 约克敦纪念医院于1988年被废弃,从此成为德州著名的闹鬼胜地之一。它仍保有着那些破床、轮床、镜子、椅子以及其他的医疗设备,有两千多名患者都被无故医死在了这家医院,被称为“冤
    小白云湖 10-31

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