8In the remote southern seas there is a cluster of islands. The weather is fair, the land is fertile and the ocean is rich with fish. Each is
3写出文中提到的两个成语: Number “3” is, always, associated with abundance or, the ultimate limit. There are a lot of proverb
4原文链接:http://www.rd.com/true-stories/inspiring/love-letters-to-strange (1)Hannah Brencher left a note on the subway for a stranger. What came next was an abundance of love. I looked down at my shoes as people filled the train, and then I saw her. I saw her beat-up unlaced construction boots first. I followed the shoes, laceless hole by laceless hole, all the way up to the face of an old woman. She was tiny. She had a slight slump in her shoulders. She wore a bright red cap. Wisps of gray poked out from beneath it. As I watched the woman, I thought about the letters my mother wrote and
0接龙文:Beyond the selfie: the true stories behind our most-liked posts 原文链接:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/17/beyo
6感谢大家积极参与选文和协作文,本次投票截止时间为3月12日上午10:00(本周六上午) 1. 当100个人都来推
5010月19日一周投票结果:得票最多的是Lily推荐的42号文“家有老爸不寂寞” 具体投票结果如下:41号:1票(
2依法规范网络行为 regulate online activities in accordance with the law 社会主义核心价值观 socialist core values (core value
20原文链接: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34130163?plg_nld=1&plg_usr= 字数:1593 (1)Tens of thousands of people go missing
491 “You began the evening well, Charlotte , said Mrs Bennet ,” you were Mr. Bingley’s first choice .” ---- 《傲慢与偏见》(广州--君君 分
02015年11月9日《分享几个与Horse有关的英文习语》 1、 straight from the horse’s mouth字面意思就是“直接从马嘴里得来的”,现在引申为“来源可靠的, 直接得来的; 非道听途说的”。 解释:和赛马有关,赛马要挑选年富力强的马匹参赛,那么了解马匹年龄的最好办法就是直接掰开马嘴看马的牙齿。马每年同时长出两颗恒牙,马齿就代表马的年岁。所以“ straight from the horse’s mouth“就由此引申为:消息来源可靠、权威。 例句:Lisa will be promoted to manager. The bos
51.17[单车画家]译者感言 世间总有一些妙人,在看似平静无澜的岁月里长袖善舞,扰动一池春水,惊起一滩鸥鹭。涟漪泛起,荡漾在眼里,掩映在心头,让人
12Extraordinarily Beautiful Architectural Drawings From the World's Greatest Architects By Kristin Hohenadel 图片1 Josef Frank's concept for a Town for 2000 Families, aerial perspective, c. 1950 Modern architectural drawing is usually computer-generated. The resulting hyper-realistic digital renderings often trick the eye and make it difficult to discern the imagined from the real. 图片2 New York architect James Wines' 1981 proposal for housing in densely populated areas. The ink sketch argued for turning high-rises into framed plots that could include houses and gardens, with internal stree
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6链接:http://narrative.ly/cheating-death/cancer-surviving-composers-ex 字数:1240字 (1)A CANCER-SURVIVING COMPOSER’S EXTRAORDINARY MOVEMENT A sudden and rare brain tumor leads to an accomplished musician’s brush with death and a gap between his brain and his body – but Anthony Ptak will make music any way he can. (2)Being in the cancer ward felt a bit like being in a jazz ensemble. The doctor controlled the tempo like a drummer, the nurses cheered him up like the trumpets, and the screaming patients sent shivers down his spine like the crashing cymbals. All Anthony Ptak w
0http://www.gutenberg.org/files/161/161-h/161-h.htm#chap21 (备注:进入该网页后点击Read this book online:HTML可进入备选文) Brief Introductio
4链接:http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/sep/13/i-lost-a-dec 字数:1400字 I lost a decade of photographs (1)I remember my grandmother used to keep all her family photographs in a box by the front door so that if there was a house fire she could save them. The cat could fend for itself but, in the days before digital cameras and hard drives, if you lost a photograph, it was gone for ever. (2)As a member of Generation Y, I thought that I was immune to this worry, until two months ago when I accidentally deleted every digital photograph I had ever taken. This included all
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