6其实我觉得叫 一个老酒鬼的自述 更合适些
060其实这是个记录帖,把听过的专辑记下来,以供日后装逼之用←_←0http://bulaoge.net/user.blg?dmn=towhereveritmaylead&cid=2212121l1"I was born amidst the purple waterfalls. 我生于紫色的悬瀑之中 I was weak, yet not unblessed. 彼时我虽弱小,却仍受祝福 Dead to the world. Alive for the journey. 我是尘世中的迟钝儿,流浪路上的敏感者 One night I dreamt a white rose withering, 一夜,我梦见一朵白色玫瑰的凋谢 a newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness. 一束新生火光的湮灭,以及一生的孤寂 I dreamt all my future. Relived my past. 我梦见了我的全部未来,重温了我的所有过去 A witnessed the beauty of thebeast" 并见证了兽性之美 Where have all t1Ever felt away with me Just once that all I need Entwined in finding you one day Ever felt away without me My love, it lies so deep Ever dre3一楼百度0The days were brighter Gardens more blooming The nights had more hope In their silence The wild was calling Wishes were whispering The time0We used to swim the same moonlight waters Oceans away from the wakeful day - My fall will be for you - My fall will be for you My love will5古诗词中从不缺少花卉的倩影,花卉不仅装点了诗人的生活,也给他们提供了感情的寄托。本文通过对桃、兰、荷、菊、梅的探讨,对这些花卉做一浅析。4我的nightwish49一楼喂度2白绫纱 青丝发 你眉目亦如画 恍惚间 相望早已无话 心如麻 千古月 付韶华 那一瞬 成刹那 逝年华 转身 泪流如雨下 抱琵琶 声声弹17一楼百度。