1sometimes miss you
3http://www.planetnana.co.il/brenda_aa/Brenda.mp3 好听
20喜欢布兰妮的歌的妹妹请加我的QQ 381088908
5请教一首很好听的歌曲的完整歌词,前两句都是以sometimes 开始,第二句是:sometimes the sun is round the moon.谢谢啦!
45和Overprotected相比 稍慢 但是节奏也是那种很顺的曲子 很棒啊!~
119You tell me you're in love with me Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me It's not that I don't want to stay But every time you come too close I move away I wanna believe in everything that you say 'Cause it sounds so good But if you really want me, move slow There's things about me you just have to know CHORUS Sometimes I run(sometimes) Sometimes I hide Sometimes I'm scared of you But all I really want is to hold you tight Treat you right, be with you day and night Baby all I need is time I don't wanna be so shy (uh i) Every time that I'm alone3苏州哪里有做喇叭,纸盆,音膜模具的,请提供一下联系方式0Sometimes people think that a very happy什么意思29比起原唱Patty Smyth,燕姿唱的更动人!喜欢这个歌的GGMM都来发表意见吧!1sometimes my father and do sports on sunday 变成否定句1我找了好多地方,但都发现没有,百度也查过了,谁有小甜甜sometimes下载的地址啊?要没有病毒滴,谢谢了。0w.jiang wosbxne 316976315@qq.com0於一九四五年,一位非藉少女名KatuLataKulu,乘坐一艘灰色小船由非洲漂游到美国,一位神秘男人杀死了她,而且在背脊割了 "LATUALATUKA"几个字母。一星期后,这消息传到亚洲。现在,你已看完这篇讯息,她会在一星期后飘到家中夺取你最重要的家人性命。现在你已看完这篇讯息, 她会在一星期后飘到你家中夺取你最重要的家人性命。解咒方法只有完成以下指示:将此讯息贴在其他三个留言版的回应内。1这是一首拉丁舞的曲子0sometimes0很好听2帮帮忙啊1sometimes busy是什么意思?15记得她在里面很运动 很清纯的0【连接】小甜甜 布莱妮·斯皮尔斯吧 人生无需惊天动地 快乐就好 友谊无需甜言蜜语 想着就好 金钱无需车载斗量 够用就好 朋友无需遍及天下 有你就好 欢庆5.1佳节.布莱妮·斯皮尔斯吧 ★全体布迷祝贵吧朋友五一快乐★ 愿您百忙之中,起居有节,身心长健,事事顺意! ♡小甜甜9825; 布莱妮·斯皮尔斯吧 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%B2%BC%C0%B3%C4%DD%A1%A4%CB%B9%C6%A4%B6%FB%CB%B90有谁能给我sometime布兰妮的这首歌的下载地址?0怎么在摆渡查不到SOMETIMES这首歌呢19《some times》 —— Britney You tell me you're in love with me like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me It's not that I don't want to stay but every time you come too close I move away I wanna believe in everything that you say 'cause it sounds so good but if you really want me move slow there's things about me you just have to know Sometimes I run Sometimes I hide Sometimes I'm scared of you but all I really want is to hold you tight treat you right be with you day and night Baby all I need is time I don't wanna be so shy.. ev0Sometimes I nearly have no time to go to sleep. In our life, there is only work. Nothing02超爱燕姿2啊,如果能够穿越时空,回到美国历史上某个时代,我真想把它奉献给独立时期的华盛顿将军和广大民兵战士,这首歌缠绵悱恻,它会让当时的华盛顿将军这位执着,坚强的爱国者激发出更多的智慧,胆量和谋略,领导广大的民众取得辉煌战绩,创造出更多的传奇故事.0豆腐花感大幅度0http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/495af45a010009bp0xz你永远也看不见我最爱你的时候,因为我只有在看不见你的时候,才最爱你。同样,你永远也看不见 我最寂寞的时候,因为我只有在你看不见我的时候,我才最寂寞。31Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough下不了~!!!!0谁知道Sometime的中文版叫什么?谁唱的?谢谢!