My girlfriend and I went to stay with her parents at the weekend, but her dad wouldn't let us sleep together. Which is a shame, because I really fancy him. 我和女朋友上周末去她家小住,但是她爸不让我们睡在一块儿。 太可惜了,我是真的喜欢他的。
i hate some of the excuses women come up with for not having sex. Like: "I'm on my period". "I've got a headache" or "Get your hands off my neck I don't even know you". 那些找借口不和我嘿咻的女人最讨厌了 比如:我大姨妈来啦~ 我头疼呀~ 或者 别掐我脖子呀,我都不认识你!
I've managed to avoid around 50 April fools jokes this morning. However, I've now lost my job on the emergency services desk. 今天早上我成功滴识破了大约50个愚人节笑话 然后我丢了这份急救中心前台的工作。
Every year I play an April Fool's Day prank on my wife. Last year I told her I wasn't leaving her to move to Spain. This year, I called her from Spain to say I was coming back. 每年我都给老婆开个愚人节玩笑。 去年我告诉她我不会离开她去西班牙的, 今年,我从西班牙打电话给她说我想回去了。
When Barack Obama was giving his speech after being elected as president, he had to do it behind three inch thick bullet-proof glass. I thought that was a bit harsh - just because he's black doesn't mean he's going to shoot anyone. 奥巴马发表就职演说的时候,是站在3英寸厚的防弹玻璃后面的。 我觉得这有点过了 他是黑人又不表示他会开枪打人。
BBC News - British student dies two weeks after falling from a balcony in Majorca. ****, how high was that balcony!? BBC 新闻- 英国男孩从阳台跌落,两周后死亡。 靠,这阳台是有多高啊!?
I was chatting to an American about all the pain we felt on 9/11/2001. I should know- I caught my foreskin in my zip that day. Which, by the way, was the 9th of November. 我和一个美国人聊起我们在9/11/2001那天共同感到的伤痛。 我怎能不了接 那天裤子拉链把我JJ皮夹住了。 对了,我说的是11月9号。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 这里的Which 要怎么翻译呢?
所以大家不要再吐槽CCTV的专家了嘛~ BBC News : "Gaddafi 'Not Targeted' By US Strikes" So we can safely assume that he'll be dead within days. BBC 新闻: 卡扎菲不是美国的袭击目标。 所以我们可以基本判断他活不过这几天了。
真的是,重口味都藏在后边呀~~ I don't know what's happening in this country. You've got school children dressing like whores and whores dressing like school children. It's a nightmare - you don't know whether to carry sweets or money 这个国家究竟是肿么了? 女学生穿的跟鸡似的,鸡穿的跟女学生似的。 都不知道应该带糖合适还是带钱合适了。
A man says to his wife, "I fancy kinky sex, how about I blow my load in your ear?" The wife hastily replies, "No, I might go deaf!" To which the man replies, "I've been shooting my load in your mouth for the last 20 years and you're still ****ing talking aren't you?" 老公跟老婆说,我就爱尝试各种新花儿样,要不我she你耳朵里试试? 老婆说,不行!那样我就聋了! 老公说,我都往你嘴里she了20年了,你他妹的也没见哑!