-你知道拼图的由来吗? -You know the origin of the jigsaw puzzle? -不知道. -No. -在1760年,有一位专门设计地图的英国人. -In 1760.There was an English mapmaker. 他把画好的地图贴在一块木板上 He stuck one of his map onto a wooden board. 然后沿着乡村都市一块一块的割下来 Then cut around the borders of the towns. 然后再拿给小朋友拼 And had his kids put it back together. 小朋友拼久了之后 When they were done 就会知道他们是住在哪个乡村 哪个都市. They knew where they lived,where home is. 所以这也是世界上第一个拼图. And that's the world's first jigsaw puzzle. -你怎么会知道这个? -How do you know this? -那边写的. -It's over there.